Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1936: Choosing the King's Soldier

Chen Feng smiled and said, "What if I want the king's soldier?"

"What? The King's Soldier? You want the King's Soldier?" Xiao Er's face suddenly showed a touch of shock, and his smile solidified there, becoming a little embarrassed.

Then he said: "If you want the king's soldier, that's not what I can do. I need to report to the manager."

Chen Feng nodded and smiled: "Okay, then you go and call the manager."

If Chen Feng wants to buy a knife, he will naturally not buy badly. He always strives for perfection when buying things, even if he pays more.

The Xiaoer's expression immediately became excited, and his attitude became more respectful.

If this business can be done, he will definitely benefit from it.

So he immediately said with a smile on his face: "My son, you come with me."

Chen Feng nodded, and the group of three followed him into the weapon shop and was taken to the seventh floor.

Xiao Er explained: "This seventh floor sells weapons like knives."

Chen Feng glanced at it and saw that the middle of the seventh floor was a hall with dozens of shelves in the hall.

On each shelf, there are thousands of weapons, all kinds of knives.

Xiao Er smiled and said, "On every shelf, there are knives of the same grade, with different prices."

He pointed at one of the shelves and said, "There are three hundred and sixty-seven knives on this flower stand, all of which are of the Ninth Stage Spirit Tool."

Chen Feng asked: "What's the price?"

"Each price is three hundred Xuan Huangshi!"

"Three Hundred Profound Yellowstones?" Chen Feng nodded slowly.

In fact, these three hundred mysterious yellowstones are also something he can't get out now. He doesn't have a single black yellowstone on his body now, and they have all been absorbed.

However, Chen Feng had his own way, so he didn't panic at all!

Xiao Er introduced the three of them into a quiet room and left.

After a while, a maid brought tea, and after waiting for about a stick of incense, a middle-aged man in his forties walked in slowly.

He saw Chen Feng. There was a look of astonishment on his face, as if he was surprised that he was so young and dressed like this, but he didn't show any negligence. Instead, he had a smile on his face that was neither humble nor arrogant. The son, I don't know how this son is called?"

Chen Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth and uttered two words: "Chen Feng."

Hearing these two words, Cai Mincai seemed to think for a moment, but still could not connect him with any powerful child in the city.

After all, what happened a few days ago has been blocked by some caring people.

It's not that the Hong family lost such a big person, but it's not that he didn't want to be known by everyone, because the city's laughing stock.

So he can understand Chen Feng's name without knowing it.

He did not despise Chen Feng because of this, but said: "The son wants to buy a weapon of the King's Soldier level, right?"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

"Okay." Cai Min didn't hesitate at all, said: "Then I will take the son to have a look now!"

Chen Feng nodded, and the three of them stood up, followed Cai Min before crossing the hall, and then entered a corridor, circling around before a secret room.

The door of this secret room is cast with a rare silver-white metal, with a powerful aura, engraved with a magic circle. It took Cai Min a whole cup of tea to open the gate, the magic circle shined, and the door Slowly cracked, and a gap appeared.

Cai Mincai smiled and said, "Master Chen, please."

When Chen Feng entered the gate, he took a look and found that the gate made of silver-white metal was a foot thick, which was hard to break.

A group of four people walked into the secret room. The inside was about ten feet in radius. It was completely different from the outside. There were no shelves at all, but transparent jade boxes one by one.

Inside each transparent jade box is a weapon!

There are already more than a dozen people here, and everyone is dressed in luxurious clothes and has great momentum. Chen Feng knew at a glance that they were either rich or expensive.

These people were very calm. Seeing the arrival of Chen Feng and others, they only glanced at them slightly. They didn't pay much attention to them, and seemed very indifferent.

These are obviously guests who came to buy weapons, and their wealth can be seen if they can enter here.

Some boxes were empty, and Chen Feng glanced at them. There were at least a dozen soldiers of the king.

He raised his brows and asked in amazement: "There are so many?"

Cai Mincai smiled and said: "Our soldiers are good at weapons. After all, they are the largest in the Tianyuan Dynasty. It is normal to have so many."

He proudly said: "In fact, this soldier's weaponry is not the core of our soldier's weaponry at all, but just the periphery. The core of our soldier's weaponry is a hidden military pavilion in the owner's home."

"It's really all-encompassing in that Tibetan Soldier Pavilion!"

Chen Feng slowly nodded his head, and had a deeper understanding of this staring soldier's weaponry!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Let me choose first."

Cai Mincai smiled and said, "The son is not in a hurry, you can choose slowly."

Chen Feng paced slowly, choosing one by one. The aura of these first-rank king soldiers is quite terrifying, even if it is separated from the huge transparent jade box, Chen Feng can feel it.

He looked very carefully.

The first king's soldier was a short dagger, with a blue ray glowing all over, and the sharpness of the front was clear at a glance.

The second king's soldier is a golden-backed sword, which is five feet long, bigger than a human body, and looks very domineering!

Chen Feng looked at them one by one, and in a blink of an eye he saw four or five of them, but none of them gave him the same feeling as the original dragon-slaying knife, the feeling of spiritual communication.

Cai Min was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly beside him.

But at this moment, the door made a babble, and after a while, it was opened again, and a few people walked in from outside.

The leader was a man in his fifties who was in charge of dressing up. This man was thin, with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, and he looked like a mouse, and his eyes shone with shrewd calculations.

Behind him was a twenty-three or four-year-old young man wearing a brocade robe, very pompous, and a coquettish woman followed.

The woman looks good, but her dress is too coquettish!

Chen Feng glanced at them, then indifferently continued to look back and choose.

The strength of this young man is not very strong, probably just entering the Martial King realm, and his footsteps are vain, which is obviously excessive drinking.

The thief-eyed steward said with a flattering smile: "Master Cui, please here, please here."

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