Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2088: King Kong is not bad for magic!

"As long as I can reach the third heavenly realm, then, my palm, even if it is from the first move to the fifth move, I can play it back and forth three times, so that I can drop it. The power of the Dragon Arhat is exhausted!"

"In this case, the continuity of my battle has been greatly improved, and it can make me fight longer!"

Chen Feng was extremely happy, and this martial art was simply too suitable for him.

Then he looked over the next wall.

On the next wall, there are six big characters on the top: King Kong is not bad for magic!

This King Kong is not bad, but it has even reached the eighth rank of heaven!

Chen Feng looked down, and the more he looked, the more he felt a sense of thrill, and finally he could not help but let out a sigh: "There is such a tyrannical exercise in this world!"

The magical power of King Kong is not bad is not created by this Buddha dragon bone, but a kind of magical power he brought from another world outside the territory.

In other words, this kind of magic is not the dragon vein mainland's own.

In that world, this kind of magical skill was honored as: Defence No. 1 in the world!

After training to great success, once the body is used, everything from the inside to the outside begins to transform, transforming into an extremely strong metal substance, extremely hard and strong enough to resist all attacks.

Of course, Chen Feng felt that this resistance to all attacks must be fake, too exaggerated, but it is definitely very powerful.

Otherwise, it would not be honored as the magical skill of defense first!

This King Kong is not bad magic power, divided into three realms, namely: gold is not bad, purple gold is not bad, and pure gold is not bad.

Once trained into the incorruptible body of red gold, once displayed, the light of red and gold intertwined flashed all over the body.

All poisons are not destroyed, thousands of troops can be used for easy, strong and invincible, and King Kong is not bad!

After reading it, Chen Feng froze for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh, and the laughter was full of joy: "If I really want to sleep, someone will come to bring pillows."

What Chen Feng most urgently needs now is a powerful defense technique and a powerful conventional attacking martial art. Now, this King Kong is not bad, isn't it a powerful defense technique?

And the Powerful Diamond Palm far exceeded his expectations, making him overjoyed.

Because the strong vajra palm can not only be used as a regular move, but also powerful enough.

To put it bluntly, compared to the Dragon's Turning Seal, the Powerful Diamond Palm is more powerful and consumes less, so it can be used as a regular exercise.

With it, the Dragon King's Mark becomes a lot more tasteless!

However, it is a pity that the requirement of Powerful Vajra Palm is that the main syllabus of the dragon descending Arhat scriptures can break through to the third genius, and Chen Feng can't achieve this at all!

After Chen Feng watched these two martial arts, he looked down again at the general outline of the dragon descending Arhat scripture.

When his gaze swept there, some of the writing lightened up.

This is the third heaven of the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scripture. Chen Feng didn't take a closer look, but looked down.

Then, the fourth heaven will light up in turn, and the fifth heaven will also light up.

Below, there is no more.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "It seems that Folong did scatter his martial arts and techniques throughout the mainland before he died."

"The General Outline of the Truth of the Dragon and Arhat I have found the triple heaven again, and now I have the fifth heaven!"

After reading it, Chen Feng couldn't help sighing softly, and then retreated from the training space of Jianglong Arhat Scriptures.

He whispered: "These two martial arts are very powerful, very powerful, and I am actually capable of practicing now, and my strength will improve a lot after practicing."

"But it's a pity that these two martial arts require me to reach the third level of genius to be able to practice. Then I will first understand it for a while, and then practice again when the time comes."

After speaking, Chen Feng was immersed in it again, and then began to comprehend.

This insight is one night.

When the sun rose the next day, Chen Feng stepped back, with a clear look on his face, and said softly: "These two martial arts are in the same line as before. It is not difficult for me to comprehend."

"If you can practice now, you can get started easily, but unfortunately you still have to wait until the third genius!"

Chen Feng is now even more looking forward to entering the third heaven.

However, if you want to step into the third heaven, you need to evolve, and your body needs to improve your blood. For this, Chen Feng is still at a loss.

After returning to the team, he happened to run into Li Qiurong. Chen Feng looked at Li Qiurong and said lightly: "Take a step to speak."

"Yes." Li Qiurong was very respectful, and followed Chen Feng to a hidden place nearby.

She smiled and said, "Master Chen, I didn't expect you to be such a great master. The little girl walked away before. Don't blame you for disrespect."

She wanted to say this since yesterday, and now she has found an opportunity.

Chen Feng said indifferently: "I am a person, if there is grudges, there will be retributions, and if you have a gratitude, you have not offended me, naturally I will not take you to you, on the contrary, you still have kindness to me."

Li Qiurong looked at Chen Fengfeng, with a hint of hope in his eyes, and said, "Master Chen, I wonder what you want next?"

Chen Feng could see the thoughts in his heart, and said lightly: "It just so happens that I also want to go to the Kuangsha tribe, let's go together, it just happens to be an **** for you, and I will pay back your kindness to save me."

Li Qiu Rongrong was very excited, and laughed loudly: "Okay, then I would like to thank Master Chen."

The team continued to move forward, Li Qiurong packed up a very luxurious carriage inlaid with gold and jade, and invited Chen Feng to sit in the carriage.

Chen Feng is also welcome. He is inside, isolated from the human voice, very quiet, and naturally easier for his cultivation.

At noon, Li Qiurong's voice came from outside, and the voice was full of respect: "Young Master Chen, he has almost reached the boundary of the Kuangsha tribe."

His words awakened Chen Feng from quiet cultivation.

During this afternoon, Chen Feng was still comprehending the power of Vajra Palm and Vajra is not bad for the body, and he has already gained quite a bit.

He said lightly: "You are the master of everything in the caravan, don't ask me."

"Yes." Li Qiurong respectfully responded, and was about to retreat.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a huge sound in the distance, and the earth seemed to tremble.

Chen Feng immediately judged that this was a very huge monster trampling on the ground. He gently opened the curtain to look at it, and then saw smoke and dust everywhere outside.

The next moment, not far from the front, a team of knights appeared, about seven or eight people. Each of these knights is riding a giant desert bear, which is hundreds of meters high and five in length. Six hundred meters.

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