Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1973: Thousand years of soldiers! Sudden epiphany!

At this moment, Chen Feng felt his hope of comprehending the sixth sword!

At this time, the magical feeling of comprehension had not faded, and Chen Feng hurriedly continued to urge.

The villain in his mind is constantly improving the sixth sword, pushing forward one by one.

Chen Feng put all his minds in it, the more he understood, the more he could feel the power of the Sixth Blade of the Eight Desolation and Annihilation!

However, this sense of comprehension is constantly disappearing, and eventually disappears!

I saw that the villain in his mind was getting slower and slower, and finally stopped completely.

Chen Feng continued to urge, and the villain who urged several times no longer made any movements, but just stopped there.

And with this knife, Chen Feng did not completely break free.

He opened his eyes, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and whispered to himself: "The sixth knife, I only understand less than half of it, so I can't push it anymore!"

"No, I must fully comprehend this sixth trick. Today is an excellent opportunity. If I miss today and want to comprehend it again, I don't know when to wait!"

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Can't drag on!"

So Chen Feng began to close his eyes and meditate. He was recalling his mental state when he was comprehending. Then, after Chen Fengcheng entered that strange mental state, he began to trace the origin.

"Why did I suddenly have this epiphany today? When was the cause planted and then the fruit was received today?"

Chen Feng pushed forward, and soon, Chen Feng discovered that the cause planted that day was unexpectedly outside of the soldier’s weaponry. The moment he looked up at the huge soldier character, he felt something in his heart. Epiphany.

It's just that the epiphany at that time was buried in the bottom of my heart, and it was not obvious. It was only until today that it broke the ground, scattered the branches and leaves, and blossomed!

As a result, Chen Feng immediately got up, left the lower court in stride, returned to the Tianyuan Imperial City, and walked towards the soldiers' weapons.

When Chen Feng came to the door of the Soldiers Weapon Shop, the sun was already rising, and the crowd was bustling and very lively.

And Chen Fengsi didn't care about anyone's eyes, sitting cross-legged directly in front of the giant soldier character, looking up at the giant soldier character.

Everyone looked at him like a lunatic.

"Who is this person? Crazy? Why is he sitting cross-legged here?"

"Is this sick or not?"

"Haha, he looked at the word soldier, is it possible that he still wants to realize something in the word soldier?"

"What a wishful thinking! This word soldier has been established here for thousands of years. I don't know how many people have referred to it. Among them, there are some great masters, super talents, all in vain. Does he think he can be an exception?"

"It's ridiculous!"

Everyone sneered at him, disdainful of Chen Feng.

As if Chen Feng hadn't heard of it, he just sat cross-legged here.

Because, at this moment, the moment he saw the word soldier, he sank into a strange and mysterious world.

In an instant, in that world, countless long swords stabbed at Chen Feng!

Each one has its own posture, and the arc drawn by each one is very mysterious. I don't know how many long swords there are.

This world seemed to be a world of long swords, one by one burst the long sword into the air, forcing Chen Feng to do his best to avoid it!

But even so, Chen Feng was constantly stabbed.

Every time he stabbed, his body was smashed directly.

After a while, it will recondense again, and there will be countless long swords stabbing again.

Such a reciprocating cycle seems to never stop.

Chen Feng would change himself every time his body was broken. Instead of blindly avoiding by instinct, he would look for the rules and the great principles.

As a result, Chen Feng dodges faster and faster, and the number of times he is hit is less and less!

When Chen Feng was evading, his hands were moving, and his feet were moving. Gradually, this set of movements became more and more proficient, and it was actually like a powerful set of footwork plus attack skills. exist!

At this moment, Chen Feng was completely immersed in his own heart and didn't even know anything outside.

To her, outsiders' slander and contempt is as if it doesn't exist!

At this time, if someone looked closely, they would find that there were waves of strange rhythms constantly fluctuating above the huge soldier character.

And Chen Feng's body, unexpectedly also has a similar rhythm fluctuation.

Although Chen Feng is very small compared with the rhythm on the character of soldiers, the two are actually from the same source!

The same feeling!

At this moment, among soldiers and weapons, suddenly a person came out.

This person was the manager who received Chen Feng that day. After seeing this scene, the manager's eyelids jumped wildly. Without any hesitation, he immediately returned to the weapon shop and notified the chief manager.

After listening to his description, the chief steward also moved in his heart and came out of the army of weapons.

Then, he saw Chen Feng.

Others could not feel the strange rhythm of Chen Feng's body, but he felt it clearly. The chief steward's hands trembled, his eyes showed ecstasy, and he said in a deep voice, "God, it has finally appeared, it has finally appeared. One!"

"What happened?" The steward asked the chief steward next to her.

The boss said with a trembling, "Finally, there is a genius who can understand this word for soldiers!"

After hearing this, the steward was also extremely shocked, and asked in a trembling voice, "You mean, he is comprehending the profound meaning of the word soldier?"

"Yes! Exactly!" The chief steward said in a deep voice, "The strange rhythm on his body is the same as that in the word soldier, which means that he can no longer understand it now, and he has gained a bit of the word soldier. Inheritance within."

He categorically said: "Now, immediately go back and report to the Patriarch, the first and most important one of the admonitions of soldiers and weapons, that is, if you meet someone who can understand this word, then you must report it immediately!"

"Actually." He took a deep breath, and said: "The most fundamental meaning of the existence of our soldiers' weapons business is not to sell weapons at all, but to find someone who can understand it!"

The steward was shocked, and he realized that the original meaning of the existence of the soldier's weaponry was actually for this.

He nodded to the chief steward, and without any hesitation, he hurried out and reported the incident to the soldier and weapon dealer outside the city.

The chief steward gave an order and personally led dozens of the most powerful soldiers in the line of weapons to come next to Chen Feng, forming an encirclement, facing the outside, staring at those people with guard and not allowing anyone. Excuse Chen Feng.

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