Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1883: Mother's Relic

The two came to the small courtyard, opened the door and entered the hall.

And Chen Feng also quickly discovered that inside this hall, it was also extremely primitive.

The tables and chairs inside are very simple, and Chen Feng even saw a loom in the west wing.

"Loom?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Why is there this in my mother's room?"

Tong Bo hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice: "About not long after the young master was born, you, mother and son, lived in poverty and were unsustainable."

"At that time, the madam must think that other nobles in the mansion will make a living by weaving brocades, otherwise, you two would have starved to death!"

"What? My mother's dignified lady actually weaves for other women to make a living?" Chen Feng heard this, the muscles on his face jumped violently, flashing a furious color, and his eyes changed. Got red!

"Don't Yun Potian not support it?" Chen Feng said angrily.

Uncle Tong sighed and remained silent.

He didn't need to say anything, Chen Feng could guess it too.

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and walked around in the courtyard and several rooms.

Although it is extremely simple, there are traces of a mother's life everywhere.

Looking at Chen Feng, countless sorrows were added to his heart.

Although I can't remember clearly, I can't remember the face of his mother at all, but Chen Feng can imagine how hard it was for his childhood and his mother to live each other here, and how painful it was for his mother!

In the main hall, there is an incense case.

On the incense table, there is a Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue is extremely simple, and the carvings are very simple, but a few strokes are lifelike, and obviously the carving is extremely sophisticated.

The Buddha statue was sitting there with his eyes flat, looking at Chen Feng as if he could see through everything in the world.

For no reason, Chen Feng felt calmer.

He vaguely knew that this was a Buddha, but Chen Feng didn't even know more about it, because he knew very little and had hardly contacted Buddhism before.

He once strayed into the Little Leiyin Temple at the bottom of the lake and obtained some inheritance, but he did not have similar knowledge in this respect.

After all, the entire Qin Kingdom, and even the entire Thirty-Seven Kingdom of Slaying Dragons, didn't seem to have much Buddha-related things.

His understanding of this aspect is extremely lacking.

There is a green lantern in front of the Buddha, and there is a thatched futon before the green lantern, which is so simple.

Then, Tong Bo removed the futon and tapped it lightly on the ground a few times, seven short and six long, very rhythmic.

The next moment, suddenly, the ground cracked quietly, revealing a wooden box below.

The wooden box is also extremely simple, it is made of the most common elm tree, and it is not inlaid with gold or jade, and it does not emit a strong aura.

Chen Feng asked: "This is?"

Uncle Tong said softly: "Chen Feng, this is a relic left to you by your mother. She once told me clearly 17 years ago that she can give you this thing after you are over twenty. "

"Unexpectedly, this wait is for many years, but now I can finally do it, but Madam's long-cherished wish."

Chen Feng trembling hands, took the wooden box.

Then, Uncle Tong had another conversation with Chen Feng, and then left!

Tong Bo had already reached the gate of the courtyard, and suddenly turned around to look at Xiang Chen Feng, and said softly: "Master, the old slave can remind you only one sentence, this is not your real home!"

"Be careful of the people in the house!"

"Be careful of the people in the mansion?" Chen Feng's expression condensed and asked: "Does it include the general?"

Tong Bo said softly: "Including everyone!"

After Tong Bo left, Chen Feng cleaned the courtyard.

He didn't use the power of a martial artist, but took a broom and a rag, like an ordinary person, to clear the inside and out of this place.

Because here is where my mother once lived.

It was not until the evening that the cleaning was finished, and Chen Feng was also sweating profusely.

There was a well in the yard, and the water in the well was cold. Chen Feng used a bucket of water to wash his body.

The ice water flowed through the solid muscles, and Chen Feng suddenly felt a dream. In this small courtyard, he seemed to have returned to a few years ago. He was still the comparable Qian Yuanzong kid.

The night was like water, in the hall, Chen Feng sat cross-legged, in front of him, placed a small wooden box.

There is nothing surprising.

This is the relic left by Chen Feng's mother.

Chen Feng opened the wooden box to reveal the contents. After seeing it, Chen Feng's face suddenly showed a touch of astonishment, and then stretched out his hand to take out the contents.

It turned out that there was only a book in this wooden box.

This book was very old. After Chen Feng opened it, he saw that it was densely packed with handwriting.

The handwriting is very graceful, and the words are like people. Chen Feng immediately knew that it must have been copied by his mother.

Then, he looked down carefully and found that it was a handwritten Buddhist scripture.

Chen Feng didn't know which scripture it was, but he could still see that this scripture had nothing to do with practice. The main purpose should be to calm himself down.

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a trace of loss in his heart, but he immediately expelled the loss, laughed at himself, and said softly: "Chen Feng, when did you become like this?"

"This is a relic left by my mother, even if it has nothing to do with practice? It is still extremely precious!"

He lit the oil lamp.

The night is as cool as water, and a light is like a bean.

Ancient Buddha, green lantern, teenager.

Chen Feng read it slowly, his lips moved slightly, and he read softly.

Chen Feng was actually very tortured this day. His mood was joy at first, then loss and grievance, and later, it was full of anger, mixed with a trace of anxiety.

The whole person's heart is like being thrown up and down in a frying pan. It is very uncomfortable and the mood is very anxious.

But at this time, Chen Feng was bathed in this bean-sized blue light, feeling that the Buddha statue was looking at him calmly, reading the Buddhist scriptures in his hand, almost in an instant, his whole person became tranquil, and his heart was full. safely.

He actually sat cross-legged all night.

Early the next morning, the courtyard door was knocked suddenly.

Chen Feng opened the door, and there was a Tsing Yi servant standing outside, about 20 years old, with a pair of triangular eyes shining with shrewd light.

He squinted at Chengfeng, his eyes full of disdain, and then he squatted heavily on the ground with a red-painted food box in his hand, and said impatiently, "Master ordered me to give you food!"

His attitude is very bad, his face is full of reluctance.

Chen Feng took a deep look at him and picked up the red lacquered food box.

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