Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1934: Superb power!

After speaking, he stood up and swayed twice in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a closer look, suddenly raised his brows, and said in surprise, "Senior Sister, you, you actually broke through?"

Han Yuer smiled and said, "You have a foresight."

It turned out that Han Yuer Yuer had already broken through to the Martial King Realm, and this progress was extremely fast.

Han Yuer said with a smile, "Junior Brother, you are so powerful, I can't hold you back."

Aunt Mei said by the side: "Your senior sister's cultivation talent is actually very good, but I have never met a famous teacher before, which is delayed, and now I have my guidance, it is not unusual to step into the Martial King realm during this time."

"In the future, her cultivation speed will be very fast."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Thank you aunt Mei!"

Aunt Mei continued: "Moreover, the most special thing is his martial soul."

"Wuhun?" Chen Feng raised his brow.

"That's right." Aunt Mei said: "Her martial spirits are very rare. Healing martial spirits are extremely rare and extremely precious."

Chen Feng asked, "Why is it precious?"

"Imagine that you fight with others, and the difference between the strengths of the two sides is not much. Both sides are seriously injured. It takes months for the opponent to heal from the injury. As long as you have her, you will soon be healed."

"You said, does this help much?"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was immediately shocked.

Since he stepped into his current state, his injuries have become extremely difficult to recover.

This is also normal, the stronger the strength, the harder it is to recover, this is the heaven and earth!

With Han Yuer's help, that would be even more powerful!

However, his expression still hesitated.

Aunt Mei said: "I know what you are thinking, but her current strength is still too low. If you bring her by your side, I'm afraid she will be in danger, I understand."

"So," he said with a smile: "When you see you next time, maybe Han Yuer's strength will make you admirable."

Then, she smiled and asked: "I think you are quite strong now, but are there any adventures in these years?"

Chen Feng nodded, and then told himself one by one from the past, from Qian Yuanzong's past to the present.

As he was talking, he suddenly moved in his heart and asked, "Aunt Mei, how can my master, Yan Qingyu, know you?"

Speaking of the three words Yan Qingyu, Aunt Mei's eyes dimmed instantly, and there was an unnoticeable pain in her eyes.

She bit her lip lightly, her face pale. After a while, she returned to normal. A smile was squeezed out on her face. She whispered, "Don't ask about your master. I'll tell you later."

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded and did not ask any more.

Although Chen Feng is not very young, he has experienced too many things in the past, which can be described as ups and downs.

When Aunt Mei heard this, her heart was surging, and she was sometimes happy for Chen Feng and sometimes sighed.

When Chen Feng heard that what Chen Feng was currently practicing was the Dragon Falling Arhat Scriptures, Aunt Mei raised her brows and her eyes were shocked: "Chen Feng, you have such a coincidence that you actually got the Dragon Falling Arhat Scriptures?"

Chen Feng asked, "Is this the Scripture of the Dragon and Arhat so famous?"

"It's not just famous!"

Aunt Mei exclaimed: "Do you know how far this technique on the Dragon Vein Continent can be called the ultimate divine technique?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know."

Aunt Mei said: "At worst, you have to reach the ninth rank of the heavenly rank, or even surpass the ninth rank of the heavenly rank, in order to be called the supreme magical skill."

"If you have one of these superb powers, you can have a place on this continent and become a hegemon. If you have these two, three, or even more, then your status will be too high!"

"Unfortunately, the number of the superb divine arts on the Dragon Vein Continent is extremely limited. They are all countable. The number will never exceed one hundred. They are the secrets of the major families and empires."

"The family of the eldest lady possesses these two supernatural powers, so it can rank among the top families on the mainland."

Chen Feng asked: "How top-notch?"

Aunt Mei painted a smile at the corner of her mouth and said softly: "You just need to remember that the family from which the eldest is born is not weaker than the Tianyuan Dynasty, and even much stronger."

When Chen Feng heard this, he took a breath. He didn't expect his mother to have such a huge background!

"The mainland’s superb powers are basically divided into two categories, one is created by the mainland’s local powerhouses, or it is grown from the mainland’s heaven, spirit and earth treasures, or it is the history of the mainland in the past tens of millions of years. Among them, heaven and earth are born in harmony."

"In general, it was produced by our Dragon Vein Continent itself."

Chen Feng nodded, and Fu Lingxin asked, "Then the second type, is it our mainland?"

"That's right," said Aunt Mei, "the second type is called Tianwai magical art. This kind of Tianwai magical art comes from the world outside our Longmai Continent."

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart trembled. This was the first time he had come into contact with such a high-level secret.

It turned out that there are other worlds besides the Dragon Vein Continent.

Aunt Mei continued: "The rank and power of the Heavenly Extraordinary Divine Art is generally higher than that of our Dragon Meridian Continent's own Divine Art, and your Dragon Dropping Arhat True Scripture is the best among the Heavenly Extraordinary Divine Art.

"Among the divine arts outside the sky, it can definitely be regarded as very tyrannical."

Speaking of this, her expression solemnly told Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, you must not let anyone know the news of your cultivating the Dragon Arhat Sutra, otherwise, it will definitely bring you a murderous disaster."

"About one hundred thousand years ago, the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scripture appeared in the world by chance, and immediately caused a **** storm. On the mainland, the top powerhouses have shot and robbed them. The blood flowed into a river. I don't know how strong it is Who fell."

"If you are known to you, you are like a child walking on the market with gold in your arms. You must be targeted!"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Aunt Mei, don't worry, I will!"

After saying a few words, Chen Feng talked about his desire to choose a weapon.

"You want to buy weapons?" Aunt Mei thought slightly, and then said: "Come on, I'll take you to a place."

Soon, the three came to the gate of a weapon shop in Tianyuan Imperial City.

The building is a thousand meters high, but there are only nine floors, and each floor is scary.

And here, in front of the tall building, there is only a huge gate, and the gate has a big character written on it, which is: soldier!

The word soldier is hundreds of meters in radius, but it seems to be done in one go, showing a silvery white color, iron painted silver hook, sharp and sharp.

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