Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2035: Still have to fight!

Chen Feng suddenly roared, "Of course, are you ready to die?"

As he said, he raised his hands high and roared loudly: "Shenlong destroys the world!"

In the next moment, in Chen Feng's dantian, the two dragons descending Arhat Bright Orbs were turning frantically.

The dark golden dragon descending Arhat power madly flows through Chen Feng's body.

On the surface of Chen Feng's body, a thick layer of dark golden light shone.

In the next moment, his left hand is from top to bottom, and his right hand is from bottom to top, one is extremely fierce, the other is feminine and fierce, drawing a mysterious arc, pulling the power of this world.

So, in an instant, above the sky, red clouds condensed, covering a huge sky.

The square shook violently, and a huge crack appeared directly in the center of the square, and many people were thrown to the ground.

Then the next moment, the meteorite landed and the lava erupted. The huge meteorite with a diameter of more than one thousand meters, and the huge lava with a thickness of more than one thousand meters, almost instantly swallowed the battlefield in the middle of the square.

And the eight masters all shouted in shock: "What kind of move is this? So strong?"

The main actor, staggered in fright, stepped back a few steps, his face showed extreme horror.

The eight masters roared together, sending out powerful moves, bombarding the meteorite and the lava.

However, it has no effect!

The meteorite fell with a bang, smashing the eight of them seriously and vomiting blood frantically.

The next moment the lava erupted, engulfing them, the endless high temperature, tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, directly burned them!

The eight people turned into eight pieces of green smoke, and they were actually evaporated!

After a long time, the red clouds dispersed, the meteorite shattered, and the cracks closed in the earth.

And this square has become a ruin!

With one move, Chen Feng still only used one move to kill all eight Seven-Star Martial Kings and Eight-Star Martial Kings!

"God! Is this still a human? This Chen Feng is like a **** of war!"

"Yes, he is too strong. Eight seven-star and eight-star martial arts masters are not his opponents with one move?"

"His punching technique, this seal technique, can be said to have the power of the sky, this time he only used one move to kill eight masters!"

"Too horizontal, too strong!"

The crowd roared in disbelief.

The gazes they looked at Chen Feng were no longer the slightest fear they had before, but were full of incomparable fear and respect!

It was too shocking. They felt that they really did not come today, not because they saw the battle of the slave slaves today, but because they saw the rise of such a young hero. Saw a shot of such a young and tyrannical master.

At this time, Chen Feng turned to look at the chief executive, and said lightly: "I have defeated all of your ten masters. Now, can I take Uncle Dao away?"

"You bastard, you killed my ten masters!" The main subject seemed to have recovered at this time. He let out a violent roar, staring at Chen Feng with blood-red eyes, and shouted:

"You still have the face to say you want to take him away?"

"Tell you, you will stay here today too! But don't worry, I will not kill you, I will catch you, turn you into a slave, and let you make money for me in this Colosseum!"

"In this way, I can make up for my loss!"

He uttered an extremely sharp roar, and his whole person was almost unconscious with anger.

These ten masters were all snatched by him. It took a lot of effort, but today they were all killed by Chen Feng!

"Oh, looking at you like this, do you want to break your promise?" Chen Feng stared at him and said word by word.

"Yes, I just want to break my promise, so what? I am stronger than you, and more masters than you. I can kill you, but can't kill me. Even if I break my promise, what can you do about me?" Way!

He suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Xu Chengde, do it!"

Yes, a big man wearing homespun clothes who looked like an old farmer in the country walked out slowly behind him.

Xu Chengde, about fifty years old, has a plain face and looks very inconspicuous, but his big hands with violent joints will attract people's attention slightly.

At this moment, he was holding a big sword in his hand, and when he appeared, everyone was shocked.

"Xu Chengde, it turned out to be Xu Chengde!"

"This is Xu Chengde, one of the eight masters of the Colosseum!"

"Yes, Xu Chengde's strength is said to have reached the peak of the Eight-Star Martial King!"

"Eight-star Martial King Peak! Too strong! Will Chen Feng be his opponent?"

After Chen Feng listened to it, his eyes shrank, and he couldn't beat the eight-star Wu Wang peak at all!

His second trick of the Dragon Falling Overturned Seal is that the Shenlong destroys the world. When it reaches 90% of its power, it can kill the early eight-star Wuwang strong, and when it reaches 100%, it is the realm of Dacheng, and it can kill the eight-star king. .

And if you want to kill the eight-star Wuwang pinnacle powerhouse, you must train to twelve percent, increase the power of the dragon to destroy the world on the original basis, and use it to the fullest.

Now, Chen Feng can't do it yet.

What's more, after hitting the magic dragon to destroy the world just now, Chen Feng's two dragon-falling Arhat Bright Orbs at this time have all dried up. If you want to use it again, you have to wait at least a few days to add tens of thousands of Xuan Yuan. Only after Huangshi!

Xu Chengde stood in front of the principal and looked at Chen Feng proudly.

And Chen Feng made a move that shocked everyone, he actually walked forward slowly, and then began to accelerate!

"What is Chen Feng doing? Is he going to challenge Xu Chengde?"

"He wants to challenge the Eight-Star Martial King's pinnacle master? Does Chen Feng really have the strength or is he overpowering?"

"It's incredible, Chen Feng is still going to fight!"

At this time, Chen Feng actually had no combat effectiveness.

All his power of descending the dragon and the arhat was exhausted, and even at this time, due to the successive use of the dragon to destroy the world, Chen Feng's body was greatly stressed.

He had difficulty breathing, his chest and lungs were hot, and his whole body was severely painful. He even felt his body was about to collapse.

But at this time, Chen Feng's heart was filled with an inexplicable air, a fierce murderous intent, and a mysterious inexplicable insight.

So Chen Feng, bent over, stood up, and accelerated!

The whole person, like a sharp arrow that leaves the string, rushed out frantically towards the chief executive.

At the same time, he clearly didn't have anything in his hand, but he seemed to be holding a knife, and his right hand was imaginary, drawing a mysterious arc in the air.

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