Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2052: The Last Words of the Master Kong Wen

They seemed to know Chen Feng's body well, coming out of the Dantian directly and entering Chen Feng's body.

And the destination they went to was exactly the injured place in Chen Feng's body.

To them, the injured location inside Chen Feng's body was as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark, and he came there in a blink of an eye.

This force, Zhongzheng, peaceful, and very strong, directly bombarded where Chen Feng was injured.

Their methods of healing were not gentle at all, but rather crude and simple. They directly smashed the injured part of Chen Feng to pieces, exposing the tender and clean flesh there.

Then, with a bang, a hole was made in Chen Feng's body, and all the rotted flesh, injured body, congestion, and debris that did not need to exist in the body were shot out with a bang.

Han Yuer was looking at Chen Feng there, and saw a wound on Chen Feng's body suddenly opened, and then a large amount of congestion and other waste was squeezed out alive.

She couldn't help but let out an exclaim.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry, this is a good thing."

After expelling these wastes, the power of the dragon descending arhat quickly penetrated into Chen Feng's flesh and blood, so Chen Feng's flesh and blood began to grow, and the wound quickly healed, and the originally injured area in his body was quickly healed. Become clean and pure.

The Bright Pearl is full of very vigorous and lively aura, full of strong vitality.

Chen Feng estimated that it won't take long, maybe only a day or two, and it should grow well there.

Chen Feng couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face, and whispered to himself: "If there is no injury in my body, but the strength is insufficient, but the strength is too high, the power of the dragon descending Arhat will be hidden in the dragon descending Arhat Bright Orb."

"And this time, I was injured very badly, and the power of the dragon descending Arhat appeared on the initiative to repair the injuries in my body and help me heal my injuries."

"It turns out that the power of the dragon descending Arhat has such a magical effect, and the therapeutic effect is particularly good!"

Chen Feng was extremely surprised, because the higher his realm, the more difficult it would be to treat after being injured.

Some top powerhouses fought with people, suffered an injury, and even failed to heal the injury for 30 to 50 years.

Therefore, generally speaking, the top powerhouses seldom make rash moves, and they rarely fight hard after encountering someone with similar strength.

Because the cost of injury is too great, no one can afford it.

Including Chen Feng, when he is in Chen Feng's current state, it will be difficult for him to heal after his injury. Before Chen Feng was injured for one month or two months, he was hardened bit by bit.

But now, he has discovered that the power of the dragon descending Arhat can heal injuries, and this kind of calm, majestic and majestic power, the healing effect is exceptionally good, how can he not let Chen Feng be overjoyed?

Then, the mysterious yellow stone continued to shatter, and the power of the mysterious yellow was continuously absorbed by Chen Feng and transformed into the power of the dragon descending Arhat. The more powerful his dragon descending Arhat power, the better the healing effect.

Soon, the injuries in his body were directly expelled from the body, and then quickly compensated by the power of the dragon descending Arhat. As for the injuries in the internal organs, this must be slowly warmed up, which is not urgent.

Time passed, and soon, three days passed, and the 100,000 black yellow stones in front of Chen Feng changed from that mountain to a small pile, with only a few thousand pieces left.

With a bang, the remaining thousands of Profound Yellow Stones were all shattered, all absorbed by Chen Feng.

Then, Chen Feng stood up suddenly, opened his mouth and exhaled a **** stale gas, his arms shook, and there was a burst of bones all over his body, feeling that he was extremely comfortable.

Chen Feng's injury has recovered 80%, and his strength is basically completely restored!

Then, Chen Feng took a deep breath, held back the excitement, and slowly unfolded the ancient Buddha robes.

Desperately working hard, even the whereabouts of Uncle Dao is unknown, finally obtained this ancient Buddha robes, and obtained the key to the last clue to the inheritance of the dragon descending Arhat.

After the ancient Buddha robes were unfolded, Chen Feng felt dazzled instantly.

Numerous golden and red rays of light shone out from the robes, forming a pattern in the air. This pattern is a magnificent and beautiful temple.

The temple was built on a deserted Gobi mountain, and it was very desolate all around, but the temple was full of life, countless green auras directed at the temple, quietly rising and spreading into a radius of thousands of miles.

As a result, the huge area within a thousand miles has formed an oasis.

Above the oasis, there are prosperous vegetation and vast population, and people live and work in peace and contentment.

Chen Feng looked at the temple again and found that the entire temple spread from the foot of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, quietly forming a huge sky dragon pattern.

Chen Feng immediately understood that this temple must be Datianlong Temple.

Then, a picture of an old monk quietly emerged in this fantasy. The old monk has a kind face and white hair and beard.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate thousands of years of time, seeing Chen Feng, his body was draped in that ancient Buddha robes, and the golden and red lights and shadows intertwined him to make him unreal.

He looked at Chen Feng and said, "I am the Datianlong Temple, Kong Wen."

Chen Feng's heart shook, and she couldn't help but shudder: "It really is Master Kongwen."

Master Kongwen went on to say: "I was a shepherd boy in the mountains. When I was ten years old, I went into the mountains to herd sheep, but unexpectedly, by chance, I entered a secret realm. In those two secret realms, I saw the power of Buddha. Also got the inheritance of Buddha."

"I meditated for three years before the Buddha's bones. After three years, I fully realized and vowed to bring all sentient beings and let the people all over the world live and work in peace."

"So, after I came out, I created the Datianlong Temple line. In my whole life, I lived more than 1,300 years old. I was always thinking about how to make this world less war and more peaceful."

"However, when manpower is exhausted, I still have to die."

"Here, I make a last word!"

His face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "The Buddha-Long inheritance was not handed over to me. I also know that it is not the person with this great opportunity. I don't have the talent yet, nor is it the fate of that day. The chosen one."

"The reason why Folong gave me part of its inheritance is to allow me to spread his power and spread the news farther, so that people who are bound by the fate of the day can get more clues. To find his true heritage, to find the Buddha dragon bones."

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