Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1989: The breath of ancient dragons!

Seeing this scene, the chunky man in black was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Feng to do so.

He exclaimed: "Little bastard, are you going to die?"

His figure flashed, trying to catch Chen Feng, but when he came to the shore, Chen Feng's figure had already turned into a small black spot.

Then it slammed into the water hard.

The pudgy black man was full of annoyance and roared in a low voice: "You bastard, you **** fuck!"

He didn't rush down. Although he was not a member of Tianyuan Imperial City, he had been to Tianyuan Imperial City several times before and after in order to find that secret treasure. Naturally, he had heard of the legend of Tongtian River.

No, it can no longer be said to be a legend, it is a fact.

In the Tongtian River, there are countless powerful monsters, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, some of the top monsters, whose strength even exceeds the realm of King Wu.

And the existence that is said to have risen into the sky with a body bigger than Tongtianhe is naturally the pinnacle among these monsters!

Humans and Monster Beasts have almost reached an agreement by default, that is, beyond the Tongtian River is the human territory, while in the Tongtian River is the Monster Beast territory.

The only one who can cross the Tongtian River is the Colorful Bridge.

If anyone tried to cross or fly over, it would be regarded as an infringement on the Yaozu, let alone jumping into the Tongtian River, it would be barely hitting people's doors and slapped them in the face.

How can the monsters give up?

Moreover, the more powerful the human warrior received, the greater the rebound, and even to feel the aura of those powerful human warriors, the great monsters cultivating in the depths of the Tongtian River would instantly appear and kill them.

On the contrary, sometimes, some relatively weak warriors will not attract the attention of these big monsters.

Even if you enter the Tongtian River occasionally, as long as you don't meet the strong, you can easily retreat.

But the man in black had reached the realm of the Eight-Star Martial King. He knew very well that if he dared to enter the Tongtian River, he would be killed in an instant.

Therefore, he dared not pursue it at all.

The chunky man in black almost collapsed, and he uttered an angry growl: "You fucking, you bastard, bastard, are you going to die?"

"Damn, you can lose your life, but you are dead, who is my secret going to?"

He was extremely angry, his eyes were red, and his body was trembling. He almost collapsed when he thought of his decades of hard work to do nothing.

After a long time, he recovered his calm.

After calming down, he was suddenly moved in his heart, thoughtfully, and said to himself in a deep voice: "No, this is not right."

"In the process of fighting with my brother and me just now, he was very clever and determined. He is definitely not the kind of person who seeks his own way, and,"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "If he really wants to die, he will definitely pull me with him, but he hasn't, so that means..."

He categorically said: "The clue to the secret treasure lies in the Tongtian River! It's just that he knows, I don't know!"

"This little boy will never die, and it is very likely that he will be able to obtain that secret treasure!"

He said in a deep voice, "I'm just waiting here! Wait for him to come out, then wait for the rabbit to **** his secret treasure and kill him!"

When Chen Feng fell heavily into the river, the icy water poured in, instantly refreshing his mind.

But then, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, knowing that he was bound to die.

Because in the Tongtian River, the powerful Demon King didn't know where, and the few Demon Kings just didn't leave at all. When Chen Feng fell down, they looked at him.

At this time, Chen Feng fell into the water, and they crowded around frantically, smelling the **** smell, they were even more crazy.

Chen Feng saw that not far from the side, a pair of huge shiny eyes glared at him greedily.

They swam up close frantically, then opened their mouths to **** Chen Feng.

It seems that the next moment, they will swallow Chen Feng.

Until this time, Chen Feng had still not given up or confessed his fate. The lightning in his mind was spinning, thinking about how to escape.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the expressions of those demon kings had changed. They were actually stagnated in the water and did not bite at Chen Feng anymore.

Even their figures are still receding.

And Chen Feng clearly caught a trace of fear in their eyes!

A big demon suddenly let out an exclamation, and said: "This little boy actually has the breath of an ancient dragon!"

"This is the breath of the ancient dragon, so powerful, people dare not offend!"

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood this immediately.

A trace of ecstasy emerged in his heart: "My blood is fused with the breath of my martial arts, which is mixed with the breath of ancient dragons."

"Obviously, this breath makes these Demon Kings very jealous, even makes them afraid, so that they dare not swallow me temporarily."

But Chen Feng saw that they did not leave, but stared at the side, in surprise.

Chen Feng immediately realized: "They didn't dare to eat me right away, but they were only temporarily shocked. They will never be shocked for too long, and at most they will not take more than a hundred breaths."

Chen Feng immediately made a decision: "Within a hundred breaths, I will find the clue. If I can find it, I can escape a life."

"If you can't find it, whether it's underwater or back on the shore, it's a dead word."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng didn't care about anything else, he was highly concentrated, there was no other thing in his eyes, and the speed was extremely fast, so he followed the immortal figure of the way, thinking about going downstream.

And those demon kings didn't come up to eat, he just followed beside him, looking at him suspiciously, thinking in his heart.

Soon, Chen Feng dived for a thousand meters, and then he saw the other arm of the fairy pointing the way.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that his chest was hot, his whole body pained, and his eyes were dizzy.

He knew that this was because of excessive blood loss, and he almost couldn't hold it anymore, and he wanted to go to sleep immediately.

Chen Feng bit his tongue fiercely, and the tingling made him sober instantly.

"Chen Feng, how can you not hold on at this time? You must hold on to me, you must find the secret, and you must struggle to make a living!"

With a strong will, Chen Feng suppressed the pain of his body, and then came to the left hand of the colossus!

However, he searched for at least a dozen back and forth on the five fingers of his left hand, but he didn't notice the slightest.

At this time, there was not much time left, and one hundred breathing time was about to run out.

Those Demon Kings slowly pushed towards Chen Feng, with killing intent in their eyes.

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