Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1913: I, Chen Feng, speak for words!

"Because he is a pariah, a pariah who has no foundation in Tianyuan Imperial City."

After listening, everyone nodded.

Hearing all these discussions around, Hong Tao showed a smug look on his face, and looked at Chen Feng with a smile and said, "Little bunny, have you heard it? It's easy for us to kill you, no one will Investigate!"

"Don't you hurry down on your knees and beg for mercy? In this case, maybe my young master can forgive you."

At this time, there was a hint of impatience in Young Master Hong's eyes. He just looked at him lightly, pointed at Chen Feng, didn't even look at Chen Feng, just said, "Behead him."

He seemed to disdain to look at Chen Feng!

Moreover, his words seem to be like orders, as if he said that Chen Feng would be killed by killing Chen Feng. Obviously, they didn't put Chen Feng in their eyes.

Hong Tao hurriedly nodded respectfully, and said, "Yes, young master, I will kill this **** for you!"

Having said that, we must do it.

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and the killing intent was raging in his heart. He made up his mind. If he did it, he would teach these people a profound lesson.

Chen Feng now wants to kill someone!

Some people onlookers watched this scene with anticipation, waiting for Chen Feng to be killed by Hong Tao. As everyone knows, Chen Feng will give them a huge shock and let them know who will be killed. Who is the real strong.

Just when Chen Feng was about to shock everyone, suddenly, Young Master Hong spoke and said lightly: "I changed my mind, Hong Tao, don't kill him first, grab the little lady first for me."

Hong Tao froze for a moment, and then turned into a thick flattery, haha ​​smiled: "You are still master, you are smart, haha, catch this little lady, and ravage this little boy wantonly, let you get your hands down and see this kid suffering That’s the real torture!"

"If you kill this kid, it would be too cheap for him!"

As they said, the two looked at each other, and both laughed triumphantly. Han Yu'er was flushed with anger!

Hong Tao said with a smile: "Master, I will ask that little lady to catch you."

After speaking, they walked to Han Yu'er. They didn't even look at Chen Feng while they were speaking, so obviously they didn't think he was a threat at all!

Hong Tao grabbed Han Yuer's hand fiercely, and Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "Which hand do you grab my senior sister, I will abolish your hand!"

Hong Tao dismissed it at all and continued to grasp.

A sharp light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes: "Looking for death!"

With that said, his figure flashed, and then he slaughtered Hong Tao and blasted out with a fist.

Hong Tao seemed to have expected this a long time ago. He still grabbed Han Yu'er with one hand, and met Chen Feng with the other hand. He laughed and said, "Boy, I grabbed this little lady with one hand. Men, with just one hand, you can beat you and make you beat you miserably, believe it or not?"

As he said, he proudly said: "Because, I am a dignified three-star martial king, you have no power to fight back in front of me, just like a little chicken!"

Chen Feng felt extremely ridiculous, Samsung Wuwang and other powerful people, he killed how many people before he came to Tianyuan Dynasty, this person is really arrogant, ridiculous to the extreme!

He coldly shouted: "Okay, then try it."

With that, his fist fell fiercely.

Looking at Chen Feng, Hong Tao's face was full of complacency. In his opinion, after he and Chen Feng's fists collided, he could easily shatter Chen Feng's fist, and then blast him directly!

A triumphant smile appeared on his face.

And the next moment, that smug smile suddenly stopped and solidified on his face.

Because, after his fist and Chen Feng's fist collided, the scene he expected did not appear, but instead his fist burst into pieces.

The next moment he uttered an extremely scream, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and shouted, "How is it possible?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng's fist continued forward, and directly grabbed Han Yuer's arm and smashed it.

Then, extremely powerful force poured into his body, Hong Tao let out a miserable scream, spurted blood, was hit and flew out dozens of meters, hit the wall of the lobby, and crashed the wall directly.

The entire lobby is shaking violently.

When the onlookers saw this scene, their faces also showed extremely shocked expressions, each of them opened their eyes wide, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe what they saw.

The next moment, they broke out a huge exclamation.

"This young man hit Hong Tao severely with a punch. It turns out that his strength far exceeds Hong Tao!"

"It turns out that this young man is capable. We dismissed him before, but it was a bit too much!"

At the same time, there were still people who were dissatisfied, especially the burly young man who opened his mouth to humiliate Chen Feng and the middle-aged scribe. Both of them showed disdainful laughter.

The burly young man said, "Hong Tao is just the strength of the Samsung Wuwang, so what is it?"

"That's right," said the middle-aged scribe, "A man who is better than him is much better. This young man is better than him, but he is not strong!"

They felt that Chen Feng's performance made what they just said was like farting, so they felt humiliated!

Chen Feng glanced at both of them, his eyes flashed coldly, but he didn't speak!

At this time, Master Hong's face also showed a faint cold color, he stood up and looked at Hong Tao on the side.

Hong Tao was clutching his broken arm and screamed.

Looking at Hong Tao, Chen Feng said in a cold voice: "I just said that if you use your hand to catch my senior sister, I will abolish your hand."

"I, Chen Feng, never fail to say anything!"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, it turned out that this person was named Chen Feng!

Lord Hong looked at Hong Tao with a look of disgust in his eyes: "Useless waste!"

Young Master Hong looked at Chen Feng, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, his face was still extremely disdainful: "Chen Feng, right? It seems that you do have some strength, but do you think you are strong?"

"Like Hong Tao. I don't know how many of them are under my hand. Anyone under my hand can easily deal with him."

"You hurt him, do you think you are great?"

He stared at Chen Feng, pointed his finger at him, and said proudly, "Chen Feng, believe it or not, I can destroy you with one sword!"

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