Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2001: Resignation

His previous relationship with Wei Wuji was not good, but at least it was not bad.

Both are from the Thirty-Seven Kingdoms of Tulong. They compete with each other but appreciate each other.

However, the relationship between the two has deteriorated since the outer court contest.

Because Wei Wuji has changed. He is not just pure arrogance, but full of arrogance and jealousy. Chen Feng is unwilling to associate with such people.

Especially since the big match, Wei Wuji seems to be hiding from Chen Feng a little bit, so how could he suddenly visit the door today?

But Chen Feng's face was still very calm, and said lightly: "It's you, come in, please sit down."

With that, he entered the courtyard.

But the first action after Wei Wuji entered the yard made Chen Feng stunned. He stood there, bowed and saluted suddenly, with a face full of shame, and said: "Big brother, I'm here to ask you for your sins."

"What? Please?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, vaguely guessing something in his heart.

Wei Wuji looked ashamed and said, "Big brother, since I entered Wudong Academy, I have been praised by everyone, and my heart has changed."

"Become arrogant, and even used to speak bad words to you, now that I think about it, it really shouldn't. It's too much."

Chen Feng did not speak, but just looked at him and waited for him to speak.

Wei Wuji went on to say: "I was extremely angry and unwilling to defeat you when I was defeated, and I was even full of murderous intent towards you."

"But, later I felt repentant." With a sincere gratitude on his face, he bowed deeply again and said, "Brother Chen Feng, I really appreciate it. Thank you for beating me."

"Otherwise, if I go on like that, I might be ruined in my life!"

Chen Feng looked at him for a long time, and finally determined that he should really be repented.

Because at this time, his eyes were very clear and clean, without any pretense.

And Chen Feng also believes that Wei Wuji's pride cannot be faked.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he patted his shoulder lightly without speaking.

But this action already represents everything.

A beam of joy flashed across Wei Wuji's face. He knew that Chen Feng had already forgiven him.

Chen Feng smiled: "Come in and sit down."

The two entered the wing and sat separately.

Then Chen Feng said, "I don't have anything here, only a glass of white water."

Wei Wuji laughed loudly: "Now in the entire outer courtyard, who doesn't know your big brother your prestige?"

"Even in the entire Tianyuan Imperial City, your reputation has quietly risen. It is a great fortune in the eyes of many people in Tianyuan Imperial City to drink a sip of your white water."

Chen Feng raised his brows: "Really?"

He really didn't know about it.

Wei Wuji said something before Chen Feng understood that, as one of the eight sects of the Tianyuan Dynasty, Wudong Academy's every move was followed by the entire Tianyuan Imperial City and even the Tianyuan Dynasty.

At this time, the news that he won the first place in the Outer Court had spread throughout the entire Tianyuan Imperial City, and many people who were qualified to know, and many high-level family sects, also knew the name of Chen Feng, and knew he was A young genius who has risen to fame and cannot be underestimated!

But for these, Chen Feng didn't care.

How can the road of martial arts be bothered by these false names?

The two said a few words, and Wei Wuji was about to leave.

Chen Feng saw him carrying a bag on his body and moved in his heart, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Wei Wuji raised his head, with a bold look on his face: "I am going to enter the Wuwang Mountain Range."

"What? Wuwang Mountain Range?" Chen Feng couldn't help but move slightly when he heard these four words.

He has come to Tianyuan Imperial City for so long, and he also knows something.

The Tianyuan dynasty stretched for 80 million li, and there were more than a dozen forbidden lands on such a large site, and the Wuwang Mountain Range was one of them.

It is said that the Wuwang Mountain Range was originally the capital of a dynasty millions of years ago.

This dynasty is much stronger than the current Tianyuan dynasty.

In that capital city, there are endless temples, countless schools, and rare birds and treasures.

Later, this dynasty provokes an extremely powerful ancient clan. Nearly a thousand masters of this ridiculous ancient clan killed the capital of this great country and fought a fierce battle with countless masters in this dynasty.

The sky was dark and dark, and it took a whole month to beat the huge plain where the capital city was in ruins, and there were strong people who used supreme magic power to forcibly uproot the ground.

As a result, the capital disappeared and turned into a huge mountain range hundreds of thousands of miles long.

There are countless ruins in the mountains.

Logically speaking, this is an extremely rich treasure, but heaven, spirit and earth treasures are not only liked by humans, but also by those powerful monsters.

Therefore, there are countless powerful monsters and monster plants in it, not even less than in the Tongtian River.

Therefore, it turned that mountain into an unparalleled dangerous place!

And because those masters fought here, many people even died, they left countless chaotic and powerful forces here, these forces are extremely terrifying, and they are completely out of control.

Sometimes, even if you don't encounter any monsters, you may be involved in this power and turn into nothing, with no bones left.

This kind of disaster is not a man-made disaster at all. It can only be called a disaster of no delusion. For this reason, many people have died in this mountain range.

This is also the origin of the name of this mountain, Wuwang Mountain.

Chen Feng asked, "What are you doing there?"


Wei Wuji slowly spit out these two words: "I found that compared with yours, my strength is very different now, and the gap is huge."

"However, I have never stopped chasing after. Before I was too proud and complacent. Perhaps it was because this Wudong Academy was too comfortable, so I have to go to the most dangerous place to practice!"

He bowed his hand to Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, goodbye!"

Turning and leaving, there was a burst of laughter from the sky, and the laughter was full of heroism: "Big brother, if I have not improved in strength, I will not come back, and I will die there!"

Chen Feng looked at his back with thoughtful eyes.

Wei Wuji really has a strong heart.

Under the moonlight, Chen Feng practiced again, and the dragon destroyed the world!

The fact that Wei Wuji left today caused quite a shock to Chen Feng.

Under the moonlight, Chen Feng sat cross-legged, and there was wind blowing from outside, blowing leaves and rustling.

Chen Feng is reflecting: "Is my courage weakened during this period of time?"

"Did my heart for struggle fade away during this period of time?"

"Is this Tianyuan Imperial City too easy for me to be as brave and diligent as before?"

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