Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1904: Those who insult me ​​will die!

Seeing that Chen Feng had even killed Duan Jinghui, their faces were extremely scared, and the atmosphere in the hall was almost suffocating.

In this suffocating atmosphere, several people broke out!

They yelled burstingly: "Chen Feng, what are you? How dare to speak to us like this?"

Several of them felt that their blood was much more noble than Chen Feng, so they brazenly provoked at this time.

Chen Feng squinted at them, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I am very courageous, I admire you very much, if this is the case, then you will die!"

Chen Feng roared and blasted out his fists.

At this time, the light pearl in his body was completely dimmed, but the martial arts gods were still there, the martial arts gods were rushing, and the power fell, killing them one after another.

Suddenly, the remaining children of Yun Potian made shrill screams.

They didn't expect Chen Fengfeng to really dare to kill.

Chen Feng coldly spit out two words: "Shut up!"

Suddenly everyone closed their mouths and dared not speak anymore!

Chen Feng slowly said, "Kneel down!"

"Yes Yes!"

They all knelt down and begged for mercy, one by one humbled to the extreme.

Chen Feng stared at them with a smile on his mouth. He smiled very coldly and his voice was even colder: "Remember? Just three days ago, in this hall, you people, one by one, surrounded me. Humiliate me, accuse me, scold me, laugh at me!"

"You guys were very prestigious, very domineering, very powerful!"

"What about now? What about your prestige? What about your arrogance? Are you dismissive of me? Why is it all gone?"

Chen Feng walked in front of them, and every time he walked in front of someone, he would say something, pointing their foreheads, and poking them on their foreheads.

This is a very insulting action. If anyone dared to do this to them, I am afraid that they would have been furious and wanted to kill.

But now, no one dared to move.

They just cried bitterly and wailed and begged for mercy. No one dared to question or resist Chen Feng's actions!

Chen Feng laughed, and the laughter was full of joy. He looked down at them and said coldly: "I said at the beginning, you people who insulted me, I want you all to kneel in front of me, crying and begging. !"

"You didn't expect that this sentence would be fulfilled so soon, right?"

The faces of these people are full of extreme pain and shame, and their faces are full of regret.

They regret that they should not provoke the evil star Chen Feng!

Chen Feng walked to the last person, poked his forehead a few times, and then suddenly turned around and grinned. Her white teeth glowed with extremely cold light, and the expression on her face was extremely cold. Cold!

"You still remember this, then you should also remember that I was here that day and told you that you all have to die!"

"You dare to call me bastard, you dare to humiliate my mother, you all have to die!"

Chen Feng let out a violent roar, his fist was about to fall!

At this moment, a loud roar came from outside the hall: "Chen Feng, you stop me!"

Chen Feng could hear Yun Potian's voice.

But Chen Feng turned around at this time and looked outside, only to see Yun Potian rushing here quickly.

Chen Feng laughed, and suddenly turned around, his fists were so fierce that they blasted out one after another!

With every punch down, a child of Yun Potian was killed!

In a blink of an eye, all these two dozen children were killed by Chen Feng!

In the hall, blood is already flowing.

At this moment, Yun Potian just arrived outside the main hall gate.

At this moment, Chen Feng turned his head. He wore a blue shirt and was stained with blood. He opened his arms and faced the sky. The laughter was endless and he heard hundreds of miles.

There is endless madness in it!

Suddenly, his laughter stopped, his hand pointed at Yun Potian, and he sternly shouted: "Yun Potian, don't you pet them? Don't you favor them?"

"I will kill them all right now, what can I do with you?"

"Hahahaha!" At this moment, Chen Feng felt extremely happy in his heart!

In fact, when these two words came out, their fate had already been decided, and Chen Feng would never let them go.

Chen Feng said that he would kill them all, so he would definitely do it!

Because Chen Feng will never allow anyone to insult his mother, saying that he is a **** is to insult his mother!

At this moment, Yun Potian finally came to the main hall.

He slowly walked into the hall and watched the blood donation all over the floor. The blood was already flowing in the hall at this time, and only Chen Feng was left.

Everything else was killed.

Yun Potian finally showed shock, anger, and pain on Gu Jing Wubo's face.

Finally, he withdrew his gaze and stared at Chen Feng, with a low growl in his mouth, just like a beast about to choose people to eat, his eyes flushed, and the muscles on his face burst.

He stared at Chen Feng and screamed: "Boy, you are really looking for death, you are challenging the limit of my tolerance!"

Chen Feng smiled very happily, and said lightly: "It's you who have been challenging my limits. I never saw that you were tolerating me!"

His voice suddenly rose, and shouted loudly: "Since I came to the mansion, you have started to deceive me, humiliate me, disdain me, and suppress me!"

"Not only that, you still allow them to deceive me and insult me, Yun Potian, what do you think you are? Who do you think of me again?"

"I Chen Feng, how can you allow you to be so humiliated?"

Chen Feng roared and pointed at Yun Potian without shrinking in the slightest.

"Okay, okay, Chen Feng, you are fine!" Yun Potian said coldly, "In this case, then you will pay for them!"

As he said, his figure flashed and he came directly to Chen Feng, his hands clasping Chen Feng's shoulders.

Chen Feng had no power to resist. Facing Yun Potian, he didn't even have the strength to desperately, and the gap between the two sides was too great.

He only felt that in Yun Potian's hand, two powers rushed directly, wrapped in a narrow purple thunder and lightning power, and broke into his body in a flash.

Then at the next moment, Chen Feng felt that he couldn't use a trace of strength all over his body, leaving only intense pain.

He fell heavily to the ground.

Then, Yun Potian sneered: "Do you think this is enough? Do you think you can escape punishment so easily by killing my children? Dreaming!"

As he said, he tapped out his hands one after another, directly on Chen Feng's shoulder.

With two bangs, Chen Feng's pipa bone was directly penetrated by two huge holes.

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