Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1991: Wanli Buddha Dragon Skeleton!

"After sitting down and listening to the scriptures for 300,000 years, Venerable Arhat of the Dragon will become a Buddha."

"Finally comprehend the power of one ten thousandth of the Venerable Dragon Arhat, and on the order of the Venerable Dragon Arhat to proclaim our Buddha's mercy in the world."

"Unexpectedly, in the Longmai Continent, I was attacked by seven strong men. My strength was exhausted and I was seriously injured. I didn't know it shortly before I knew it. Therefore, I compiled what I had learned throughout my life into a copy of the Dragon Arhat scripture."

"The Scriptures are divided into eleven parts, such as the general outline, scattered throughout the dragon vein continent, and only those who are predestined live there.

"I even sealed all my memories in a single Buddha dragon bone. Those who get this dragon bone can follow the route to find my bones."

"My bones, fell into some secret realm!"

The magnificent voice exploded one after another: "The person who gets my bones will get infinite benefits, of course, remember, remember, that is my disciple!"

"According to my inheritance, you must also bear my responsibility, spread my hatred, and avenge me!"

"Kill all those seven people who attacked me! Are you willing?"

Chen Feng had no other thoughts in his heart at this time, and a great voice echoed in his heart: "I am willing!"

"Okay!" Then, Chen Feng felt a sharp pain in his brain, and boundless memories were squeezed into his mind abruptly, and the pain penetrated his bones.

Ah, Chen Feng let out a loud cry, suddenly opened his eyes, sweating profusely.

He discovered at this time. He had already returned to the stone chamber inside the colossal statue of the fairy.

And the blue-gray object that he held in his hand just now has disappeared without a trace!

At this time, in Chen Feng's mind, the pain was like a tide, and the waves continued to hit.

Those memories were so huge that they entered his mind, and Chen Feng Qiang held back and said nothing.

After a while, the pain subsided.

Chen Feng sat in the same place for a long time before he got up, recovered and digested the information just now.

At this time, after Chen Feng came back to his senses, there was a huge shock in his heart: "It turns out that the blue-gray object is actually a keel."

"It turns out that the inheritance of the descending dragon Arhat was brought to the Dragon Vein Continent by this Buddha! And his dragon bones have fallen somewhere!"

Chen Feng can imagine that if he finds the skeleton, he will definitely get great benefits.

Chen Feng said slowly: "The Truth of Jianglong Arhat has eleven articles, and I only got two of them."

"Among them, the general outline of the Arhat Sutra is still incomplete! Maybe if you find the dragon bone, you may find a few others."

But soon, the smile and excitement on Chen Feng's face dissipated, replaced by a strong sense of responsibility and a trace of anger, before he whispered to himself:

"Senior, don't worry, since I promised you and inherited your inheritance, then I will avenge you and fulfill your wish!"

"The seven people who attacked you will definitely die! I, Chen Feng, will never let them go!"

Chen Feng said these words very solemnly, and he did think so too.

However, Chen Feng turned his gaze to another thing in the jade box, which was a palm-sized jade symbol, and the whole shape was like a small fish.

Chen Feng touched it with his hand, and immediately, a piece of information poured into his mind.

"I hid this big secret in the colossal statue of the fairy man, and before coming here, I asked a master to fortune telling."

"As a result, the master said that the colossus was in danger of overturning into the Tongtian River, so I deliberately left a white fish pill in this jade box."

"White fish transforming pills?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and had never heard of this kind of pill.

But when he thought about it, he understood that there are no wonders of ammunition in the world. They are not only used for healing and training, but there are many pills that have a variety of very special effects, and they are very magical props.

Come to think of it, this white fish Huadan is also one of them.

Then, the voice in his mind continued: "After taking Baiyu Huadan, within the time of a cup of tea, the body exudes the aura of a fish monster."

"Among the Tongtian River, the monster beasts are blocked by the river water, and the deeper the river, the darker and groggy. Therefore, most monsters are accustomed to perceiving each other by perception."

"In the perception of these monsters, you are a fish, and you are a fish, neither strong nor weak. It will make them desire to swallow, but also a fish monster that needs to be weighed."

"So you should be safe and sound."

Chen Feng was ecstatic in his heart: "This way, I will have a way to leave this place. One cup of tea is enough!"

"As long as they are not directly seen by those monsters, they will not attack me. In this case, it is enough to be careful." Chen Feng whispered to himself.

Then, Chen Feng went around in this secret room again, making sure that there was nothing else, and he came to the entrance.

Then, he snapped, crushing the white fish transforming pill.

Then, Chen Feng felt that a fish-shaped protective cover seemed to form outside of him, with the faint scent of a fish monster.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "It really works."

Then, he pressed his palms on the connection of the door frame and slammed the door open. In an instant, countless water flowed in.

And this time, the secret door never closed automatically.

Chen Feng went upstream with a plop, really like a big fish leaping out of the water, into the Tongtian River.

However, Chen Feng did not act rashly, but waited and watched.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, the secret treasure in this secret room was taken out, and the mission of the secret room was naturally over.

Therefore, this time there is no protection in the secret room, let the water flow in.

Then, there was a loud noise, and the secret room collapsed directly.

In the next moment, this huge immortal road-guided colossus also began to collapse and collapse, which also caused a huge riot in the water.

Numerous metal blocks sank, creating whirlpools, and the mud and sand at the bottom of the Tongtian River were all rolled up.

The river was very muddy, and Chen Feng was happy: "It's now, this is the best time."

Thinking in his mind, Chen Feng immediately swam towards the surface of the Tongtian River.

He is fast, but without any panic, while walking, he is very keenly watching the surroundings.

Suddenly, a monster king like a giant snake swam past Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, then he flashed directly behind a large rock, avoiding the demon king's sight.

The Demon King seemed to have noticed it, and he stopped beside him, his nose twitching constantly. This scene made Chen Feng quietly overflowing with cold sweat.

But he didn't panic, but held his breath and continued to avoid.

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