Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1987: Sneak attack!

"Yes, but he can't be your opponent, big brother no matter what." The tall and thin man in black smiled contemptuously: "Big brother, you want to destroy it, as easily as an ant!"

The corners of the chubby man in black raised his mouth, revealing a smug smile, and said softly: "You can't do it in the Tianyuan Imperial City, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. We are afraid that our lives will be ruined here."

"But now, if you leave the Tianyuan Imperial City, you don't need to worry about it, but I plan to wait a little longer and wait until the clues become clearer before we act."

The tall and thin man in black nodded.

The more westward, the steeper the river bank. From the beginning, the gentle beach gradually lifted up and slowly turned into a stone bank several feet higher than the river surface.

Then continue to ascend, continue to ascend, when Chen Feng walked out a hundred miles away, the river bank had turned into a steep cliff, a full kilometer away from the river surface.

Further forward, there is an endless stretch of mountains, and the Tongtian River abruptly cuts out a vast and smooth road eight hundred miles wide in this huge mountain range.

Chen Feng walked further a hundred miles, but still found nothing.

He stood on the spot, raised his brows, and said softly: "It's not right, what the master said on the jade slip is:'Out of the north gate of the Tianyuan imperial city, go west for a hundred or twenty miles, and you can see a giant statue of a fairy pointing the way. .'"

"I was just because I was afraid that my feet were wrong, so in the middle of one hundred li to one hundred and fifty li, I have seen almost every position, but there is no such immortal colossus showing the way. what!"

"Why is this?"

Chen Feng thought hard.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart moved, Mao Sai suddenly slapped his head, and cursed in a low voice: "Chen Feng, you are really confused. The time he left the clue was 3,700 years ago."

"In 3,700 years, the vicissitudes of life, time changes, how many things will disappear?"

"Moreover, it is said that a thousand years ago, there was a throne battle. The prince stationed in northern Xinjiang led a large army to capture the Tianyuan Imperial City. Near the Tianyuan Imperial City, I don't know how many things were destroyed!"

"Then, following the clues more than 3,000 years ago will definitely not work, I have to find another way."

Chen Feng immediately folded and continued along the river bank.

However, his focus this time is not on the bank, but in the water!

This time, Chen Feng quickly found out.

When he reached a particularly high cliff, he looked into the river below, but his eyes lit up immediately.

It turned out that there was a stone pillar protruding obliquely in the river. This stone pillar was about 100 meters high. The shape is extremely round, and on the top of the stone pillar, there are five forks, one of which points straight forward.

This obviously couldn't have formed naturally, and how the stone mountain looked like the arm of a giant statue.

Chen Feng immediately thought of the colossus of the fairy, and after observing it for a while, he was more certain of his judgment. There were traces of artificial carving on it, and it was definitely the arm of a colossus.

There was a touch of ecstasy in Chen Feng's heart: "I found it, I finally found it! This is definitely the colossus of the fairy man!

However, Chen Feng looked down, then his brows wrinkled.

The Tongtian River was very clear. Through the water, Chen Feng could vaguely see a huge and incomparable phantom under the water, which was the body of the colossus of the fairy man.

However, most of it was not in the water, and only this small arm was exposed.

"What should I do now? How can I find the clues? Judging from the body shape, the right hand of the fairy guiding colossus is exposed, and the clue is in his left hand!"

Chen Feng's figure flashed and came to this arm, but he did not dive into the water in a hurry, but observed carefully.

Sure enough, after just a few breaths, Chen Feng felt a few extremely strong auras pressing fiercely towards this side.

In the next moment, several huge shadows appeared underwater, and Chen Feng was awe-inspiring. The aura from those huge shadow bodies reached the level of the six-star demon king at the lowest level, and one even reached the level of the seven-star demon king. level.

They came extremely quickly into the waters near Chen Feng, and then, suddenly, a big fish with golden scales and a dorsal fin like a green ribbon from the head to the back of the tail suddenly jumped out of the water and faced Chen Feng fiercely. Came bitterly.

This big fish is a six-star demon king, and its strength has reached the realm of a seven-star martial king.

Chen Feng did not face the battle, but flickered and swept back to the shore.

The big fish bit a hole and made a vicious and weird sound below.

The other monsters kept escaping from under the water and attacked Chen Feng, but at this time they could not reach Chen Feng.

Chen Feng broke out in a cold sweat, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, I didn't rush into the water, and I didn't rush into the fight just now. Otherwise, as long as he can't be killed in an instant, if he gets caught in him, he will immediately fall into these tyrannical monsters Under the siege of the king."

"At that time, let alone find the treasure, I'm afraid I will die here."

And at this moment, when Chen Feng had just returned to the shore, he had not had time to think about a way. Suddenly, he felt that two powerful auras were coming towards him behind him.

Those two auras slammed into his back with fierce murderous intent.

Chen Feng's keen senses reached the extreme, and he immediately realized: "This is someone who is going to attack me, and it's two people!"

Chen Feng's decision was approaching the extreme, and he immediately made his own decision.

He actually turned a blind eye to the stronger aura, but instead attacked the slightly weaker aura.

Chen Feng let out a stern shout, and the Jianglong Fantian Seal suddenly blasted out, blasting towards the weaker breath fiercely.

At the same time, he was also caught in the strong breath.

Chen Feng felt as if he had been hit by a mountain. For a moment, his throat was sweet, his whole body shook violently, and there was a severe pain, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he staggered back ten steps before Stand firm.

At the same time, there was a scream from the other side!

At the same time, a low voice rang out: "Little boy, you are brave enough!"

Until then, Chen Feng raised his eyes to see these two people clearly.

It turned out that the two who attacked him turned out to be two men in black, one tall and thin, the other short and fat.

At this moment, the tall and thin man in black fell to the ground holding his chest, and a big hole appeared in his chest, vomiting blood crazily!

His face was like golden paper, his eyes were distraught, he was obviously injured very badly by Chen Feng, and he was dead soon.

The short, fat man in black stood beside him with an anxious expression on his face, and shouted: "Second brother, second brother, how are you?"

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