Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1954: What a coincidence

"Get up and talk!" The three commanders reprimanded impatiently: "Look at you, what does this look like now?"

"If you walked over from the outside with this panic expression just now, then the face of the gambling pavilion really made you lose all, get out!"

"Yes." These people were obviously extremely afraid of him, and quickly stood up after hearing this.

The three commanders stared at them and said coldly: "Tell me what happened."

"Yes." Among the several people in red, the calmer one hurriedly explained the process of the matter, and finally said: The three commanders, that Chen Feng's strength is really terrible, it's not that we don't want to fight with one of them. We are not opponents at all! "

"Senior Brother Hou is much stronger than us, and he was killed by a single move. We can only die if we go up!"

What they said, these three commanders did not believe at all.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said with a disdainful face: "How can a person who has just entered the lower house this year have such a strong strength? You must be scared by him and deliberately exaggerated when you came back!"

Several people in red stood there with their heads bowed, not daring to refute.

There was a sneer at the corner of the three commanders' lips, and he said with a cold snort: "There is still a competition in the lower house, right?

Several people in red nodded quickly: "Okay, then I will go and kill Chen Feng myself!"

"I have to see how powerful he can be!" He was full of contempt: "A disciple in the lower court, no matter how strong it is, how strong can it be?"

On the third day, the competition continued.

This time, only eight of the thirty-two people in the lower house were left.

Eight people stood apart, and Chen Feng among the eight people did not see another Wang Bo who had offended him.

However, the one who offended him first, the one named Yang Wenyao, was still there.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. He looked at him and smiled and said, "What a coincidence, are you still here?"

"Let me say, you might as well lose early. If you lose, at least you don't have to touch me. Moreover, others may not be cruel enough to kill you."

"But now, you are still here. If you meet me, it will not be easy to be killed simply. I will make you miserable!"

Chen Feng stared at him with a cruel smile on his mouth, and said word by word.

"You!" Yang Wenyao's face was red and white, showing extreme shame.

He was clearly humiliated by Chen Feng in front of everyone.

He glared at Chen Feng, with a touch of extreme anger in his eyes, but he dared not say anything or could not say anything.

Because Chen Feng's strength is being strong by him, because Chen Feng can easily do all of what he said!

He felt the extreme humiliation and the unstoppable panic, and a voice echoed in his heart: "If I really get a match with him, what should I do? If I really are in the same ring with him Contest, isn't it sure to die?"

Thinking of this, a look of fear appeared on his face and his body trembled.

Because now there are only eight people left, this probability is very high.

Chen Feng's arrogance at this time was all returned to him.

If he hadn't said those things to Chen Feng before, Chen Feng would definitely not be so provocative at this time.

Chen Feng has never committed a crime, and I have never committed a crime.

There was a trace of pity in the eyes of those around who looked at Yang Wenyao.

If it were before, the object of their pity would be Chen Feng, but this time it was Yang Wenyao.

"Yang Wenyao is over this time."

"Yes, he should pray that he will not get Chen Feng. If Chen Feng is drawn, Chen Feng will definitely make him die miserably."

"Yes, Chen Feng can now be said to have no opponents under the Seven-Star Martial King, and Yang Wenyao's strength is only in the middle stage of the Six-Star Martial King. Chen Feng will kill him easily!"

"It deserves it. Who told him to provoke Chen Feng so much at the beginning. Now that Chen Feng is so strong, he must be very regretful in his heart?"

They guessed right, Yang Wenyao already regretted it to the extreme at this time, regretting why he had to say more, regretting why he had offended Chen Feng.

However, it has no effect anymore.

Jian Mingjun stood on the high platform and said in a deep voice: "Today, there are still eight people, eight people, fighting in pairs. I still draw lots."

"After the competition today, there are only four people left!"

"And after today's competition, the four winners will be called the four major disciples of the lower court. All the disciples of the lower court will bow and salute when they see you four."

"Moreover, you four major disciples, the lower house will have special rewards."

"The reward is," he stretched out a finger and said slowly: "A thousand black yellow stones per person."

Hearing this, the faces of everyone participating in the contest were filled with joy.

This reward can be said to be very good. It has lining and face. A thousand black yellow stones are very rich. This is a great benefit. This is lining.

Everyone has to bow and salute when they meet. This is the face.

In the eyes of many people, face is more important than lining!

This means that since then, the four of them are the four highest-ranking disciples in the lower house.

Then, Jian Mingjun began to draw lots.

This time, Chen Feng was drawn for the fourth time. Obviously, Jian Mingjun has now recognized his strength, but he feels that he is not the top one yet, instead ranking him fourth among the eight.

"Is it the fourth one?" Chen Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't say anything, just waited silently.

Chen Feng is the third pick, which means that he is going to play against the sixth pick.

At this time, Jian Mingjun glanced at Yang Wenyao, called his name, and drew a lottery.

He held it up high, and everyone saw that on the jade slip, there was a huge letter written: six.

Suddenly, the crowd seemed to be fried.

"Haha, it really was Chen Feng against Yang Wenyao!"

"What a coincidence, Yang Wenyao is over this time, and Chen Feng will definitely make him worse than dead!"

"Deserve it, who told him to act so quickly that he offended Chen Feng, and now he is paying his debts for himself!"

And seeing this scene, Yang Wenyao directly weakened his legs and collapsed to the ground. He was dripping with cold sweat and yelled in disbelief: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, why should I fight him? I don't believe it! "

Yeah's voice was hysterical, almost crazy.

Jian Mingjun stared at him and said faintly: "You mean I was unfair in drawing lots and cheated?"

That cold gaze made Yang Wenyao wake up instantly, and he quickly explained: "The first seat, I didn't mean that!"

"Then you stand up quickly and face it upright, like a man!" Jian Mingjun said coldly!

Yang Wenyao trembled all over, he stood up with difficulty, with a desperate expression, his eyes were out of focus.

Moreover, although he stood up, his legs were still trembling constantly.

Obviously, he had been terrified to the extreme.

But Chen Feng just turned his head to look at him, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and uttered two words: "What a coincidence!"

The draw was over, and everyone boarded the ring.

Chen Feng stepped onto the third ring. Opposite him, Yang Wenyao took the ink for a while before moving up unwillingly.

Chen Feng smiled and looked at Yang Wenyao, and said softly, "Yang Wenyao, do you remember?"

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