Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2008: Threat

"There are no extra monsters in our caravan for you to ride, so you can still ride your black iron wildebeest!"

In this way, the three of Chen Feng followed the caravan on the road.

Obviously Wu Shanfeng had an indistinguishable desire for Aunt Mei and Han Yu'er, and was extremely courteous, and kept going up to talk to them both.

Han Yuer was cold and silent, while Aunt Mei would deal with him from time to time.

Soon, the walk came to the next morning.

The next morning, Chen Feng was washing his face in the puddle, and suddenly there was footsteps behind him. He looked back and saw that it was Wu Shanfeng and the tall guard in bronze armor beside him.

At this time, Chen Feng already knew his name, Wu Yong, the leader of the caravan guard.

Wu Shanfeng looked at Chen Feng and shook the folding fan.

At this time, obviously it was almost autumn and it was not cold at all, so he was still shaking the fan pretendingly.

Chen Feng looked at it, feeling very ridiculous, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Wu Shanfeng pretended to behave, and then suddenly looked at Chen Feng with a smile on his lips.

This smile seemed gentle, but in fact it turned away thousands of miles away, very arrogant.

He glanced at Chen Feng with a down-view gaze, and finally fell on Chen Feng's ordinary dress, then smiled and said: "I don't know Master Chen Feng, what is your relationship with these two girls?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Han Yuer is my son, and that is my aunt."

"Neizi?" Wu Shanfeng's eyelids jumped wildly when these two words were said.

Then, his gaze became indifferent, looking at Chen Feng with a down-looking gaze, and said lightly: "Oh, is it your wife?"

He shook his head slowly, with a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and said word by word: "I don't think you are qualified to let Girl Han be your wife!"

Chen Feng secretly said in his heart: "This is not even the basic superficial skills, right?"

He was too lazy to deal with Wu Shanfeng, and said coldly, "Master Wu, this is a matter between my wife and me, so you can worry about it."

Wu Shanfeng's expression on his face was even more gloomy when he heard him take a wife. He was unwilling to maintain even the most basic hypocrisy, and he turned into a brutal look.

He stared at Chen Feng, gritted his teeth, and threatened fiercely: "You bitch, you can marry a silly girl if you only have your **** strength and your worth?"

"Tell you, the first time I saw her today, I told myself that she was mine!"

"And you, don't deserve to interfere with her!"

Chen Feng's eyes were cold, his expression was icy, and he was about to start.

At this time, he blinked and saw Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei shook her head to Chen Feng in this fashion as if nothing had happened, and Chen Feng took a deep breath, then let go of her clasped hand and didn't do any more.

Wu Shanfeng didn't know that he had already turned back in front of Guimen Pass. If Chen Feng had done something just now, all of them would definitely die.

Seeing Chen Feng's clenching his hand just now, and then letting it go, he was immediately even more proud. He felt that Chen Feng was cowardly and withdrew.

He laughed loudly and said, "Chen Feng, you are really a waste without eggs! Do you still want to kill?"

"Do it! Do you have the guts to do it?"

"As long as you do it, I have a reason to do it, and then I will kill you directly. This trash you are not my opponent at all!"

Chen Feng looked at him with cold light in his eyes.

The ignorant is not afraid, he has no idea how powerful Chen Feng is.

Suddenly, Wu Shanfeng's words changed, and he said with a sullen threat: "Little boy, I warn you, you stay away from Girl Han. If I see you two so close again, I will kill you directly!"

Talking, turned and left.

Chen Feng looked at his back, his eyes flashing with cold colors.

The team continued to move forward, and soon, at noon, they came to a dangerous valley.

The people in the team are all cautious, looking around with guard.

Chen Feng heard their constant voices of discussion: "It is said that there are famous white robe thieves near this mountain range!"

"Yes, the white robe thieves are very powerful. It is said that their leader strength has reached the three-star martial king!"

"So powerful? Doesn't it mean that he can kill us all alone?"

"Yes, even if the Patriarch is here, he won't be the opponent of Samsung Wuwang, let alone the Young Master!"

"We can only pray that the white robe thief will not come, there is no way, to do business is to take these risks..."

But at this time, hearing the voice of the following discussion, Wu Shanfeng frowned, his expression very unhappy.

He raised his voice and said, "What are you afraid of? What are you worried about? We have a very good relationship with the white robe thieves. We give confessions every year. Our family has a good relationship with their leader."

"The Wu family has been back and forth here for more than ten years. The white robe thief has never touched our caravan. Are you worried?"

Under his loud scolding, these people finally recovered their peace and settled down!

But at this moment, suddenly, on the cliffs on both sides, there was a burst of strange laughter.

Then, on the cliff, hundreds of figures appeared on TV. These hundreds of figures were burly men. They were all dressed in black clothes and their faces were masked with white robes.

"White robe thief!"

After seeing their dress clearly, someone in the caravan immediately shouted in surprise: "The white robe thief is here!"

I was really afraid of something. Many people were so scared that their faces were blue and trembling, and the original arrogance disappeared without a trace.

And Wu Shanfeng also had an extremely ugly face. He just said that the Wu family and the white robe thieves had a very good relationship and would not be robbed. As a result, the white robe thieves appeared immediately, which was equivalent to hitting him in the face severely.

Those white robe thieves on the cliff were watching the caravan below, and they all made a whistling sound.

"Haha, there is another big fat sheep here. Taking this caravan will be enough for us to eat!"

Wu Shanfeng yelled at the surroundings: "What is it? What is it?"

Then, he came out more and more, walking in the forefront, with a hint of respect on his face, smiling and saying: "Everyone in the white robe, our Wu family has a very good relationship with your white robe. I don't know which leader is in this?"

Some white robe thief said loudly: "Our three commanders are here!"

"What? The Three Commanders? It turned out to be the Three Commanders of White Robe Thieves?"

Someone showed despair on their faces: "It's over, this time we are over. It is said that their third boss is the most cruel and murderous."

"The caravan he encountered, let alone the looted goods, all women will be raped and looted, all men will be killed directly, when it's over, we will all die!"

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