Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1876: One punch!

Chen Feng looked at him, and the smile on his face gradually became colder: "He wants to kill me, I will kill him!"

"I, Chen Feng, no matter who I am facing, whoever wants to kill me, I will kill whoever, God wants to kill me, I will fight this day!"

His domineering words made these people lose their voices in shock, and they couldn't say a word.

After a long time, Ma Yuanju took a deep breath, stared at Chen Feng, and said grimly: "Okay, kid, if that's the case, then I want to see today, what kind of strength you have!"

He shouted violently: "Do you dare to kill the sect law enforcement elder, I can kill you now!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You can kill me on the spot, that is, I can kill just a few of you on the spot!"

He hooked his fingers, and his face was full of contempt: "Although I am not as strong as you, but if I fight for my life, I can take you to **** together, believe it or not?"

Ma Yuanju's expression froze as soon as he said this.

Originally, his face was full of arrogance and self-confidence just now, but now he shrinks a bit more.

Facing Chen Feng, he was really not sure of winning!

A trace of scorn appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Come on, why don't you dare now?"

The smile on his face suddenly became cold: "Okay, since you dare not, then, now it's my turn!"

With that, Chen Feng walked slowly towards the three.

"You, what are you going to do?" Ma Yuanju couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, and he couldn't help but step back.

The three of them were all scared by Chen Feng and backed up a few steps, and Chen Feng’s mouth showed a scorn: "Isn’t it arrogant just now? Didn’t you just ask me to kneel and beg for mercy? Why do I have nothing to do now? Scared like this?"

"Hahahaha!" Chen Feng looked up to the sky and smiled, "Zongmen law enforcement elder, really is so powerful, so domineering!"

The three of them turned red as pig liver for a moment!

Chen Feng suddenly closed his smile, stretched out his hand to Yu Haohan, and said in a cold voice: "Just now, you seem to have said that one person can beat me into a terrible way, right?"

Yu Haohan proudly said: "Yes!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Okay, then, let's try it now!"

With that, everyone seemed to hear a loud roar from the sky.

"Thunder God possesses!"

Then, in the next instant, behind Chen Feng's body, there was a huge ghost of Thunder Lightning Dragon.

This Thunder Lightning Dragon, almost one after another, seems to be infinite, revealing an ancient and desolate aura, extremely powerful.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and exclaimed: "What is this?"

"This looks like a giant dragon! God, this giant dragon is five to six thousand meters long!"

"Yes, this, this, how is this possible?"

Some people are already frightened!

Then, the huge lightning dragon flashed light, and all of it entered Chen Feng's body.

The next moment, in their eyes, Chen Feng's aura became extremely powerful in an instant.

And around his body, countless electric lights crackled and made a burst of noise. He was as powerful as Thor!

Chen Feng clenched his fist, and there were countless thunders above his fist. There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he looked at Yu Haohan: "The next moment, you will die!"

Yu Haohan let out a disdainful laugh, and was about to speak, when suddenly, his smile froze on his face.

Because, after Chen Feng's voice fell, even the hour and one moment of time was useless, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning and appeared in front of him.

Then, a punch came out.

This punch seemed unremarkable, but in reality it was mixed with countless extremely powerful thunders, which fell fiercely.

Yu Haohan felt extremely tyrannical aura from this punch, and even felt a trace of despair.

The warning sign in my heart suddenly sounded: "This punch is enough to kill me!"

With extreme shock in his heart, a long spear appeared in everyone in his hand, and it stabbed at Chen Feng fiercely.

The long spear has the thickness of an arm, and it is very huge. A single shot pierced out with hundreds of spear shadows.

Layers upon layers, like a mountain, fell fiercely towards Chen Feng!

His shot seemed to have only one shot, but in fact it stabbed a whole nine hundred and ninety-nine shots one after another. Each shot was powerful!

He yelled frantically: "Boy, die!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, his fist did not change at all, and countless thunder suddenly appeared around his fist.

Boom boom boom boom! Thunder slashed frantically, directly smashing the spear shadow like a mountain.

In the next moment, Chen Feng's fist fell forward towards Yu Haohan.

With a look of despair on Yu Hao's face, he let out a scream, the spear and Chen Feng's fist slammed together.

Yu Haohan's spear made of precious metal was directly blasted into countless pieces by Chen Feng!

Then, Chen Feng's fist was printed on Yu Haohan's chest.

At this moment, time seemed to stop, Yu Haohan was completely stunned. He lowered his head with difficulty, looked at the fist printed on his chest, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after all, he said nothing. come out.

At the next moment, he screamed terribly.

Then, the screams stopped abruptly.

His chest sank directly, and it was charred.

Countless thunders burst out and tore it to pieces!

Six-star Wu Wang, first-level law enforcement elder Yu Haohan, was killed by Chen Feng with a punch!

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and roared, extremely happy.

Everyone around them looked at Chen Feng with a trace of awe and even intense fear.

The two remaining law enforcement elders turned pale and took two steps back.

None of them expected Chen Feng to be so powerful!

Chen Feng became the three-star martial king, and after comprehending the fifth sword of the Eight Desolation and Annihilation, he was enough to surpass three levels and kill the six-star martial king!

However, it can only kill the six-star Wuwang early stage.

Yu Haohan is already a mid-stage master of the Six-Star Martial King!

It stands to reason that even if Chen Feng used Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan, he would not be his opponent!

However, Chen Feng's possession of Thunder God can directly increase his strength to the peak of the Six-Star Martial King!

This is too terrifying, enough to kill Yu Haohan in the mid-stage of the Six-Star Martial King!

There was a lot of noise here.

This is intentional by Chen Feng.

He has made up his mind to make the trouble a little bit bigger this time. He is by no means a foolish man without tactics. Chen Feng's purpose is very clear, just to make trouble.

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