Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1949: Step out, reborn

He looked at Chen Feng with a contemptuous smile on his mouth, shook the golden serrated knife in his hand, and said coldly: "Chen Feng, I am your opponent today!"

Chen Feng nodded slowly, without speaking.

The blond young man's mouth showed a colder smile, and said with a sneer: "Today, your life will be lost to my hands."

A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes: "Oh, really? I don't think so."

"Hahahaha!" The blond young man laughed arrogantly: "Chen Feng, I know you have a deep heart, and you have not shown your strength before, just to make a blockbuster in this House of Commons competition."

"Your idea is very good, but unfortunately, you met me."

"Hahaha," he said, looking at Chen Feng very contemptuously: "I have the strength to be worthy of such ambitions, but if I have ambitions, my strength is not good and can only be reduced to a laughing stock."

He took it for granted, and said confidently: "Yesterday, I saw your test. The strength you showed is indeed quite powerful, but it is only in the middle stage of the Six-Star Martial King."

"And me? I'm the pinnacle powerhouse of the Six-Star Martial King. With my strength, it's easy to crush you!"

He was full of self-confidence, obviously he thought he was going to eat Chen Feng.

A smile of disdain appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he slowly shook his head.

The blond young man still laughed and said: "Okay, Chen Feng, you don't have to pretend, you don't need to make such a gesture, I have a clear understanding of you, you only have the strength of the six-star Wuwang mid-term. ."

"I want to deal with you, it's very easy!"

At this time, there were a lot of onlookers around this arena, many times more than other arenas.

No way, Chen Feng is too legendary.

From the waste in the eyes of everyone, and then a blockbuster, he even easily defeated his opponent in the first battle, showing the strength of the six-star Wuwang mid-term, which shocked everyone.

And they are all waiting here, wanting to see Chen Feng can continue to create miracles.

"I think it is difficult for Chen Feng to win the opposite Luo Yingzhe in this suspension!"

"Yes, Luo Yingzhe is a general tiger, his father, but the Zhonglang general in our Tianyuan Dynasty army, is a powerful intermediate general with the strength of the peak of the eight-star Wuwang. And Luo Yingzhe is young, He also has the peak strength of the Six-Star King Wu!"

"He has practiced military exercises since he was a child, and he was even brought to the frontier for three years by his father. He has killed countless people. He has a cruel and violent personality.

"Chen Feng was one level weaker than him, and now he is even less likely to be an opponent."

"Yes, I think so too!"

Someone slowly said: "Moreover, Luo Yingzhe looks rough and violent, but he is actually a very caring person. He has been observing Chen Feng, and he has sent many people to inquire about Chen Feng's details. Feng felt it through, knowing himself and the enemy, naturally it is easier to overcome!"

Everyone looked down on Chen Feng, and still felt that Chen Feng would lose in this game.

At this time, there was another commotion in the crowd.

Because, a pretty and cute girl in a goose yellow shirt squeezed from the crowd, came to the ring, and then put a huge jade board on the ground.

On the left side of the jade board is the two characters Chen Feng, and the right side is the three characters Luo Yingzhe.

"What does this mean? Do you want to open a gambling game again?"

"Haha, this girl, I look familiar, oh, I remember, isn't this the senior sister who admired Chen Feng so much yesterday? What is it called?"

"Haha, your news is inferior to mine, I have already inquired out, this senior sister is from the middle courtyard, her name is Chen Ziyuan, she is 18 years old and has never been married..."

The man was obviously a talker, he said a big deal.

"Yes, I recognize it too. It's her. Didn't she come here yesterday?"

"Oh, needless to say, she must be here again to see Chen Feng."

"This Chen Feng is really enviable."

"But look, what's the matter with the jade board she is holding? Is it possible that she also wants to open a gambling game?"

Everyone whispered.

They are all a little confused about the origin of Chen Ziyuan, but Chen Ziyuan came to the stage, put the jade board on the ground, raised her head, and wanted to speak.

But when he was about to speak, he saw the people facing him, and saw the questioning eyes of these people.

Suddenly, the courage she finally mustered up was like a snow lion in the sun, disappearing instantly without a trace, and she lowered her head again. She only felt that she was extremely nervous, trembling all over, short of breath, and palms. Sweating.

She couldn't help but look up to the stage, it seems that only the man on the ring can give him courage and strength.

And when she looked there, suddenly she also found that Chen Feng smiled and looked at her, eyes full of encouragement!

Chen Feng smiled at her and nodded, and said softly: "Ziyuan, you can!"

Hearing these four words, Chen Ziyuan's heart suddenly surged with infinite strength and courage.

She straightened up suddenly, and then felt her whole face flushed and her sanity was a little unconscious, but she resolutely shouted to those who looked at her and pointed, with faces full of doubts:

"A gambling game is opened here today to bet on the outcome of Chen Feng and Luo Yingzhe's test!"

"Chen Feng pays one for one, and Luo Yingzhe pays three hundred for one. Let's hurry up and bet now!"

"What?" There was a sudden boom in the crowd, as if a pot was exploding.

Everyone was talking about it. The first thing they were shocked was that Chen Ziyuan actually opened a game here, and the second was the odd odds of this game.

"This little lady is also opening a gambling game!"

"Haha, she is really full of confidence in Chen Feng in this gambling game. Chen Feng's odds turned out to be only one loss. Even if I bet on the right, it is just a return. What's the point?"

"Luo Yingzhe's odds are one to three hundred, my God, how does he look down on Luo Yingzhe?"

"I think, this girl is really stupid." Someone shook his head and said with disdain: "She did this to encourage Chen Feng, or wishful thinking. It seems that she really likes Chen Feng. , So wishful thinking that Chen Feng would win, so he set such a weird odds!"

Everyone agreed with his point of view. They all felt that Chen Ziyuan's behavior was inspiring, and none of them could think that Chen Feng and Chen Ziyuan were so confident that Chen Feng would win.

They didn't even know that Chen Feng did this to make them think they had a bargain to pick up, and then bid Luo Yingzhe to win!

After Chen Ziyuan said these words, she felt her head buzzing, ears buzzing, she couldn't hear anything, she couldn't hear clearly, and she seemed to be unconscious.

She felt that the tension in her heart was released instantly, and the whole person was relieved and extremely relaxed.

Take it one step, reborn!

When she looked at other people, she no longer had any timidity or shyness, but she was calm and generous.

She even shouted into the distance: "Hurry up and bet, what are you all waiting for?"

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