Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1919: Who is the waste?

Chen Feng's expression suddenly became extremely cold and stern. When he said the first word, his figure flashed out extremely quickly, like a flash of lightning, and when he said the last word, he had already killed Hong Donglie. .

Two fists blasted out, and there was a loud roar: "Yin Xumi Mountain!"

On the palm of his hand, a huge dark golden magic seal suddenly formed, and a phantom of the dark golden magic seal with a height of 1,000 meters was looming behind Chen Feng.

The roar of a hundred dragons resounded through the sky!

At this moment, the people around were even directly shocked to vomit blood and fell to the ground one after another, looking at Chen Feng with terrified eyes, sighing the tremendous power of this trick.

Panic appeared in their eyes: "What kind of trick is this? It's so tyrannical!"

The power of Hundred Dragons was launched impressively!

The Yinshou Xumi Mountain suddenly formed, and then fiercely bombarded Hong Donglie.

Hong Donglie felt the incomparable aura, and his face suddenly changed, and exclaimed, "How is it possible? You can actually attack the Seven-Star Martial King level?"

The long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and hundreds of swords were pierced in succession, like a little bit of cold star, and the attack on Chen Feng, weaving into a starry sky, slew towards the dark golden magic seal.

He laughed loudly: "But even so, so what?"

"I am the pinnacle master of the Seven-Star Martial King, it is still easy to kill you!"

And the next moment, his smile solidified on his face!

With a loud bang, the Jianglong Fantian Seal directly shattered his offensive, and then smashed his body fiercely!

Under Jianglong's overturning seal, all defenses are useless.

With a bang, his body was directly blown out dozens of meters.

His skin trembled, his muscles burst open, his bones were broken, broken into pieces, and he fell out violently.

He let out a screaming scream and spurted blood.

And before Chen Feng waited for him to land, he flashed his body and came directly in front of him. When he stretched out his hand, he pinched his throat, stared into his eyes, and yelled furiously: "Now tell me , Who is the waste?"

"Tell me now! Who is playing like a dog!"

This scene of electric light and flint made everyone onlookers scared stupid!

It wasn't until this time that they came back to their senses, and then a huge discussion broke out.

"Seven-star Martial King-level Hong Donglie was beaten so miserably by Chen Feng? He was severely injured by Chen Feng? And he caught his neck with his neck?"

"This Chen Feng's strength is too terrifying, none of the Seven Star Martial King masters is his opponent!"

"Haha, this time, the Hong family really lost face. The young one was beaten, and the old one came, but the old one was beaten so miserably!"

At this time, Hong Donglie was also full of disbelief.

He stared at Chen Feng blankly, and muttered: "Impossible, it is impossible. How could your offensive be so strong? How could you break my defense so easily?"

He didn't know that his defense was no different from that of paper in front of Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng stared at her and said coldly: "I asked you, didn't you hear? Who was beaten like a dog? Who is the real waste?"

Hong Donglie's face was flushed, he felt that he had lost face greatly, and became angry from embarrassment, and shouted coldly:

"Tell you, boy, my Hong family is a vassal of the Lieyang family. If you move me, the Lieyang family will never spare you!"

"Oh, I dare not move you, am I?" Chen Feng smiled coldly, his hands began to exert force, pinching his neck and gradually tightening.

There was a creaking sound on Hong Donglie's neck, and her face was flushed red, and her tongue spit out. He felt that he was almost suffocating to death, and he was about to be choked to death by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and asked: "Now tell me."

As he said, he relented, Hong Donglie panting heavily, breathing fresh air greedily, and coughing violently.

At this time, he looked at Chen Feng and he no longer had the contempt he had just now, but was full of terror and fear.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng actually dared to kill him. He just felt a strong murderous intention from Chen Feng.

He felt humiliated in his heart, but still trembled: "I am a trash, I was beaten miserably like a dog."

When he said this, he was so humiliated that he almost fainted.

But he dared not say anything.

The faces of the masters of the Lie family were extremely humiliating.

They rushed forward and were about to rescue him. Chen Feng sneered: "If you dare to move forward, I will break his neck directly, believe it or not?"

These Hong family masters stopped quickly, not daring to take a step forward.

At this time, the white-clothed woman looked at Chen Feng, her mouth was covered by her white gauze, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she whispered softly: "Like, it's so alike, it's so like her."

"These eyebrows, this nose, this mouth, and even the temperament are too similar."

And when Chen Feng said these words and did these things, she couldn't help but chuckled softly: "Even this way of doing things is so similar, fierce and fierce, but without losing the opportunity to change!"

"God pity, God pity."

She raised her eyes to look at the sky, and her eyes were full of excitement: "I found her bloodline here. I searched the territory of the Tianyuan Empire 80 million miles and finally found it here!"

"God, you treat me well!"

Of course Chen Feng didn't know what she said at this time. Hong Donglie looked at Chen Feng and gasped violently, "You, how can you let me go?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "How can I let you go? It's very simple. Your life is now in my hands. If you want to survive, then take things to atone for your sins."

"Well, I am atonement, I will give you whatever you want."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I want very little."

As he said, he stretched out a finger: "A hundred black yellow stones."

"What? A hundred black yellow stones?" Everyone around was in an uproar, all staring at each other.

A guard of the Hong family who seemed to be of high status said to Chen Feng with a weeping face: "This son, we really can't get a hundred black yellow stones!"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "You have a third-tier family, can't you even get a hundred Xuan Huangshi?"

This person hurriedly said: "We usually use Xuanhuang fragments in our cultivation, and we haven't even seen Xuanhuangshi."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and suddenly his hand patted Hong Donglie's shoulder.

With a click, Hong Donglie's shoulder blades were directly shattered!

Chen Feng looked at them and smiled and said, "Can't get it out, can you?"

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