Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2101: Battle! Desert giant!

His whole body is earthy yellow, and the yellow light on the surface of his body is constantly flowing, giving people a very strong and condensed feeling.

His appearance is similar to Helian's mad killing just now, but his aura is many times higher than Helian's mad killing?

This is a genuine desert giant!

Seeing the emergence of this desert giant, the people of the Kuangsha tribe were all very excited and murmured.

They danced continuously, just like holding a sacred sacrifice.

The desert giant let out a low growl: "Who is it? How dare you interrupt my retreat?"

"Do you know the consequences of this?"

The general of the Kuangsha tribe, Helian Kuangxiong, fell to his knees and respectfully said: "My ancestors, we didn't intentionally disturb your retreat."

'It is true that a powerful enemy has killed them, wantonly slaughtering the tribe, even the patriarch was killed by him, we can not resist, we have to turn to you! "

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Fengfeng and said loudly: "It's her, he killed the patriarch!"

The desert giant's eyes condensed, looked at Chen Feng, and said lightly: "Did you kill Helian?"

Chen Feng touched his nose, smiled and said, "It seems so."

He didn't have any denial, because he was not afraid, even if this giant seemed to be much stronger than Helian's slaying, but so what?

The desert giant looked at Chen Feng and said lightly: "These people are the descendants of our desert giants. They have our blood. Although they are not very close to us, they are ultimately a family."

"Moreover, I have stayed here for thousands of years. I am enshrined by them and sacrificed by them every day. I can't accept these in vain."

"Today, I will get rid of you for their tribe."

After he finished speaking, everyone raised their brows, but he didn't expect him to speak so neatly.

And he took it for granted, as if he said that if he could kill Chen Feng, he would definitely be able to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at him with a slight smile on his lips: "You want to kill me, right? Then, come on!"

He reached out and handed Han Yuer to Li Jiarong, and said softly, "Help me take care of it."

"Okay." Li Qiurong nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, she must be fine with me."

Chen Feng looked at the desert giant with a solemn expression. Although he said it lightly, in fact, he felt that this desert giant was today his number one enemy in this wild sand tribe.

His strength is very powerful!

Chen Feng felt that he was not sure about it!

The desert giant looked at Chen Feng, suddenly a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he patted his hands on the ground. Suddenly, countless huge yellow clay stone walls appeared around his body.

These stone walls squeezed hard towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng screamed, and bombarded with both fists one after another, rushing towards the stone walls, and directly smashing them.

At this time, Chen Feng had exhausted all the power of the dragon descending Arhat, but Chen Feng could still be infinitely powerful only with the strength of his body!

After all, he now has a full 300 million catties of strength!

The power of blood, crazy urges!

The desert giant smiled slightly and waved his hand, and more stone walls appeared beside Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng continued to bombard, continue to break, and then the stone wall appeared again, as if it were endless.

Chen Feng frowned: "This desert giant's fighting method is really..."

The people around him also booed: "Did you fight like this? It's endless, right?"

The desert giant looked at them, and the voice like Hong Zhong was full of wisdom: "We have lived longer than ordinary people for many years. We will naturally choose the best way to fight."

"Don't you think that this is the safest and least expensive way?"

Everyone is speechless!

And his method was obviously extremely effective. Chen Feng was already panting, sweating profusely, and his body was exhausted.

He knows that if this continues, he will be consumed alive. The power of the desert giant to control the soil and rock is really superb and endless.

With a sharp roar, Chen Feng jumped up into the air and launched an attack on the desert giant.

And a smile appeared on the corner of the desert giant's mouth: "What I'm waiting for is now!"

With that said, he also blasted out with a punch.

The yellow light condensed, with a boom, the two collided together.

With a wow, Chen Feng spouted a mouthful of blood, and was knocked down and flew thousands of meters away, and his whole body was smashed to the ground.

He felt that all the power in his body was squeezed out, and all the bones and flesh were smashed to pieces.

Chen Feng was shocked: "Now when I hit the peak of the Eight-Star Martial King with a single punch, if I use the Shenlong to destroy the world, I can reach the early stage of the Nine-Star Martial King."

"The strength of this giant has definitely reached the mid-stage of the Nine-Star Martial King, and it is several times stronger than Helian's mad killing just now, and it is impossible for me to resist!

The next moment, before Chen Feng could react, the desert giant made a move with both hands. Suddenly, an extremely huge yellow giant fist was formed over Chen Feng's head, and it slammed into Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his arms, punched upwards, and with a bang, the two collided together. Then, Chen Feng was smashed and spurted blood again, and his injuries were even more serious!

Next, the desert giant seemed to be playing tricks. He changed dozens of ways one after another to ravage Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was beaten so terribly that he was already seriously injured and dying.

He also saw at this time that this desert giant was actually enough to kill himself by relying on his mid-stage power of the Nine-Star Martial King, but he did so, just to play with himself.

At this time, the calm and calm smile on the desert giant's face disappeared, and suddenly turned into a hideous, terrifying smile:

"Little bastard, do you feel it now, I'm actually playing you?"

"Hahahaha, you feel right, I will tell you why!"

"Do you know that, in order to make Helian's mad killing have today's achievements, I poured 30% of the blood in my body into his body, and you ruined my efforts! How can I spare it? you?"

He suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, a dozen yellow lights suddenly appeared, and then he came directly to Chen Feng, turned into countless shackles, and firmly bound Chen Feng.

Chen Feng couldn't move a single move.

The desert giant faintly said: "Killing him like this is too cheap. Put him in jail first."

Then, he pointed to Helian Kuangxiong and said, "From today, you are the patriarch of Kuangsha tribe."

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