Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2073: Han Yuer, fight hard!

So she hasn't made progress in her cultivation these days, and now, she regrets: "If my strength is stronger, even if I can't help the master, at least it won't be a drag on him."

"At least, I can come down and run by myself, so that Junior Brother can be faster, so that he won't be so tired!"

Chen Feng felt that he was really going to collapse, from physical to mental.

He couldn't help but want to stop, but at this moment he looked back and saw the white figure quietly appearing in the distance.

Chen Feng continued to gritted his teeth and ran forward.

Even in this situation, Chen Feng did not give up hope, as long as he is still alive, there is hope.

This chase continued for another day.

Suddenly, Chen Feng couldn't control it anymore. He staggered under his feet and stumbled directly on the ground. He vomited blood with a big mouth, and his body broke out with countless wounds. He felt like he was spinning around and he might faint at any time.

Chen Feng's performance was excessively exhausted. He was not seriously injured, but he was alive and seriously injured!

Chen Feng knows what is waiting for him next, if he runs like this again, he will run to death alive.

But Chen Feng had no choice.

Chen Feng felt the oncoming humidity, and a huge oasis appeared in front of it, with a lake on it, and a series of mountains beside the oasis. There was no desert range, but it had already reached an extreme point in the desert. Among the big mountains.

Chen Feng knew the name of this mountain range because he had passed by here more than once recently, but he did not expect that this time passing by would be such a miserable situation.

The name of this mountain range is: Impossible Mountain Range.

"Desperate Mountain Range." Chen Feng took a deep breath: "Are you going to be in desperation here today?"

Chen Feng ran forward frantically, but when he came to the foot of the mountain, the devil sneer behind him suddenly rang.

Ku Rong said indifferently: "Well, Chen Feng, it's been six days. I've been playing with you for six days, and the time is not short. It's time to end. I'm impatient!"

It was as if Chen Feng had not heard him, he would not give up his life just because of a word from anyone.

He climbed up the mountain, which was very high, with a height of hundreds of thousands of meters, but for Ku Rong, it was just a matter of instant.

Chen Feng climbed up the mountain step by step. He couldn't hold it again and he vomited blood crazily again, but Chen Feng vomited the blood clean, but gritted his teeth and continued to climb.

He didn't feel the pain in his body.

Following him, Ku Rong showed a sneer on his face, and said with disdain: "Do you think that you can escape for your life? So naive!"

He suddenly raised his voice and said, "Chen Feng, I am very kind and allow you to go to the top of the mountain. When you reach the top of the mountain, it is the time when I take your life!"

Chen Feng didn't hear about it and just climbed forward.

The hope in his heart is not extinguished, and the trace of resistance in his heart has never stopped.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng came to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain was a bare platform, and at the end of the platform was a cliff!

Clouds and mists linger below, I don't know how deep it is.

If you fall from here, I am afraid you will be crushed!

There is no road ahead, and at this time, a smug smile appeared on Ku Rong's face: "Hahaha, are you desperate? Are you two very desperate now?"

"Fleeing all the way, but in the end I found that I had escaped, but I finally found that I was still going to die. There was no hope of escape.

An extremely vicious look appeared on his face: "What I want is this kind of despair, and what I want is your deadly gaze, which makes me feel very enjoyable when I watch it!"

"Hahahaha!" As he said, he let out a vicious laugh.

But at this moment, Chen Feng felt soft and directly sat down on the ground, spurting blood again.

He felt that he didn't have a trace of strength anymore, his injury at this time had reached the level of being seriously injured and dying. This was a real life to run people to death and exhaustion.

Han Yuer hugged her and asked with concern: "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Her voice was full of pain and worry, like a cuckoo cuckooing blood.

Suddenly, she raised her head, her face was full of cold and harsh expressions, looking at Ku Rong, she shouted sharply: "Ku Rong, even if we go to hell, we will never let you go!"

"Okay, I'll wait!" Ku Rong smiled and said, "Our veteran monk in the ten directions of jungles is best at the evil spirits from the **** that crosses the transformation!"

"I tell you, you are a human being, I can kill you, if you become a ghost, I can kill you again!"

His face was full of arrogance, and suddenly his expression became cold, and he said loudly: "Boy, I'm already impatient and entangled with you anymore. Now I have taken your life, got your secret, and returned to the Shifang Jungle! "

As he said, his figure flashed, and he bombarded Chen Feng with a palm.

This palm, wrapped in wind and thunder, is extremely tyrannical.

His realm has reached the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King, and the strength of the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King, even in Chen Feng's heyday, is not an opponent at all.

At this time, he would kill him in one move.

As long as this palm falls, Chen Feng will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, Han Yuer suddenly let out a stern cry: "Don't move my junior!"

With that said, she actually flew out directly and threw herself in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng let out a horrified shout, even when he watched that palm was about to die, he was not so panicked.

But at this time, he panicked.

Because he knew that Han Yuer could never stop this palm.

With a sharp roar, Han Yuer's Martial Spirit suddenly appeared. The Martial Spirit was a small tree, and above the small tree was a milky white leaf, only this milky white leaf.

Chen Feng had seen this Wuhun. He still remembered that when he asked what magical effects this Wuhun had, Han Yuer didn't say anything.

Han Yuer turned around at this time and looked at Chen Feng with tenderness and honey in his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "Junior Brother, you asked me what the role of my martial soul is, I didn't tell you!"

"Because you won't know until the moment of life and death!"

"My martial spirit is to instill all my essence, qi, blood, and everything into it, instill it into this leaf, and then block the fatal blow!"

"After blocking this blow, I will lose all my remaining lifespan, leaving only three months of life!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he let out a huge exclamation, stretched out his hand, and shouted: "Senior Sister, no, please don't!"

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