Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2083: The Blood Camel is coming again!

The carriage curtain was opened from time to time, and Li Qiurong's gaze at Chen Feng was full of scrutiny.

Mei Zhu looked at him with a hint of admiration.

As for bluegrass, it is full of strong hostility and disdain.

Above another giant monster beast not far away, Xu Hongyun swept across Chen Feng, his eyes full of viciousness and contempt.

Among the other caravans, the gazes towards Chen Feng were basically full of contempt.

After a few things that happened before, Chen Feng has not taken any action again. They all looked down upon him very much, thinking that this person was just a trash coward.

At this point, it has been three days since then.

For the past three days, nothing has happened. If you go further, it is the territory of the Kuangsha tribe, let alone worry about it.

Therefore, everyone in the caravan is very relaxed.

And at this moment, suddenly, there was the sound of hooves cracking in the distance, like the sound of countless monsters trampling the ground.

Then, there were bursts of yo-he sound in the air, and bursts of strange screams, and some of the experienced guards in the caravan changed their faces drastically.

Because this is a common way for sand bandits in the desert.

They will first make a lot of hoof noises, shouts, intimidate the caravan people, so that the caravan people don't know how many people they have, and then step forward to plunder.

Soon, the smoke and dust billowed, and countless huge two-humped camels appeared in front of everyone.

On each Bactrian camel is a big man on the rider, all these big men are wearing white robes, and on the robes are embroidered with blood camels!

This time, the number of them came by a few hundred more than before, reaching thousands of them, and they soon surrounded the caravan.

Obviously, after they were cleaned up by Chen Feng, they were reinforced, no matter how powerful they were, the number of them was indeed much larger.

They rode camels on the periphery, constantly shouting back and forth, and constantly hitting the circle, making the caravan even more panic and exclaiming.

"It's from the blood camel faction!"

"The people of the Blood Camel faction are here again! Didn't we give them 30,000 Xuan Huangshi last time? Why are they still reluctant to give up? They are here again?"

"Moreover, this time, it seems that their momentum is much greater than before, and the number of them has exceeded ten times before, just don't know how many masters there are!"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and many people showed fear on their faces.

Because, if this time the master is ten times the previous time, then they are not opponents at all.

Li Qiurong also walked out of the carriage with a hint of anger on his face.

And Xiang Hongyun, even though he was holding the handle of the knife tightly at this time, his whole body was trembling all the time, swallowing non-stop saliva, appeared very nervous, even a trace of fear in his expression.

The reason why he dared to be so tough last time was because the opponent had only one master last time, and he was confident to win. Now when he thought that the opponent might have many masters and he was definitely not an opponent, he was immediately extremely afraid!

At this time, the blood camel sent a strange laugh, and then the crowd walked away, and a whole number of ten people wearing elder robes came out from inside.

The elder who led the blood camel to send everyone to looting two days ago was among them.

And it seems that he is not a high status among them, he can only walk behind!

Everyone in the caravan screamed in panic, because every one of the dozens of people who came out was quite powerful, reaching the six-star martial king realm.

How do they fight this?

At this time, after looking at Hongyun clearly, his face showed extreme fear, and his whole body was trembling violently, and even the knife could not be held firmly.

The dozens of blood camel elders walked in front of everyone, and then the elder who had come two days ago sneered and said: "Hahahaha, didn't you think that we went and come back again?"

"I really didn't expect it." At this time, Xiang Hongyun was too nervous to say anything, only knowing to swallow wildly.

Li Qiurong was still stable, and she said lightly: "I didn't expect you to be so despicable and shameless! You broke your trust!"

"After taking the Xuan Huangshi, I have to challenge again!"

"I'm despicable, so what?" The blood camel elder said with a gloomy face, and said grimly: "You dared to do it with us? You still want to do it with us?"

"With the action of drawing your sword, I will kill you all to let you know how powerful our blood camel faction is!"

At this time, Xiang Hongyun suddenly squeezed the knife, summoned all his courage, and shouted: "What do you want to do? The Xiang family and Li family are definitely not easy to provoke!"

Hearing his words, the blood camel sent everyone to look at each other, and then all laughed disdainfully.

"Xiang family? What is Xiang family? If it is at its peak, our blood camel faction will be destroyed if we say it. Now even if it is my blood camel faction master, then I will not fear you at all!"

An elder of the Blood Camel faction sneered and said: "Okay, then we have to see, after all of you are beheaded, what will happen to the Li Family and the Xiang Family! What can they do!"

Xiang Hongyun's face turned pale for an instant. He thought of relying on the Xiang family and Li family, but they didn't take it seriously.

This made him lose all his courage instantly!

Lancao was also trembling with fright, she cast her gaze on Li Qiurong, this was her last hope.

Not only she was like this, but everyone in the caravan was also like this. Everyone knew that in fact, it was Li Qiurong who really controlled the caravan.

Li Qiurong said indifferently: "You seniors of the Blood Camel Sect, we are all people of the Great Desert, so we must always speak some rules."

"Before, we had already broken money, and just wanted to avoid disasters, but you are making a comeback. What kind of path is that?"

"Draw out, let's go on!"

"What way?" the leading blood camel elder said miserably: "We want your wealth, and we want your people."

Another person said in an interface: "Moreover, the most important thing is that my blood camel sect has suffered such a huge humiliation before. This time the plot to make a comeback is extremely confidential!"

"Otherwise, if the strong man who almost killed us knows, he will surely kill us all!"

"So, today, none of you are destined to run away! We can't, we leaked the news!"

Everyone was shocked: "What kind of master can drive them into such despair?"

They didn't know that this peerless master was in their team.

When the blood camel elder said the last sentence, he became extremely hideous and stupid, and many blood camel sect people also shouted: "Kill, kill, kill!"

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