Peerless Martial Soul

: The power of one move is as good as Si!

"Yes, it must be like this!"

He was so excited that he almost couldn't help but laugh wildly: "Haha, boy, you can't count on you, I will keep staring at you, right?"

"Now it's okay, this big secret is going to be mine directly. I originally felt very sorry. In case the secret is a panacea, you have swallowed it, now it seems that there is no need to worry!"

He was very excited and followed quietly.

At this time, he found that Chen Feng stood by the river and did not move.

"What the **** is this kid doing? Why doesn't he move?"

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned around, looked at him with a smile, and said softly: "Come out, always so hiding, sneaky, like a mouse, tired?"

The chunky man in black was motionless, he suspected that Chen Feng was cheating himself.

But the next moment, Chen Feng's gaze turned to his hiding place.

As a result, the chunky man in black was struck by lightning, as if the sky was struck by five thunders. His whole body was shaken, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart, full of disbelief, anger, surprise, and a trace of panic.

The lightning-like spinning thought in his mind finally turned into a crazy voice: "He did it on purpose, this kid brought me here on purpose!"

"He always knew I was following him, so what was his purpose?"

The chunky man in black forced himself to calm down: "No, this kid may have deliberately bluffed me, he may have just learned that I was following him, so he deliberately scared me!"

"Yes, it must be like this!"

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly calmed down, and he comforted himself: "Yes, he must be trying to scare me away, and then he can win a unique treasure!"

"How could this kid improve so quickly, how could he be my opponent? The last time he made me play so miserably!"

Thinking of this, he calmed down immediately, and then slowly stood up, looked at Chen Feng, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Little boy, I know you are bluffing me, do you think I'm so easy to be fooled?"

"Oh?" Chen Feng looked at him, with a smile drawn at the corner of his mouth, which felt ridiculous.

This short chubby man in black is too confident in himself!

Chen Feng looked at him and said indifferently: "Where did you get the secret of Jianglong Arhat inheritance? Tell me, I can let you live a little longer."

There was a sneer at the corner of the chunky black man's mouth, and then it turned into an extreme mockery.

He laughed loudly and said, "Little boy, you pretend to look a lot, haha, do you think I will be fooled?"

Suddenly there was a violent roar: "Little boy, hurry up and hand over the secret now, and I will let you die more easily!"

Up to now, he still thinks that Chen Feng is frightening himself, and Chen Feng is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

Chen Feng looked at him, and slowly shook his head: "I really don't know how high the sky is!"

The expression on his face suddenly became cold and stern, and suddenly, the volume was raised, and he screamed: "Okay, then let you see if I can kill you!"

As he said, Chen Feng screamed: "Shenlong destroys the world!"

Chen Feng almost raised his hands, and just played this starting position. At that moment, he felt the power of the dragon descending Arhat in his body surging wildly.

In an instant, his body surface was covered with dark golden light.

At the same time, the desire to fight that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, almost gushing out, to play this trick, completely use this trick, and the sense of expectation that came out heartily and heartily was like a lava explosion. Generally, it exploded with a bang!

So the next moment, Chen Feng whistled out with both hands.

With the movements of his hands, the whole world situation seemed to be stirred by him.

In the sky, the strong wind whizzed, and above the sky, fire clouds condensed.

Above the earth, it suddenly cracked, splitting a huge crack that was kilometers long and thousands of meters deep.

The red clouds above the clear sky are also a full several thousand meters in radius, and even in the Tongtian River next to it, stormy waves have been set off.

Countless demon kings jumped out of the water in amazement, wondering what happened!

Seeing this scene, the chunky man in black suddenly saw his eyes split, and was shocked to the extreme, and he was shocked: "This kid's trick is so much stronger than the previous one!"

"How could it be so powerful? How could it be able to scroll the world like this?"

His heart was terrified!

The next moment, I thought of an extremely terrifying possibility: "With this kid's mind, if he is not strong enough, how could he do this?"

At this moment, he knew that he was wrong, which was ridiculously wrong.

It turns out that Chen Feng really has such strength.

With a sharp roar, he turned around and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Chen Fengfeng roared: "Shenlong destroys the world, die!"

Therefore, above the sky and among the red clouds, a huge meteorite with a diameter of more than one thousand meters smashed down crazily, at an extreme speed.

Almost just for an instant, he came to the top of the chunky black man's head.

The meteorite cut through the sky, engulfing boundless flames, as if the sun fell.

On the ground, a huge lava of several kilometers high was spewed out of the crack.

Above the sky, a meteorite fell, and in the earth, lava erupted, and two powerful forces slammed toward the short and thick man in black.

The chunky man in black felt like he was going to die next moment.

The shadow of death enveloped him, and he let out a stern roar: "This is impossible, how can I die here?"

With that, he crushed all the magic weapons on his body.

So the next moment, around his body, three or four light masks of different colors were formed to protect him.

At the same time, he played his strongest moves to prevent accidents.

But all this is useless.

The huge meteorite, boundless lava, intertwined, all his masks were shattered in an instant, and even a hundredth of a second was not blocked.

Then the next moment, these two extremely powerful offensives hit his body with a thud.

"Ah!" The chunky man in black let out a terrible scream and was directly swallowed.

The earth trembled violently, almost causing an earthquake.

As for the Tongtian River next to it, a piece of water in a radius of tens of miles was as if it had been boiled, gurgling, bursting out countless bubbles, and steaming steam.

In an instant, how many monsters were scalded to death!

One move, one move is so powerful!

And the next moment, the huge meteorite and boundless lava blasted into countless pieces, and countless boulders fell within dozens of miles around, smashing huge deep pits on the ground.

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