Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1879: The general cloud broke the sky!

A second-level law enforcement elder showed a touch of envy on his face: "General Yun, really is so powerful and domineering!"

He looked at the leading law enforcement elder and asked, "Master Bai, you said, why did he come here?"

Master Bai shook his head and said, "The level of General Yun is at the same level as the sect master and the elder Chongxiao. How can we intervene with such powerful people?"

"All honestly, just as if you haven't seen anything!"

"Yes!" Everyone quickly bowed their heads.

A younger law enforcement elder with a rather frivolous aura looked over there with his toes, his face was full of envy and jealousy, and he was obviously very jealous of General Yun's aura.

Then, he glanced at the corner of his mouth, revealing a look of disapproval, and said softly: "This surname is Yun, really is such a big show, who came to our Wudong Academy to put such a big shelf?"

His voice fell, and in an instant, Lord Bai's complexion changed, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and he shouted: "Shut up! Kneel down and apologize!"

However, he said this sentence too late.

Just as the young law enforcement elder's voice just fell, everyone seemed to hear a cold hum from amidst the huge chariot.

Then, a purple thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit the young law enforcement elder fiercely.

With a bang, the young law enforcement elder didn't even have time to make a scream, and was directly chopped into a pile of coke, with no bones left.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and couldn't help but step back a few steps, making their faces pale!

But after regaining consciousness, their faces were full of indignation!

And the Lord Bai did not dare to have a look of dissatisfaction on his face. He suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed his head in the direction of the chariot, saying: "The person who said bad words is dead, and I hope that General Yun will calm down. Don't be angry. others!"

Then, he turned his head and shouted in a low voice: "What are you doing in a daze? Kneel down!"

"Yes!" The law enforcement elders quickly kneeled down as ordered!

After the purple thunder and lightning killed the young law enforcement elder, they kept hovering over their heads. At this moment, seeing them all kneeling respectfully, the purple thunder and lightning seemed to be satisfied just now, turning around in the air, and then Suddenly disappeared!

Everyone knelt on the ground, even though they were dissatisfied, they didn't dare to show it. They just sighed in their hearts: "I have heard that General Yun is extremely overbearing and kills people at every turn. As expected, it is true!"

Finally, the nine-headed winged fire snake turned a circle in the air, and it made a clear and sharp call, without the slightest meaning of the viciousness of the lunar calendar, but full of a sense of grandeur.

Then, he circled around. It is quietly falling on the golden platform.

With the shaking of his wings, the boundless red clouds flashed in the sky. It was not an illusion, but a red cloud and clouds shrouded here, shining brightly around the square like a sea of ​​fire.

This is the strength of the Eight-Star Demon King, enough to affect the range of the surrounding blockbuster!

Every move is a sight!

At this time, everyone heard a series of crisp calls again, and only then saw that behind the nine-headed winged fire snake, there were thousands of knights,

Every knight rides a huge gold-winged flying tiger that is more than ten feet long. This gold-winged flying tiger has the strength of a one-star demon king on each end. When in the sky, they dare not fly to nine. The front of the winged fire snake.

At this time, these knights drove the gold-winged flying tigers under the hips and flew over, and then, the brushes actually formed two straight lines.

These two queues form a channel, leading from the Golden Terrace to the 10,000 steps below!

Then, these golden-armored knights turned over from the gold-winged flying tiger and stood proudly there.

A total of three thousand people, everyone of the same height, tall and mighty, handsome in appearance, and powerful.

Two rows of golden-winged flying tigers and two rows of golden-armored warriors form a golden passage.

Then, the three thousand people suddenly knelt to the ground, and the sound of their knees shook the floating mountain with a tremor.

Then, they shouted: "Welcome to the general!"

The sound shook the fields, and the entire floating mountain could be heard clearly!

At this moment, everyone in Wudong Academy knew who came.

Then, from the front of the hundred-zhang red gold car, a single tree, Lao Pu, dressed as a coachman, gently swept down, silently fell on the ground, and opened the door.

Then, one foot stepped out, wearing bright yellow with black military boots, one thigh stepped out, like an Optimus pillar, with unparalleled aura.

A figure slowly walked out from the inside, and as soon as he walked out, he seemed to have taken all the domineering power of the world.

He stood there as if a mountain suddenly appeared.

Then, he shook his sleeves and walked forward proudly, like a big mountain, slowly moving, majestic.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a face with Chinese characters, his face is extremely rigid, his lips are tightly pressed, his face is expressionless, and his hair roots are like ink, like steel needles. , Combed neatly.

He wears a bright yellow jade crown on his head, and a bright yellow robe on his body. The robe is embroidered with the pattern of a large golden peng bird with double wings.

The double-winged golden penguin bird is a legendary beast that exists in ancient times. It is extremely powerful and has the power to destroy the world. It can even traverse the void and traverse one world after another, leaving countless legends.

It is said that the imperial family of the Tianyuan Dynasty has a very meager double-winged Great Golden Peng bird bloodline, but with this little two-winged Great Golden Peng bird bloodline, they have laid down the grand foundation of the Tianyuan Dynasty!

Bright yellow is the color of the imperial family of the Tianyuan dynasty.

The bright yellow robe embroidered with the big golden peng bird with double wings was bestowed by the emperor of the Tianyuan dynasty. No more than ten people in the entire Tianyuan dynasty were qualified to wear this gown!

His stature is not very tall, but his body is full of fierceness without casting, dominating the world, and disdainful of Qunlun.

He was clearly a few kilometers away from the people in the Hall of Law Enforcement, but the momentum had already come, pressing the people in the Hall of Law Enforcement directly on the ground, and threw them on the ground.

They can't even maintain their kneeling posture, and this is not what he did intentionally!

At this time, in the vicinity, many people of high status in the Wudong Academy also appeared quietly, looking at this figure with awe.

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