Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1887: I will make you regret it!

Yun Tianming laughed wildly and said: "Chen Fengfeng, your scrap martial soul is also worthy of being called a martial soul? It's just a useless little snake. How about the lion that will feed me then?"

As he said, the light flashed behind him, and the head of a lion loomed, it was his flame giant lion spirit!

Chen Feng didn't hear the ridicule of these people. He just looked at one person, Yun Potian.

He wanted to see if Yun Potian wanted to destroy his last trace of warmth.

At this moment, Yun Potian slowly shook his head, looked at Chen Feng, with a deep look of disgust in his eyes, and said lightly: "What a waste!"

In one sentence, five words, Chen Feng's heart is like an ice cellar!

Chen Feng's lips twitched a few times, and then a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

He whispered to himself in his heart: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you are really naive, what hope do you have for him?"

"It's all right now, hope is dashed, isn't it?"

The next moment Chen Feng shook his head and smiled, his smile full of unruly joy.

At this moment, his mood was extremely relaxed, he completely looked away and became open-minded.

Then the smile on his face disappeared without a trace, and turned into an extreme ice cold. He looked at the people in the hall and said word by word: "You who mock me today, when the time comes, I will let you kneel on me In front of him, begged in pain!"

The answer to him was a wild ridicule.

Yun Tianyi laughed and said, "Okay, you little bastard, I'm waiting, I'm waiting for this day!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Yun Potian waved his hand and said lightly: "It's all gone."

The crowd saluted respectfully and dispersed.

However, Yun Potian walked to Chen Feng and said in a commanding tone: "Let's go."

With that said, go ahead.

Soon, the two returned to Chen Feng's courtyard one after another.

Yun Potian suddenly looked back at Chen Feng and said lightly: "Do you know that I went to Wudong Academy this afternoon and gave me five thousand catties of purple gold with cloud patterns."

"This is the price of bringing you back. I don't think you are worth so much."

With that, turned around and left.

Behind him, Chen Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, blood spilling from his mouth.

His fingertips pierced his fist, and the blood tickled down.

And Chen Feng seemed to be totally unaware. After a long time, a tragic smile appeared on his face: "It turns out that in your heart, I can't even compare to five thousand catties of purple gold with cloud patterns!"

Chen Feng suddenly looked at Yun Potian and said in a deep voice, "General Yun."

Yun Potian turned his head and looked at Chen Feng with a scrutiny gaze, which made Chen Feng even more cool.

He is like looking at a criminal.

Chen Feng said lightly: "I never thought about calling you father, you, General Yun, I can't afford it!"

Yun Potian looked at him, his expression did not fluctuate, he just shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice:

"It's really stubborn, look at your eyes, look at your way of talking, it's exactly the same as the **** back then!"

The words **** were uttered, and Chen Feng's heart was painful like a needle prick, and he immediately realized who the **** was in Yun Potian's mouth.

He roared loudly, like an enraged lion, even his eyes became blood red, and he roared, "You, do you dare to humiliate my mother?"

Yun Potian seemed to be taken aback by his demeanor, and then he curled his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile: "What happened to me insulting your mother? You are all mine!"

As he said, he turned his head, seemingly impatient to talk to Chen Feng anymore, turned and left.

A roar came from behind him: "Yun Potian, I will make you regret the two words today!"

Chen Feng looked at him with a sorrowful smile on his face, as if his heart was dripping blood.

"What father is this? Where is such a father?"

He is more cruel and harsh to himself than to anyone.

A voice in Chen Feng's heart was ranting frantically. At this time, he was not only disappointed in Yun Potian, nor indifferent, but turned into a bit of hatred!

From beginning to end, Chen Feng never said the word father at all, and he didn't plan to mention it again in the future.

Chen Feng's heart was cold, and there was no more enthusiasm. He was already heartbroken!

At this time, Chen Feng had countless questions in his mind:

"Who is the mother?"

"Why does Yun Potian feel so indifferent to me and even hate me?"

"Where did my mother go? Why am I named Chen Feng? Why am I called Chen Feng? How did I go to Qian Yuanzong?"

Wait, countless countless!

In Chen Feng's heart, already struggling from the joy of father and son recognizing each other, a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The sneer was toward himself: "Chen Feng, you are really naive, so what else is there to say? Just assume that there is no such father at all!"

"What you have to do now is very simple, that is, improve your strength and find new techniques!"

Chen Feng's goal gradually became clear, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He clenched his fists, and his mental state was adjusted to his best.

At least it seems that there is no problem. It seems that Yun Potian did not cause him any concern, but in fact, will it be the case again?

Except for him, who knows?

Some pain can only be buried in the bottom of my heart, not let everyone know!

For the next ten days, Chen Feng stayed here every day. He stayed at home for the past ten days, and people would deliver food every day.

It seems that Yun Potian's advice, although the food is still extremely simple, but at any rate I still saw some meat, and I can roughly eat.

Chen Feng practiced every day, but for ten days, he did not make any progress.

He found that here, the power of the black yellow in the void is stronger, but it is also more viscous.

Every time Chen Feng ran the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art practice, it was as if he was facing a sun, not the current sun, but a scorching hot sun approaching him.

Every time, Chen Feng was suffering.

Even if Chen Feng forcibly endures the pain and converges, the effect is extremely poor!

Chen Feng was extremely depressed, but fortunately, he was accompanied by a handwritten Buddhist scripture left by his mother.

Whenever at this time, Chen Feng went to read the mother's handwritten Buddhist scriptures, and under the blue lamp of the ancient Buddha, chanting the Buddhist scriptures softly, his mood immediately calmed down and he was no longer impetuous.

These ten days have tempered Chen Feng's state of mind!

It was early in the morning when Chen Feng opened the gate of the courtyard and walked out slowly.

At this time, the big day is rising, and next to the small courtyard is a cliff.

On the cliff, Chen Feng faced the big day, constantly vomiting, breathing the cold and refreshing air, calm and indifferent.

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