Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2063: tyrannical! Shenlong destroyed 12% of the world!

For example, if Chen Feng leaves here now, after three months, he can re-enter, but there are two conditions when entering. The first is to hold the amulet in his hand and to silently recite the scriptures in his mouth. The second condition is, On the night of the full moon!

After three months, you can enter here on any full moon night and stay here for a month!

However, after entering once, if you want to enter a second time, you have to wait at least three months.

If Chen Feng leaves here, the progress of martial soul fusion will never stop!

Chen Feng was overjoyed: "The ancient Buddha's robes are indeed the key to unlocking this secret realm. With this thing, not only can I continue the fusion of martial arts without delaying things outside, but it is also equivalent to an extra life-saving magic weapon. ."

"If you encounter any extremely dangerous situation in the future, you will have the opportunity to enter here to escape!"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng didn't hesitate anymore, and sternly shouted: "That old thing from the Xu family, wait for it, Xiaoye will take your life now!"

As he said, Chen Feng directly held the ancient Buddha amulet with his hand, and then his figure flashed, and both he and Han Yuer disappeared here in an instant.

After a turn of time that turned upside down, the next moment, Chen Feng and the two appeared in the sky.

It's just that it is no longer the magical space split by the Buddha's dragon bones, but it has returned to the Dragon Vein Continent and this world.

At this time, the position where the two appeared was where they entered the Buddha's bone space!

At this moment, a strong Buddha dragon breath suddenly appeared in the sky. In an instant, this golden light was shining brightly!

So at this moment, I don't know how many people above the desert turned their heads to look in the direction of the sea of ​​quicksand.

Everyone could see that above the sea of ​​quicksand, an extremely huge phantom Buddha appeared and disappeared over thousands of miles!

He sighed, as if contented and wished.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't know that the vision here had shocked countless people.

At this moment, under the two of them, is the ruins of the Great Tianlong Temple, and there is a person sitting cross-legged there, the ancestor of the Xu family!

The ancestor of the Xu family has been waiting here for six days.

It turned out that one day in that Buddha dragon bone space is equivalent to three days outside.

He waited here very impatiently, but when he thought of the secret treasure, he became extremely patient.

He vaguely felt that Chen Feng would definitely appear again, so he waited here with peace of mind.

And he was cultivating today, and suddenly he felt a breath fluctuation in the sky, he immediately moved his heart, and secretly said, "I didn't wait for nothing!"

Huo Ran stood up and saw the terrifying vision in the sky.

He was stunned directly, and was shocked to speak.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, and the next moment, looking at Chen Feng, he was full of huge greed:

"Boy, it turns out that you really got a powerful inheritance!"

Let Xiang Chen Feng send out a proud color: "Hahaha, Chen Feng, you little bastard, you can't help it, right?"

"The time for you to stay in has come true, right? You have to come out, right?"

"Hahahaha, I see where you can escape this time! All the inheritance you get will be cheaper for me!"

Chen Feng looked at him, a sneer flashed across his mouth, and said lightly: "I'm here to kill you."

"What? Kill me?" Hearing what he said, the Xu family ancestor showed a look of surprise on his face.

In the next moment, this astonishment turned into a deep disdain and ridicule: "Boy, how do you feel, after you go in this time, people have gone crazy?"

"Do you know what you are talking about? With your strength, you still want to kill me? It's almost the same if I kill you!"

"What do you count in front of me? Just an ant, I can trample you to death with one foot!"

Chen Feng sneered slightly: "Oh? Really? Then I really want to learn!"

As he said, Chen Feng screamed: "Shenlong destroys the world!"

The second move of Jianglong Fantianyin, Shenlong Destroying Heaven and Earth, came out, but this time, Chen Feng's Shenlong Destroying Heaven and Earth was more powerful than any previous time, and its power was stronger than any previous time!

"Little boy, how dare you take the initiative to attack? It's really looking for death!"

Chen Feng coldly shouted: "What about active attacks?"

"Good boy, you are crazy!" The ancestor of the Xu family sneered: "I hope that later, when I step on you to humiliate you, you can still be as arrogant as you are now!"

With that said, he let out a ferocious roar, and used his powerful trick to kill Chen Feng.

He saw Chen Feng's move, and remembered that a few days ago, Chen Feng also used this move to kill several of his juniors. He knew the power of this move.

Therefore, he used 80% of his power.

He believes that this 80% power can definitely smash this trick easily.

However, when the huge rock crashed down, when the huge magma gushed out, he immediately realized that it was wrong and exclaimed: "My boy, why is your trick so powerful in just a few days? So many?"

Chen Feng sneered, "Go to **** and ask!"

The meteorite has been smashed down hard.

At this time, the ancestors of the Xu family were shocked, because Chen Feng's offensive made him realize: "I was completely wrong!"

"Chen Feng's move is so powerful that it can even kill me!"

He shouted like a beast on the verge of death, and screamed: "Impossible, you little boy, how can you have such a powerful strength?"

As he said, he urged his power to 10%, and then urged it to 12%, and hit the meteorite fiercely.

With a bang, the meteorite hit it, smashing his offensive, but the meteorite was also completely broken.

The ancestors of the Xu family felt relieved, but at this moment, the boundless lava also surged up, shattering all his defenses, and then fiercely bombarded his body.

With a loud bang, all the lava was shattered, instantly covering the entire Datianlong Temple site, swallowing the Datianlong Temple site and turning it into a lava field.

And the ancestors of the Xu family were also flew out by all kinds of bullets, hitting the ground, screaming and vomiting blood one after another.

Countless huge wounds appeared on his body, and blood surged crazily outward.

He couldn't even move anymore, he could only take a puff in the same place. He was already severely wounded and dying by Chen Feng, leaving only a breath.

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