Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1931: Lieyang Family!

But at this time, Chen Feng sketched a smile on the corner of his mouth, and uttered three words gently: "Yes!"


When these three words fell into Chen Ziyuan's ears, she felt that at this moment, it seemed that the world was different, and there were countless lights in front of her.

At this moment, her whole person was full of energy.

She looked at Chen Feng and asked in a trembling voice, "Is it true?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Of course, how could I lie to you?"

"Great! Great!" Chen Ziyuan let out a cheer, which shocked Chen Feng. She didn't expect that she, who had always been timid and shy, would make such a cheer.

Soon, the two are about to part, Chen Ziyuan is very reluctant to let go

Chen Feng smiled and said: "By the way, my strength, you have to keep it secret for me, no one can say!"

Chen Ziyuanyuan nodded vigorously: "Well, I will definitely."

This is a floating mountain, an extremely huge floating mountain, almost the same as the Yun family.

No, even a little bigger than the Yun family, it was already approaching the limit set by the court.

The imperial court stipulated that the height should not exceed one kilometer, so the mountain was as high as 999 meters and nine feet and nine inches, which was only one inch shorter than the imperial rule.

Above this floating mountain, the pavilions and halls are stacked one after another, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is extremely brilliant and extremely bright.

In front of the floating mountain, there is a huge boulder with a diameter of hundreds of meters floating.

On the boulder, four big characters were written impressively: Lieyang Family!

The Lieyang family, these four characters, seem to have incomparable power, and when people look at it, they feel as if there is flames in front of their eyes!

In front of him, it seemed to be red.

Beside these four words, there is a round of scorching sun carved into the void, the flames burning, covering the sky!

Suddenly, at this moment, the sun was in the middle of the sky, and the sun reached its highest point in the day.

At this moment, there was a flame on the huge boulder several hundred meters high, and it burned directly from the writing.

This time it was not illusion, but real existence. So for an instant, this huge boulder, several hundred meters high, was surrounded by flames and became a huge fireball burning.

This huge fireball can be seen everywhere in a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is extremely magnificent.

Seeing this scene, on the street below, many people looked up and were surprised.

Seeing the surprised expressions on these people's faces, the people who were native to Tianyuan Imperial City next to them showed a touch of arrogance and disdain.

"Haha, I knew it was a foreigner who had just arrived."

"Yes, they must have never seen such a spectacular scenery before!"

This scene, they have long been commonplace.

The Lieyang Family, proudly standing in the Tianyuan Imperial City for thousands of years, this huge stone ball already existed when the floating mountain just rose.

Such a scene will appear every day when the day is in the middle of the day!

This is the incomparable Xuanhe, even more than the Lieyang Family in the General's Mansion!

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a motorcade in front hurried to this side. The people on the street hurriedly gave way. The sharp-eyed people have already seen that this carriage is made of pure gold with complicated embroideries on it. Pattern.

At a glance, you can see that if you are rich or expensive, you should be a powerful figure in a large family.

A big flag was erected next to the carriage, and a huge "Hong" was listed on it.

This convoy was running rampant, and the people around dared not say anything, so they opened the way.

Soon, they came to a square.

This square was located directly under the Lieyang family, and then he saw the golden carriage, and a person walked out.

If Chen Feng was there, he would definitely find that this person was Hong Donglie, the head of the Hong family.

Hong Donglie got out of the carriage and suddenly shouted: "Under Hong Donglie, please see Lord Lieyang!"

On the square, there were hundreds of guards wearing fire-red armor, standing neatly in two rows, from one end of the square to the other.

After he said this sentence, the red armor guard closest to him shouted: "Hong Donglie begs to see Lord Lieyang."

Then the second person yelled again, and the third person yelled again, and the voice continued.

From a distance, one could hear a voice from the floating mountain where the Lieyang family was located at an altitude of several thousand meters.

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, a loud voice rang from the floating mountain: "See you!"

Then I saw that above the floating mountain, a step suddenly spread down, like gold and not gold, like jade and not jade, spreading directly from above, and stopped in front of Hong Donglie.

Suddenly, above the giant flame ball, two flames shot out, burning directly beside the stairs.

Beside the stairs, flames spread from top to bottom, like a path of flames.

Hong Donglie did not squint, respectfully, and walked up step by step.

A few hours later, he just walked below the floating mountain, crossed the square, and came to a hall under the guidance of a few scarlet guards.

The entire shape of the hall was like a huge cluster of burning flames, brilliant and hot.

After entering here, he didn't look up at all. Instead, he threw a plop, fell on his knees, and cried in his mouth, shouting loudly: "Master Lieyang, Master Lieyang, please be the master!"

In this hall, it was red.

The floor is paved with red jade, and between the two huge flame pillars at the end of the hall is a flame throne.

This is a throne made up of real flames. Countless rising flames burned up to a hundred meters high. At the top of the flames, there was a flame heart that had turned golden yellow.

That flame heart constituted a golden throne.

At this moment, a person wearing a golden and red robe was sitting on it.

This person is about forty years old, with red hair and red beard, looks extremely mighty!

This person is the Patriarch of the Lieyang Family, Lieyang wins!

The golden red flame flame heart, the temperature was extremely high, and a few hundred meters away, Hong Donglie felt that he was about to be burned alive, and his whole body was in severe pain.

But that person was unscathed in this flame heart.

He looked at Hong Donglie and said lightly: "What's the matter? Don't panic, just tell me in detail."

"Yes." Hong Donglie hurriedly nodded, and then explained the course of the matter again.

However, in her mouth, it was naturally that Chen Feng bullied his son, and then he went up to seek justice for his son, but he was also dealt with miserably.

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