Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2032: He is my Uncle Dao!

The bloodthirsty and craziness in its eyes gradually dissipated, and replaced by a thick touch of disbelief and despair.

The next moment, there was a sudden bang, and his neck broke directly.

Countless blood poured out frantically, and his huge head fell directly to the ground!

Everyone exclaimed: "Just died like this? The dignified Eight-Star Demon King, the Desert Bear King died like this?"

"Oh my God, it's too powerful, it's too strong!"

"The knife slave is worthy of being a knife slave, as well as the top master of the Colosseum! A single shot will kill the bear king of the desert land!"

Everyone exclaimed one after another, and even loudly applauded.

The cheers resounded across the sky!

The thin young man said triumphantly to Chen Feng: "Haha, I said yes? How is it? Am I right?"

But Chen Feng didn't even bother him, making him very dissatisfied.

Because at this time, Chen Feng's eyes were all fixed on the sword slave's neck.

Because, after the sword slave stood up completely just now, he suddenly saw that there was a small jade ring tied to the sword slave's neck.

Compared with his body, Yuhuan is simply too small, if it weren't for Chen Feng's sharp eyes, it would be impossible to tell!

After Chen Feng saw the jade ring, for an instant, as if a flash of lightning passed through his mind, he immediately realized that he had definitely seen this jade ring before!

Chen Feng stared at the knife slave's neck blankly, Han Yuer immediately realized his abnormality, and asked a little worried: "Junior, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Feng whispered: "Look at the sword slave's neck. I saw a jade ring there. It looked familiar. I have seen it. Where did I see it!"

Han Yu'er exhausted his eyes, looked there, and he saw a jade ring!

She exclaimed, "This Yuhuan is exactly the same as the Yuhuan Aunt Mei gave me!"

"What?" In Chen Feng's mind, it was as if a flash of lightning flashed across, which instantly illuminated his thoughts and reminded him where he had seen it.

It turned out that it was the jade ring that Aunt Mei gave to Han Yu'er.

Han Yuer took out the jade ring left by Aunt Mei and said: "Aunt Mei told me that as long as the color on the jade ring does not change, it means that she is not threatened. Do you see if the jade ring is on the neck of the slave slave? Exactly the same?"

Chen Feng looked at it carefully, and sure enough, they were exactly the same, without any difference!

Chen Feng trembled: "Did Aunt Mei told you the origin of this Yuhuan?"

Han Yu'er looked at his expression and knew that it was absolutely unusual. She nodded and said: "Aunt Mei did mention it to me. She said that this jade ring looks ordinary, but in fact it is a very special material. Complicated formations, refined by top alchemists, are very expensive."

"In the beginning, apart from her, only your mother, his eldest lady, and another loyal servant had it. There were only these three in total."

"And each one is actually a mother and child ring. Aunt Mei has a mother ring, and my one here is a child ring!"

Chen Feng's face changed drastically when she heard what she said.

Because of his excitement, a layer of goose bumps appeared on the surface of his body, and his whole body was shaking.

He stared at the slave slave blankly, and said with a trembling, "Could it be that, can it be that?"

At the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt a thunder, and his mind resounded like a thunder, a tearing pain came, causing him to snorted, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Han Yuer hurriedly supported him and asked: "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, she didn't know that at this moment, Chen Feng had a memory that had been sealed in dust and did not know how long, and she quietly unblocked it!

At this moment, Chen Feng couldn't feel himself or anyone around him. He even felt that his memory was lost. He felt that he was as if he had returned to his childhood, still in a warm baby.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, he saw his hand, white as jade, plump and cute, it was the baby's arm.

Chen Feng knew that he was a baby at this time, which was a very strange feeling.

Then, when he looked up, he saw a beautiful-looking palace-dressed woman who was hugging himself with a smile on her face.

An inexplicable excitement surged in Chen Feng's heart, and there was a feeling of tears streaming down his face instantly.

He knew that this woman was his mother, and beside him, there was a little girl who was laughing like a flower and was stretching out her hand to tease herself.

This girl, looks exactly the same as Aunt Mei, but only a few dozen years younger, a little more childish, a little less mature.

Then, Chen Feng glanced at his eyes and saw that there was a giant man standing there next to him. This giant sweat was four or five meters high. He held a giant knife in his arms and a simple smile on his face. He was looking at Chen Feng lovingly.

Seeing him like that, it seems that he wants to come up to make fun of him, but he is afraid of being scared, so he dare not.

Obviously, he is extremely concerned about Chen Feng!

And when Chen Feng saw the sweaty face, his whole body was shocked.

In the next moment, he had already recovered his sanity, he sensed his existence, looked around, and knew that he was still in the ancient city of Shenying.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes and let out a long suffocating breath.

He looked at the giant man, his eyes were like flames burning, and he muttered: "I found you, Uncle Dao, Uncle Dao, you have suffered!"

It turned out that the face of this big man was exactly the same as Chen Feng remembered.

At this time, Chen Feng did not know his life or his past, but Chen Feng knew that his name was Uncle Dao.

He is the most loyal guard of his mother, and he loves himself even more. He is superb with a knife, but he has fallen to this point, treated as a slave, and treated as an animal!

This made Chen Feng's eyes instantly red!

He whispered to Han Yuer: "He is a senior of mine, a very important senior, I must save him!"

Han Yu'er was stunned, then smiled slightly and said, "Junior Brother, what you say is what you say."

At this time, the slave slave, no, it should be said that Uncle Dao, he seemed to cut out with this knife, also exhausted his strength, and fell to the ground.

The four Eight-Star Martial Kings dragged him back into the cage and locked him again.

The boss laughed, and said to everyone: "How about it, everyone, the performance this humble slave has brought to you is not bad?"

Everyone cheered: "Very good!"

At this moment, many people were taken aback, and then stopped cheering.

The principal was stunned for a moment, and then he saw a scene and raised his brows suddenly.

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