Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1943: Mocking Ziyuan? dead!

They looked at the woman in yellow shirt in disbelief, then looked at Chen Feng in the stands, and then let out an incredible cry:

"How is it possible? This senior sister actually came to see Chen Feng?"

"This shouldn't be it, Chen Feng is so low-powered, his martial soul is a waste martial soul, why should he be favored by beautiful women?"

Everyone was full of resentment and eyes full of jealousy.

Someone smiled and said sourly: "Maybe Chen Feng was the one who slid in bed, so this senior sister was surrendered by him!"

As he said, there was a lewd smile on his face, and many people around him also laughed appreciatively!

Hearing these words, Chen Ziyuan's face turned red. She pointed at the person, her face was angry, and said: "You, how can you talk like this? You take these words back!"

She has always been that shy and timid temperament. At this time, although she was angry, her voice was soft, and she looked no deterrent.

That disciple looks like a rascal, so how can he be afraid of her?

He chuckled and said, "Senior Sister, why do you bother with Chen Feng?"

"That waste requires strength but no strength, and potential but no potential. It is waste now, and it can only be more wasteful in the future.

"What's the point of being with him? Why not follow me?"

"Little brother, I was born in the Feng family of the Tianyuan imperial city. I am the eldest son of the Feng family. In the future, I will inherit the family business. I am stronger than him, potential is higher than him, and his status is even higher than him. I don’t know how much. Strong with him?"

"And the most important thing is," as he said, he chuckled and made a very nasty posture: "Your brother, I'm not bad in bed, how about it, sister, do you want to try it?"

Several people next to him booed and agreed.

Obviously, this disciple surnamed Feng, with good strength, coupled with a lot of power, is already in this lower house, has a small force of his own, and the few people nearby are flattering with him.

Someone next to him whispered: "This Feng Lixuan is seducing the girl again."

"Yes, this Feng Lixuan is not a **** thing. It has only been three months since he entered the lower house. He used various means to destroy the virginity of three women."

"One of them was blind and voluntarily followed him. The other two were taken away forcibly by him. Those two girls are really pitiful. After being played with by him, they washed their faces with tears all day long. I'm afraid it will be ruined."

It turns out that Feng Lixuan is an out-and-out evil young man!

What he said made Chen Ziyuan's face flushed with anger, and her lips trembled, as if she wanted to curse, but he was so shy that he couldn't even say the curse.

Moreover, she was a little scared at this time.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned his head, his eyes were extremely cold, like two cold electricity, nailed to Feng Lixuan's face fiercely.

He pointed at Feng Lixuan and said coldly, "Feng Lixuan, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

"Don't worry, it won't be long. I will kill you in a moment."

At this time, Chen Feng's anger was steaming: "Dare to molest Ziyuan? Looking for death!"

When Feng Lixuan came into contact with Chen Feng's two extremely cold eyes, he immediately felt like he was in the snow and ice.

Inexplicably huge fear surged in his heart, and he couldn't help taking two steps back.

Then, when he heard Chen Feng's words, he was immediately furious: "How can I be afraid of this untouchable? How can I be afraid of this waste?"

He immediately snorted with disdain, laughed wildly, and said with extreme contempt: "Chen Feng, are you kidding? You will live first!"

"In this competition, you will never survive, you will definitely be killed by Wang Zhongze!"

At this time, Wang Zhongze, who was opposite Chen Feng, said coldly: "Chen Feng, you can escape my life by the sword now!"

"Ah, yes, it is possible for you to live, too." A joking smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "You kneel down and beg me!"

"If you kneel down and beg me now, I can still spare your life and let you have a chance to compete with Feng Lixuan, otherwise, you can only wait for him in the next life."

At this time, Jian Mingjun lit a pillar of incense on the high platform. He smiled and said, "After a stick of incense, the competition will begin!"

On the various arenas, everyone is holding their breath and adjusting their breath, restoring their breath, trying to adjust their state to the peak.

The only exceptions are the 8th ring and the 15th ring.

On the eighth ring, Wei Wuji calmed down, if nothing happened, while the person opposite him shuddered with cold sweats.

In the other place, on the 15th ring, Wang Zhongze continued to provoke and mock Chen Feng, but Chen Feng looked at him as if he hadn't heard it, but it was like watching a dead person!

Anyway, to him, Wang Zhongze is already a dead person.

From the moment he started taunting, Chen Feng had made up his mind to clean him up, but he hadn't wanted to kill him yet.

But when he ridiculed more and more and made Chen Feng unbearable, his life no longer belonged to him, but depended on Chen Feng's mood.

After a stick of incense, Chen Feng will kill him, so he is waiting now.

At this time, suddenly, a few men squeezed into the crowd, squeezing out such a small piece of open space with a square meter.

These men are all wearing the same color clothes, but they are big red. They look very pleasing, and there is a small embroidered word on their chests: "Bet."

Gambling bet!

These people put down a jade board on the ground, and on the jade board, it was divided into two pieces, with the words Chen Feng on the left and the words Wang Zhongze on the right.

Then, these people laughed and said to everyone: "Everyone, bet, bet, who will win this game!"

The well-informed person nearby said in a low voice, "So it was them."

"What are they from?" someone asked curiously.

"They are people from the Chamber of Commerce in our Wudong Academy, named Gambling Pavilion."

"Gambling Pavilion? What a big tone!"

"Haha, they do have a big tone, but they are really bold enough and strong enough. They gamble almost everything, and every time there is a competition, it is an opportunity they never let go."

The well-informed person explained: "This Gaming Pavilion was also opened by the disciples, but it is said that the background is very deep, so they act unscrupulously!"

Someone asked, "How much is one loss for each of these two?"

The man who gambled on the Tian Pavilion smiled and said, "Wang Zhongze loses three, Chen Feng loses three hundred?"

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