Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2006: Boundless waves!

"Now that the enemy is here, my Xu family, this time, we must do our best to kill him!"

The Xu family fell into chaos in an instant.

Almost everyone in the Xu family is busy, mobilizing, because of the words of the ancestor of the Xu family.

The floating mountain, the general mansion, above the hall.

After hearing the report below, Yun Potian suddenly stood up straight, with a look of excitement on his face: "Okay, this opportunity comes earlier than I estimated!"

He clenched his fist, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Chen Feng, this little boy, dare to leave the Wudong Academy and leave the asylum. He is seeking his own death!"

"This time, I will never be kind to him anymore!"

This person is extremely shameless. How was he soft-hearted to Chen Feng before, and did not kill Chen Feng for a while, just to torture Chen Feng better!

He rubbed his hands, his face was full of joy, and he walked back and forth twice in the hall.

The Yun Tianlong below looked at her with a little surprise on her face.

Because, based on his understanding of General Yun, even this kind of thing is not worthy of General Yun's excitement. He showed a hint of excitement at best.

But this time, there was such a big reaction, which made him very surprised.

But then, he realized why, and he couldn't help being surprised: "It turns out that Chen Feng has grown so fast that General Yun is very jealous?"

"General Yun should have also thought about it. If Chen Feng is allowed to grow like this, it will be impossible to deal with him in the future, so this time he is very excited to get a chance to deal with Chen Feng and be able to intercept Chen Feng!"

Although Yun Potian showed great disdain for Chen Feng, in fact, deep down in his heart, he was extremely jealous of Chen Feng.

Yun Potian asked Yun Tianlong: "How many masters in the family do I have?"

When Yun Tianlong heard this, his heart became even more tense.

In the previous Yun Potian, he would never ask such a question at all. He just killed it alone, but now he still asks.

He hurriedly stopped his mind, thought for a moment and said: "Great worship, second worship, third worship, follow the elder son to kill the enemy in the northern border...the elder, the sixth elder..."

He said a series of masters who were not in the mansion, and finally said: "Now there are only seven elders left in the mansion!"

"Is it Old Seven?" Yun Potian raised his brows.

The Seventh Elder is not his biological brother, but the brother he met when he was in the army in his early years. After he became famous, many of the old men in the army were brought into the mansion by him and gifted to high positions. In fact, they were supported. .

He said slowly: "Lao Qi is the strength of the Eight-Star Martial King in the mid-term, and that's fine, at least it's not a problem to use it alone to deal with Chen Feng's little bastard."

"Okay, then you go and inform Lao Qi, let him go with him."

"Yes!" Yun Tianlong said loudly.

Then, Yun Potian said again: "Gather all the three thousand iron guards of the Yun family to me."

"This time, I want to lay a net of heaven and earth so that Chen Feng can't beat him and can't escape. In the end, I can only kill him by obediently pulling his neck!"

Yun Tianlong led the way.

Yun Potian showed a smug smile and burst into laughter: "Chen Feng, you rebel, I want to see this time, where else can you escape! Hahahaha!"

What Chen Feng didn't know was that as soon as he left the Tianyuan Imperial City, several major forces in the Tianyuan Imperial City learned the news.

A big net spread out quietly and attacked him.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't know that the endless waves in the Tianyuan Imperial City were stirred by him at this time. At this time, he, Han Yuer, and Aunt Mei had already left the Tianyuan Imperial City thousands of miles away.

In order not to be noticeable, the three of them did not ride how powerful a monster beast, but only bought a few fairly common black iron wildebeests in the city.

This mysterious iron wildebeest is three feet long and about one feet high. There is no bristles on the whole body, only hard scales like black iron.

Above the head, a three-foot-long unicorn with a faint light of thunder lingers around it. This monster beast is a combination of metal and thunder elements. It is not very powerful or rare, but it is better. The price is cheap and the physical strength is long.

It is very suitable for traveling long distances and is the best choice for ordinary warriors.

This season is already late summer and early autumn.

At this time, it was in the evening, and the evening breeze was blowing, and it was already a bit cool.

To the north of Tianyuan Imperial City, there is an endless wasteland, with roads occasionally appearing in the middle, and the long grass on both sides is waist-high.

A gust of wind came, the wind blew the grass low, and that small monster beast kept lurking out of the bushes.

In the evening, a large number of birds dashed across the sky, preparing to return to their nests. From time to time, they made a crisp call. The scenery was excellent, and it was almost a picture!

Chen Feng and Han Yuer rode a black iron wildebeest together. He held Han Yuer in his arms. Han Yuer felt Chen Feng's breath beside his ears, and the cool breeze was blowing on her face. The surrounding scenery was excellent, and she was in a very emotional mood. Delightful.

There was a slight smile on his face, his eyes squinted slightly, like a spring outing, enjoying this rare good time.

Next to him, Aunt Mei smiled slightly, did her eyes drift over the two of them, and nodded slightly.

Aunt Mei said with a light smile: "Chen Feng, based on the clue you mentioned, is the direction you are going to be directed to, which is northwest?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, it's the northwest direction."

Aunt Mei said: "Then I will now tell you about the general terrain of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Good!" Chen Feng hurriedly pricked his ears and listened attentively.

He has been fighting all the way from a small place, but he hasn't been able to understand the overall situation.

Aunt Mei has walked the Tianyuan Dynasty for decades, which is far behind him.

Aunt Mei smiled and said: "The Tianyuan Dynasty is 80 million li in length, but on this Dragon Vein Continent, the strength is equivalent to that of the Tianyuan Dynasty, and even far beyond, there are definitely not a few, dozens of them are always there."

"The southernmost part of the Tianyuan Dynasty is the boundless forest of the Southern Borders, and the northernmost part of the Tianyuan Dynasty is a vast grassland. At the end of that grassland, there is an extremely powerful grassland empire. This, you should in the future. Will be exposed."

"As for the position in the northwest, it is a vast desert."

"It is said that this desert was once a large fertile plain, with mountains and waters, and countless dynasties rising and falling on it, but it is definitely not the way it is now, but later because of the strong wars, it caused the world to turn back and forth. Great changes have taken place, and it has become the vast desert."

"There are countless ruins, countless sects inheritance, so there are countless people who have explored here, some succeeded, they became rich overnight, gained a strong inheritance, and their strength grew wildly."

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