Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2118: Chase

The burly knight in the lead said in a deep voice, "This friend, haven't we finished what happened just now? Why are you still holding on to the pain?"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "That's right, the thing just now is over, but there is still one thing that is not over!"

"What else?" they said in unison.

Chen Feng was still smiling, but his smile was stern: "The slave slave in your mouth, sorry, it is my Uncle Dao!"

"What? He is your Uncle Dao? You call it Uncle Dao? I know who you are!" The burly knight let out an incredulous roar: "You are Chen Feng!"

"You are the boy who walks away with a slave in the shadow of the ancient city!"

"Also called Dao Slave? Should slap your mouth!" Chen Feng sneered coldly, his figure flashed, came to him, and with a snap, a big eared photon slapped his face severely.

He was slapped with his head tilted, and blood mixed with his teeth was sprayed out!

And he didn't react at all.

These people were even more shocked, and they had a new understanding of Chen Feng's strength.

Chen Feng looked at them and sneered: "Now, I give you a chance to tell me all the news about Uncle Dao and what happened, and I will let you die!"

"If not, I will make you suffer before you die!"

The red-haired young man stared at Chen Feng with a hideous face, and roared violently: "So you are in the same group as that humble bastard. He killed my brother, how can I tell you his information?"

"Even if I die, I will never tell you! I want that old thing to be buried with my brother!"

"Really?" Chen Feng sneered: "Okay, then go to death!"

As he said, Chen Feng's figure flashed, came to him, and his palms blasted out.

It is the first move of the strong vajra palm, vajra pushing the mountain.

The red-haired young man madly resisted, but his offensive was in front of the strong vajra palm, which was as fragile as paper. Chen Feng's palms smashed his defenses to pieces, and then stamped heavily on his heart.

He spouted out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments, and he flew out and fell to the ground, already being directly killed.

Chen Feng looked at the remaining three people and said coldly: "I changed my mind. Now of the three of you, only one of you has the opportunity to tell me the news."

"The other two people will be killed."

As soon as Chen Feng said these words, the three people who were a bit hesitant at first all changed their faces, and they looked at the two people beside them as if they were looking at the enemy.

At this time, they had realized that they would definitely not be Chen Fengfeng's opponents, and they would have to say it sooner or later. There is only one dead word for resistance.

So the three of them shouted almost simultaneously: "I said."

Chen Feng smiled and pointed to the burly knight, and said, "You speak the fastest, this is your chance."

With that said, Chen Feng used his vajra palm to kill another person. The man let out a frantic scream of despair before his death. There were no rules for his moves. Chen Feng gave him a light palm and pressed it on his forehead, bleeding from his seven orifices. The whole person is stuck on the ground.

Then, Chen Feng made a mistake and escaped the offensive of another person. Behind him, a King Kong played the pipa, instantly shattering all his bones and internal organs, and fell to the ground.

But in a moment, Chen Feng killed three of these four.

Only the burly man was left alone, and the burly knight saw this scene with a horrified expression on his face, full of deep fear of Chen Feng, and no strange thoughts anymore.

He trembled and said, "I said. I will tell you everything."

Then, he explained the course of the matter.

It turned out that after Uncle Dao left the ancient city of Shenying, the Colosseum has never stopped chasing him.

The young master of the Colosseum was also for fun, so he personally accepted the task of tracking him, and left the ancient city of Shenying with more than a dozen masters.

Their methods were really powerful, and they really found some clues, but what they didn't expect was that Uncle Dao brazenly attacked their team first, severely wounded the young master, and killed two or three more. A weaker player.

Then, quickly escaped away.

These people were extremely angry and hated to the extreme.

You know, the eldest master was seriously injured and he didn't know his life or death. They were responsible for the worst. Only when Uncle Dao was taken down could they make up for their sins.

Therefore, some of them went to hunt and kill Uncle Dao, and some of them brought the young master to Xue's doctor's place, ready to save the young master.

Here is a barren Gobi desert, even in this desert, it is almost the coldest and most barren place.

In the entire 10,000 li radius, there were no people, let alone people, there were not even a few monsters.

Because here is not only desolate, but there are often small cracks between the huge stones on the earth, and a trace of black mist floats out from the cracks.

Here, it is said that it used to be the central battlefield during an ancient war, so a lot of tyrannical forces were left behind, and even the ground was broken.

From time to time, a strange power floated out of it.

After this power floats out, it will directly cause huge harm to people, so few people are willing to come here.

Since there are few people here, it is naturally relatively hidden here.

But today, the tranquility here has been broken.

Suddenly, there was a violent wheezing in the distance, like pulling a bellows, and the violent coughing indicated that the person was already seriously injured.

And the fact is exactly the same. As the voice approached, a huge figure appeared on the rocky beach.

This figure is about five meters tall and has an extremely majestic figure, but at this time his body is indeed covered with large and small wounds, and blood poured out crazily from inside.

And his chest collapsed even more, and he was clutching his chest, breathing heavily.

Suddenly, he stopped, the whole person bends like a shrimp, bent over, clutching his chest, coughing violently, a mouthful of blood mixed with blood clots, and even visceral fragments, sprayed out of his mouth. .

Obviously, he has suffered a very serious internal injury!

Finally, he couldn't walk anymore, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled forward a few times.

At this time, his consciousness has been blurred and his spirit has dispersed.

He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything. He could only feel a wave of light in front of him and blurry everywhere.

He was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, and there was some relief in his heart, and he muttered, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die here today."

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