Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1940: Kassapa breaks the ring knife!

Wan Hongbo quickly thanked Xie De for his thanks and left dingy!

Then, the manager looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Then, according to what you said, this Nieming Zhaori Bow is priced at 30,000 Xuan Huangshi."

He is also in urgent need of Xuanhuangshi now, and the difficulty of cultivating the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scriptures increases every time he advances to the heavens.

If you want to break through to the second heaven of the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scriptures, you need at least 10,000 yuan of Xuanhuangshi, which is a full 100 times higher than before. Where does Chen Feng have so many Xuanhuangshi now?

This time is a good opportunity.

"Okay, okay, okay." The chief steward replied one after another, his face full of excitement.

He was about to order someone to get Xuanhuangshi to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng smiled and said, "This is not anxious. I have to choose a knife. I will talk about it after I choose the knife.

"Good." The chief steward nodded and said a few more words to say goodbye.

His status is distinguished, so naturally he will not stay with Chen Feng forever.

Chen Feng went on to choose, and at this time, other people around him looked at him with a little more curiosity, a little more fear and respect.

Chen Feng, young, but extremely strong and financially rich, they all realized that this was not a person who could easily offend.

Chen Feng walked one by one, but he was always dissatisfied, and always felt that he was not close to his eyes.

Suddenly, Chen Feng stopped in front of a transparent jade box, staring inside without blinking.

This transparent jade box contained a big knife, about seven feet long and as wide as a door panel. It was very thick and dark, with no light from it.

It looked like it was cast from a piece of scrap iron.

And if you look closely, you can find that there are faint blue-gray lines on it, but there is nothing surprising, it is very common.

Moreover, on the transparent jade box on the outside of the other first-grade king's soldiers, there are various signs showing the power of these king's soldiers, and this transparent jade box is empty.

Cai Min just came over and smiled next to him and said, "Master Chen, would you like this one?"

Chen Feng didn't speak, because at this time, Chen Feng was completely immersed in a strange feeling. He felt that through this transparent jade box, on this black sword, there was a strange rhythm. .

But after touching this rhythm, the Dragon Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl in Chen Feng's body actually buzzed, and a burst of white light escaped.

Jianglong Luohan Guangmingzhu actually resonated with this broad sword.

Chen Feng immediately moved in his heart, then turned around and said firmly: "I need this knife."

Cai Mincai persuaded from the side: "Master Chen, I advise you to think twice."

"Although this knife is also a weapon of the first-rank king, we have not found any characteristics on it. If we insist on the characteristics, it may be that the knife is heavy and extraordinarily hard. There is nothing more than that. "

He wanted to persuade him again, and Chen Feng shook his head and said, "This is the one!"

He raised his head and saw the five characters marked on the transparent jade box: "Kassapa Breaking the Ring Knife!"


Seeing these two words, Chen Feng suddenly trembled, as if reading these two words, in the void, countless thunder and lightning were born out of thin air, blasting in his heart.

It was as if, when these two words were pronounced, there was an existence that was so tyrannical that he couldn't imagine it, and glanced here.

Then, Chen Feng's heart beat wildly, almost jumping out of his chest.

So Chen Feng shut his mouth quickly, and didn't dare to think about these two words!

Chen Feng whispered softly: "Breaching the precepts and clearing the precepts, this is something related to Buddhism, and Kasaba, I read these two words, it seems that it is also related to Buddhism."

"This knife has a predestined relationship with Buddhism and me, and today it is considered a fate."

But then, he saw that there were three small characters after these five words: imitations.

"Imitation?" Chen Feng raised his brows and looked at Cai Mincai dumbly.

Cai Min smiled bitterly and said, "Master Chen, the reason I advised you not to buy is just for this reason."

"Kassapa's Ring Breaking Knife is said to be one of the top artifacts in the world. It is not even comparable to the King's Soldier. That kind of thing shouldn't exist in a place like us. This knife is just an imitation. It's just a product!"

"Thousands of years ago, we were a master of craftsmanship in the military industry. He occasionally got inspiration and found it. Although there are some powers, it is not worth buying."

"Because the price is really high."

Chen Feng asked: "How high is it?"

"Twenty-seven thousand black yellow stones, dead price, no bargaining!"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. The price was already five times that of the general First-Rank King’s Soldier. It was indeed very high. But thinking of the throbbing feeling in his heart just now, and thinking of the inexplicable feeling, Chen Feng immediately Said: "I will buy it for as much money!"

Cai Mincai saw that his attitude had been decided, so he stopped persuading him.

After a quarter of an hour, Chen Feng stepped out of the army.

At this moment, behind him was carrying a black sword, about seven feet long, as wide as a door, and half larger than Chen Feng.

And in his golden dragon ring, there are also three thousand Xuan Huangshi!

An hour later, a purple golden car rushed to a stop at the door of the soldiers' weapon shop.

Then, from above, a young man in a red robe strode out.

This red robe youth, with long hair, red like a flame, beating in the air, around his body, flames filled with horror.

Within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, there is a heat wave.

And beside the chariot, dozens of guards wearing red armor were surrounded by him.

The red-haired young man strode out and coldly shouted: "Where is Chen Feng that untouchable? Let him get out of me!"

The sound rolled out, shaking the entire army of weapons.

After a while, a person walked out inside, it was Cai Mincai.

He walked closer, neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Lord Lieyang. I don't know if Lord Lieyang came to our soldiers and weapons business, what's the point?"

It turned out that this person was the third son of the Lieyang family, Lieyang Guangyan.

Lie Yang Guangyan said in a cold voice: "Don't play stupid with me here, hand over Chen Feng!"

Cai Mincai smiled and said, "Chen Feng? So you are looking for him? He has already left."

"What? Leaving?" Lie Yang Guangyan squinted at Cai Mincai.

Cai Mincai smiled and said, "Master Lieyang, you should think that I can't be stupid enough to lie to you."

Lieyang Guangyan snorted coldly, "This is pretty much the same."

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