Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2086: Knowing the mistake now? late!

"Yes, these blood camel sect masters who are very powerful in our eyes, under his hand, are like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow."

"How does he practice? He is only about twenty years old, so he is already so strong?"

"It can only be said to be a genius, a genius out of the box!"

At this moment, one of their gazes looking at Chen Feng was extremely hot.

It was Li Qiurong. She looked at Chen Feng, her face changed from being calm at the beginning to shock, and then from shock to fanaticism and intoxication.

She murmured softly: "This is the real young hero, and this is the real hero!"

"I, Li Qiurong, can only marry such a person if I want to marry!"

She glanced at Xiang Hongyun, and a look of contempt flashed in her eyes: "Compared with him, what is Xiang Hongyun worth? It's just a waste!"

Beside her, Lancao and Meizhu were also shocked, the difference is that Meizhu's face only had joy and a trace of admiration.

But Lancao looked at Chen Feng with a little more complex color, and that complex color finally turned into a strong worship.

She looked at Mei Zhu, her face full of envy, and said softly, "Mei Zhu, you are so lucky to be able to meet him."

Although Mei Zhu was very dissatisfied with what she did to Chen Feng before, but at this moment, seeing her look sad and frustrated, she was also a little bit unwilling and unbearable, and whispered: "Do you know him too?"

"I'm different from you." Lancao said with a wry smile: "You were kind to him in the first place, but now he looks at you differently in his heart."

"And I always talked to him like that. He is afraid that he hates me in his heart. I regret it." She regretted it to the extreme at this time.

Not only did I regret that I had offended Chen Feng, but also felt that I was blinded by a dog before, and I was so wronged by a young hero.

At this time, she felt a deep admiration and love for Chen Feng in her heart.

That's not true love, it's just fascination caused by worship!

At this time, Chen Feng naturally didn't know their thoughts, he was just full of anger.

In just a moment, all these people were killed.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, then turned around and walked towards the caravan.

When he turned and walked towards the caravan, many people in the caravan changed their faces.

These people were all people who had humiliated Chen Feng. They all fell on their knees like dumplings, begging for mercy.

Chen Feng looked at them, a scorn flashed in his eyes, and said faintly: "Now I know that I was wrong?"

"Wrong, we know it was wrong, we shouldn't have said that about you before." Everyone kowtowed.

They thought of the way they said before, regretted it and felt hot on their faces.

"Now that I was wrong? It's too late!"

Chen Feng suddenly sketched a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "There are some mistakes, you can't make them, because the price you pay is beyond your reach!"

As he said, Chen Feng suddenly sneered, his body shook, and then the dark golden light instantly shook, enveloped those people.

Then in the next moment, those people screamed, and the dantian was broken, and the cultivation level was already abolished.

But none of them dared to say anything more. Chen Feng was able to spare them a life, which made them very lucky.

Then, Chen Feng turned his gaze to Xiang Hongyun and smiled and said, "Master Xiang, you have humiliated me repeatedly before, should we forget about this account?"

Xiang Hongyun looked at Chen Feng, his fear reached the limit. Suddenly he gritted his teeth and slapped his dantian with a fierce palm, directly smashing the dantian with a bang.

Internal strength poured out from inside, and he fell directly to the ground, looking at Chen Feng, and screamed miserably: "Is it all right now? I have abolished my cultivation base myself, can you spare me?"

Chen Feng nodded: "It's still a bit decisive, you have at least won one life for yourself!"

Xiang Hongyun made a miserable cry that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, but he dared not say a word of refutation.

Then, Chen Feng said faintly: "Find out all the Xuan Huangshi from the people of the Blood Camel Sect, I want to use it."

Everyone in the caravan was frightened and no one responded. At this time, Li Qiurong took a deep look at Chen Feng and said loudly, "Have you not heard Master Chen's instructions? Hurry up!"

"Yes!" Everyone in the caravan woke up like a dream, and then they came back to their senses and quickly started searching.

These blood camel sect people are robbing houses and robbing houses. They have always been accustomed to putting all their belongings on them, and it is no exception now.

Therefore, every one of them is quite rich, and after some searching, they have obtained about fifty thousand Xuan Huangshi.

Then, under Li Qiurong's order, they respectfully placed these mysterious yellow stones in front of Chen Fengfeng.

Chen Feng didn't even look at it, and walked directly to Li Qiurong's carriage.

Lancao's face showed an unconcealable look of fear, looking at Chen Feng, shivering, his face pale.

But what surprised her was that Chen Feng ignored her at all and looked directly at Mei Zhu.

Chen Feng ignored her directly!

This made Lancao's face pale instantly, and Chen Feng was a naked humiliation, which made her feel more uncomfortable than killing her.

Chen Feng looked at Mei Zhu, smiled and said, "Miss Mei Zhu, you rescued me from the lake. I said that you will repay you."

Mei Zhu felt that everyone's eyes were on her at this time. She was that kind of shy temperament. She immediately became very nervous, flushed, and waved her hands in a panic, "I, I don't want... son," I don't want it."

Everyone was anxious for her: "This girl, why is she so stupid? Chen Feng, such a powerful master, offered to repay him, but you didn't?"

They didn't know that when Chen Feng saw Mei Zhu's disposition, he nodded in his heart, smiled and said, "I give you the reward, you have to take it if you don't want it."

With that, Chen Feng actually put an object directly in her hands.

Mei Zhu instinctively took the thing, but found that it was a jade book. After she opened it, she suddenly saw that the jade book was actually a book of practice secrets!

She exclaimed: "Here, Master Chen, I can't ask... this is too expensive."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "This is a little bit of my practice experience, you can keep it, it's okay."

This is what Chen Feng took the time to write in the past few days. It is a summary of some of his previous martial arts techniques.

It is not particularly high-level, but it is enough to raise Mei Zhu to the rank of Six or Seven Star Martial King, which is very suitable for her cultivation.

A higher-level practice secret is not that Chen Feng didn't want to give it, but that it would harm Meizhu if given it.

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