Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2012: Stop me, die!

Suddenly, as if he realized something, he shouted: "Since you are here, what about her?"

Chen Feng immediately realized who he was talking about, she must be his mother.

"She, he's waiting in a dark place, and he's also demanding his life!" Aunt Mei let out a cold laugh, Yun Potian heard it, shivered violently, with extreme fear in his eyes. His eyes are blank and have no focus.

Obviously, he has not recovered from this huge shock.

At this moment, Aunt Mei suddenly looked back at Chen Feng and said in a low voice: "You two hurry up, I'll entangle Yun Potian! You two hurry away!"

There was a hint of hesitation on Chen Feng's face, and Aunt Mei sternly shouted: "Don't worry, I have so many ways to save my life! Go! Have you heard?"

Speaking of the last sentence, it is already full of expressions.

Chen Feng nodded without any hesitation.

At this moment, Aunt Mei screamed and screamed up to the sky, her hands opened, a white light pouring out of her body, and then the next moment, this white air current turned into a boundless white mist.

This Baise mist is not pure, it seems that there is the sound of boundless ghost howling inside.

The next moment, behind him, there was a phantom that was thousands of meters high.

This phantom, wearing a black robe, gave people an extremely obscure and cold feeling, and his face was actually a white board, extremely white, with no facial features, cold and cold.

Aunt Mei turned out to be a master of ghost practice!

Suddenly, following Aunt Mei's stern scream, the eyes of the white face suddenly opened, and then two sharp rays of light were shot from it.

In the next moment, these two incomparable rays of light fell fiercely on Yun Potian's body, directly knocking him out several hundred meters, and let out a muffled hum. Two big holes were already burned out of his body.

Blood overflowed from the corners of the mouth, and one face was injured!

At this time, Yun Potian seemed to have recovered his senses, with a touch of fierceness in his eyes, and snarled: "Since you dare to come, then I dare to kill!"

As he said, he killed him.

But at this moment, Chen Feng grabbed Han Yu'er and jumped up into the air, like a purple lightning, rushing outward!

His speed is incomparable.

"This kid wants to run!" Everyone exclaimed.

The seven elders narrowed their eyes and shouted sharply: "Want to run? Can you run?"

He chased after him.

At this moment, the Seven Elders chased after Chen Feng, and in front of him were layers of boundless black cavalry and the Yunjia Iron Guard.

Those Yun Family Iron Guards also rushed towards Chen Feng, and Chen Feng screamed: "Get out of my way!"

As he said, he raised his hands, and in his hands, the dragon descending overturning seal and the broken Xumi Mountain appeared suddenly.

Then the next moment, he smashed forward severely.

Yin Broken Xumi Mountain is extremely tyrannical, and even the pinnacle masters of the Seven-Star Martial King can be killed in one shot, not to mention that these Yun Family Iron Guards are only four-star and five-star Martial King.

Yin Broken Xumi Mountain blasted out, and when he encountered a Yun family Tiewei, he directly blasted him to pieces, and then went forward without stopping, and once again broke the tendons of the next Yun family Tiewei. , Screamed and fell to the ground, no breath.

Then came third, fourth, fifth!

It wasn't until the bombardment reached the 103rd person that the Mt. Xumi broke into pieces.

With one move, one move, Chen Feng killed more than a hundred Yun Family Tiewei!

And this smashed Xumi Mountain was also in the encirclement, and a road was forced out, a road of flesh and blood!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

These Yun Family Iron Guards, the Black Armored Cavalry, did not put Chen Feng in their eyes, but at this time they all exclaimed: "This kid is so strong!"

"Yes, it's really strong!"

"He actually killed hundreds of Yun Family Iron Guards with one move! Horror! It's so horrible!"

Many people showed fear on their faces, especially those who were closer to Chen Feng, and couldn't help but step back quietly.

Chen Feng let out an angry roar: "Those who block me, die!"

He hurried forward along the passage of flesh and blood, extremely domineering, and all the Yun Clan Tiewei, at this moment, were shocked and lost.

At this time, Chen Feng had already reached the center of the encircling circle, and then several dozen meters forward, he could break through the encircling circle.

At this time, the Seventh Elder roared: "Stop this kid!"

These Yun Family Iron Guards just came back to their senses, and one after another killed Chen Feng.

Chen Feng let out a roar, and another move was to drop the dragon to turn over the sky, and the smashed Xumi Mountain was blasted out, and more than a hundred Yunjia Iron Guards were killed by this move.

Another passage of flesh and blood was opened in the crowd!

And this flesh-and-blood channel directly opened up the encircling circle and penetrated it.

At the end of the passage, no one can leave this encirclement directly.

Chen Feng let out a big laugh: "I said, those who block me, die!"

With that said, he pulled Han Yu'er directly along the passage of flesh and blood to break out of the encirclement, and then a few flashes, then disappeared.

Chen Feng, escape to death!

The Seventh Elder was full of anger, gave these Yun Family Tiewei a fierce look, and sternly shouted: "You really are a bunch of trash!"

Having said that, he hurried forward to chase after him.

He is an eight-star Wuwang mid-stage master, and his speed is also swift and incomparable. He chased Chen Feng along the way, like a maggot with bones.

However, Chen Feng took Han Yu'er, and his speed slowed down. Therefore, he couldn't keep the distance for a while. If it were his own, he would have been able to escape long ago.

After all, Chen Feng's purple thunder moved for nine days, extremely fast.

This chasing and fleeing took three days in an instant.

Above a small wasteland, at the end of the day and earth, a sound like a thunderstorm suddenly sounded at an extremely fast speed.

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and then the next moment, Chen Feng and Han Yu'er appeared here, both of them were in the dust, with tired faces.

Especially Chen Feng, above the body, the breath is strong and weak, very unstable, this is a sign that his strength is about to run out!

The two fell on the ground, breathing heavily. Chen Feng's gasping sound was like a bellows. He held his knees, feeling sore and weak, his body strength was almost exhausted, and his eyes were dizzy.

"Junior Brother, what's the matter with you?" Han Yuer quickly asked with concern.

Chen Feng waved his hand: "Senior Sister, I'm fine, but the strength in my body is about to run out."

Han Yu'er looked at him with concern, and suddenly gritted his teeth, as if he had made some decision, and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother, don't worry about me, you can run away!"

"If it were you, you would have been able to escape now, I'm just a drag."

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