Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2071: Monk in White Clothes: Ku Rong

After they left, those caravans helped each other to come to Chen Feng, knelt to the ground, and shouted: "Gongong, thank you Gongong for saving our lives!"

They were grateful to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said loudly: "If the road sees injustice, draw a knife to help, this is what my generation of warriors should do."

"If you blindly fight bravely and fiercely, competing for fame and fortune, it goes against the original intention and original intention of the warrior.

Under the setting sun, in the desert, the young man's loud words were impassioned and passionate, that was the warrior's clank oath.

Chen Feng then escorted them to the largest town nearby. Only then did they leave with Han Yu'er and walked towards the ancient city of Shenying again.

At this time, Chen Feng hadn't seen it at all. Not far behind them, in a small cloud in the sky, there was a robe floating there.

This cassock has a radius of ten feet, and the whole body shows a pure white color, which is extremely beautiful.

The speed of the cassock is not very fast, but hiding in the white clouds is so concealed that it is impossible to find it at all.

At this time, the four monks in white clothes stood on the robes and looked down.

Everything Chen Feng did, they were in sight.

The cold woman said softly, "Master, do you want to go down and kill them?"

The white-clothed monk shook his head with interest and said, "Don't worry."

The Leng Yan woman was very surprised, because they had tracked down the teenager about a day ago, which was their goal.

However, the white-clothed monks, their master, never let them do it, just let them wait a little longer.

Chen Feng and the two were on the road below, and above the sky, the robes kept floating forward, while floating, they also kept moving forward with clouds!

After another half a day, the white-clothed monk shook his head, smiled and said: "It's almost time to see it, it's time to go down and harvest!"

He obviously didn't care about Chen Feng's strength at all, and he was very contemptuous. In his eyes, Chen Feng was like a ripe crop. He could harvest if he wanted to harvest!

Then he floated down.

Chen Feng and Han Yu'er were moving forward, and suddenly he felt a fierce murderous intent pressing down on him.

Chen Feng's heart was shocked, and even a hint of despair surged, because this killing machine was too tyrannical, and it shocked him extremely!

He couldn't help but throbbed in his heart, and his whole body was trembling slightly: "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"This murderous aura is so powerful, it makes me feel that I can hardly resist it. What kind of a strong is this coming?"

Then, Chen Feng saw that a cassock floated down, with four people on top and a white monk in the middle.

The white-clothed monk looked at Chen Fengfeng, smiled slightly, folded his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name, and said softly: "Is this the son of Chen Feng? Poor monk Kurong, this is polite!"

This shocked Chen Feng even more, because the four of them didn't make any gesture to kill him at all, but the slight breath leaking out of the white monk made Chen Feng almost suffocated.

He was even more shocked: "What a tyrannical cultivation base this is!"

Chen Feng looked at him, took a deep breath, and said lightly: "I don't seem to have seen you before."

This monk named Ku Rong gave Chen Feng a great shock, and this was the second time Chen Feng saw someone dressed as a monk.

The first time, it was very early, very early, so long as Chen Feng seemed to have forgotten that it was a gray-robed monk.

At this time, another white-robed monk appeared in front of Chen Feng. His dharma name seemed to be called Ku Rong.

Chen Feng secretly raised the infinite guard in his heart, quietly stepped forward, blocking Han Yu'er behind him.

"Really a loving and righteous young man!" Ku Rong said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, but I'm here to get something."

"That thing is predestined to my Buddhism, and to the jungle of my ten directions."

"Shifang Jungle?" Chen Feng heard this name for the first time.

"Yes, it's Shifang Jungle." Ku Rong smiled and said, "I am a Shifang Jungle disciple, and I am interested in something that is destined to my family.

Chen Feng's heart shuddered and immediately knew what he was talking about.

He said lightly: "You ten jungles, are you too domineering, right?"

"Yes, our Shifang Jungle is very overbearing!" Ku Rong still had a calm smile on his face, taking it for granted: "Under this world, everything related to the Buddhist school belongs to our Shifang Jungle."

He proudly said: "We are interested, we will take it!"

"Then what if I don't give it?" Chen Feng said.

There was also a cold look in his eyes. He knew exactly what these people wanted, and that was the inheritance of Venerable Dragon Arhat, that was the bones of Buddha and dragon, and it was absolutely impossible for him to hand it over.

To this end, Chen Feng even spared no effort.

"Don't give it, right? If you don't give it, then you have to grab it. By the way, I will take your life." Ku Rong said with a smile.

"You, let's take your life quickly, there is no doubt about the end anyway."

When he said this, he took it for granted.

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, proudly said: "My life is here, do you want it? Then take it yourself!"

"Hey, why bother? No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless." Ku Rong said lightly.

As he said, he winked: "Go up and solve him."

"Yes!" The three of his men nodded in unison, and said, the three of them slowly pushed towards Chen Feng.

The rugged man with a height of seven or eight meters, with a grinning smile on his face, said with a disdainful face: "Little boy, I advise you, it's better to catch it!"

"You are only the cultivation base of the Six-Star Martial King, and the three of us, each of which is the pinnacle of the Eight-Star Martial King, can kill you how many times!"

"You are dying, do you think it is useful?"

The three of them, seeing Chen Feng's six-star Martial King level, thought he had only this little strength.

Chen Feng looked at them and sneered: "Okay, then you guys come and try to see if it kills me like ants!"

In his body, the power of the dragon descending Arhat surged wildly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already condensed between his hands.

Then, red clouds in the sky appeared, and huge gaps burst open on the earth.

Shenlong destroys the world and suddenly shoots out!

Chen Feng's move was to destroy the heaven and the earth with 12% of the power of the dragon, and his power was extremely powerful. Above his body, a dark golden light enveloped him, and a strong and incomparable Buddha-nature aura rippled.

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