Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1963: The power of six hundred dragons!

He looked at Chen Ziyuan, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Chen Ziyuan understood, followed Chen Feng, and the two left.

Soon, he returned to the small courtyard where Chen Feng lived.

After the two entered, Chen Feng looked at Chen Ziyuan and smiled and said, "Ziyuan. After a few days, the final battle begins. When I confront the masters in the middle court and the upper court, our betting can begin again. ."

"Ah, really?" Chen Ziyuan's eyes lit up with joy when she heard it.

Not to mention, after Chen Feng forced her to open a gambling game, she was a little addicted, and then Chen Feng refused to let her open, she was still a bit regretful.

At this moment, it can be re-opened, and it immediately becomes very excited.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Of course, I didn't let you open a gambling game before, because basically everyone in the lower house already knows my strength. Even if we open a gambling game, they won't be fooled, so why useless. What?"

"But the people in the middle house and the upper house are not necessarily. When you offer such terrible odds, the people in the middle house and the upper house will still be recruited because they don't know my strength."

"Brother Chen, you are right."

Chen Ziyuan smiled and said: "When they heard that you came from the lower court, they must be full of contempt."

"I am from the middle court. I know that the upper house looks down on the middle court, but the middle court looks down on the lower court!"

The two said a few more words, and Chen Ziyuan reluctantly left.

After she left, Chen Feng sat cross-legged and began to practice.

He is now cultivating, without stagnation, a smooth path, and the only thing that can stop him is Xuan Huangshi.

This time, he received another thousand black yellow stones, and Chen Feng would use all of them for cultivation.

He sat cross-legged again, and the black yellowstone piled up into a hill in front of him.

Chen Feng pressed his hands on it, and inside his body, the Dragon Falling Arhat Light Orb ran wildly, the power of the Falling Dragon Arhat gushing out overwhelmingly, and the extremely powerful force continuously destroyed the Xuan Huangshi.

Then, that strong Xuanhuang power quickly transformed in Chen Feng's body.

The power of Xuanhuang continued to pour in, and Chen Feng's power of descending the dragon and Arhat surged wildly, and his bright pearl of the descending dragon and Arhat was also brilliant.

Moreover, this light is getting brighter and brighter, and the Dragon Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl is also getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, when all the thousand black yellow stones were broken, the Dragon Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl was a little bigger than before, and it became the size of the belly of the thumb.

At this moment, Chen Feng opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, shaking his whole body.

Suddenly, the dark golden light on the surface of his body flashed, and a buzzing sound was a powerful shock wave.

In this small courtyard, a dark golden light gleamed instantly, and Chen Feng enveloped it, extremely mighty, like a dark golden arhat!

Chen Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "The power of six hundred dragons. Now, my power has reached the power of six hundred dragons, which is one-fifth stronger than before!"

"Moreover, it's not far from condensing the second Arhat Light Orb."

"As long as the second dragon descending Arhat Light Orb is condensed, I can have the power of a thousand dragons. When the time comes, I will be able to break through the second day of the Dragon descending Arhat Scriptures and my strength will increase rapidly!"

From the end of the Great Competition in the Lower House to the beginning of the Great Competition in the entire outer court, there are three days in between.

During these three days, Chen Feng only left the Wudong Academy to see Aunt Mei and Han Yu'er, and spent the rest of the time practicing in his small courtyard, tempering the Dragon Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl.

In three days, his strength became stronger, and the power of the dragon descending Arhat became more pure.

Three days later, one early morning, Chen Feng came to the square.

At this time, Jian Mingjun was already waiting there. He saw Chen Feng and slowly nodded.

Then, above his body, a force spread out and enveloped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng only felt a sigh. There was a flash in front of him, the scenery flashed, and then he traversed the space at an extremely fast speed. It was just a few blinks of an eye, which was a distance of several kilometers, and came to another floating mountain. .

This floating mountain is about the same size as the floating mountain where the lower courtyard is located, but it is gorgeous in the past, with five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, and there are Qionglou Yuyu and tall palaces everywhere.

Moreover, each palace is equipped with a small square, extremely luxurious atmosphere.

If the Floating Mountain where the Lower House is located is a slum, it can almost be called a palace!

Jian Mingjun smiled and said: "This time, the entire outer courtyard competition will be held in the upper courtyard!"

"At that time, we will come here every day."

Chen Feng nodded, he suddenly moved in his heart and asked: "The first adult, the upper court is here, then, where is the inner court?"

"Oh, where is the inner courtyard?" Jian Mingjun glanced at Chen Feng, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "I can't tell you this, you will know it by then, and you will be surprised if you keep it!"

Chen Feng nodded and stopped asking.

The two followed the steps to the top of the floating mountain. On the top of the floating mountain, there was a high platform where the outer courtyard was compared.

The two were walking up, and suddenly, a group of people came from the side road. In front of them was a middle-aged man in his fifties who was about the same age as Jian Mingjun.

In the back, there were a few young people under 30, men and women.

A group of people came here talking and laughing.

Then they saw Jian Mingjun and Chen Feng.

The middle-aged man in the lead, with a playful smile on his face, turned his head and said a few words in a low voice. Then, the young people all glanced over here, laughing and talking to each other. It was full of mockery.

Suddenly, they didn't know who said what, and then they pointed to Chen Feng's side and burst into a joking laughter.

Chen Feng frowned and looked at them.

He vaguely heard words like death, waste, and humiliation.

Obviously, what they said was definitely not good.

Jian Mingjun pulled Chen Feng and said lightly: "Those are the people in the middle court, don't be familiar with them, there will be a conflict later, try to give in."

"Try to give in? Why?" Chen Feng raised his brows.

Anger was already rising in his heart.

Jian Mingjun looked at Chen Feng and said helplessly: "I asked you to back down, do you think it was to suppress you? I did it for your own good!"

"You know, they are members of the middle court. Our lower house is the lowest among the three houses. Our lower house is in front of the upper house and the middle court, so we can't raise our heads."

"Even if you are the rookie king, even if you are the first in the House of Commons, you still won't be their opponent!"

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