Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1874: Comprehend! Fifth knife!

Everyone sighed.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yan Gaofei's mouth, and after a brief shock, he immediately calmed down.

He said in a cold voice: "I will let you break through, and I will let you live for a while, what can you do?"

"After you break through, I will still kill you!"

Lei Yun condensed, and Lei Zhu disclosed that it lasted a full tea time without stopping.

At this time, the people around also noticed that something was wrong, and they all immediately said, "No, it's not possible to break through to the Thunder Tribulation of King Wu of Samsung, I remember it was half a cup of tea at most!"

"Your half a cup of tea is a long time. I just stayed down with nine thunders, and then it's gone."

"Then, why did Chen Feng last such a long time?"

"I see!" someone shouted in horror: "Chen Feng is absolutely unusual. His thunder calamity is stronger than others, so his strength is far better than others."

"When he was a two-star martial king, he could kill a five-star martial king expert, have you all forgotten?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Hearing this, Yan Gaofei frowned.

But the next moment, he sneered at the corner of his mouth: "No matter how strong you are, you can't be better than me! I can still crush you to death like an ant!"

At this time, Chen Feng didn't know what was happening outside, he was just immersed in that mysterious feeling.

At this moment, in Chen Feng's body, inside the martial arts Tianhe, the martial arts gods were frantically surging.

Then the turbulent waves hit the shore, slapped, and hit the end of Wudao Tianhe fiercely, smashing it directly.

Then, the martial arts gods spread crazily toward the void, extremely fast.

The martial arts Tianhe grows at an extremely fast speed.

22,000 meters, 23,000 meters, 27,000 meters...

At the same time, the countless thunderbolts fell, entered Chen Feng's body, and poured into the thunder dragon in Chen Feng's dan field.

The size of that Thunder Lightning Dragon also skyrocketed.

When the last thunder fell, the length of Chen Feng's thunder light dragon had reached 60,000 meters!

And the length of his Wuwu Dao Tianhe is also fixed at 30,000 meters.

The thunder was withered, and there were countless tiny thunders around Chen Feng's body. He was bathed in these countless thunders, like a god.

Chen Feng, break into the realm of Samsung Wuwang!

"The me now is enough to deal with me three or four before!"

The martial arts **** surging crazily in Chen Feng's body.

All Chen Feng's injuries were cured, and in an instant, his entire body recovered to its peak.

His whole person feels very comfortable, at this moment in his heart there is great freedom, great perfection, the whole person is transparent and clear from the inside to the outside.

When the last thunder dissipated, Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes and clenched his fists.

Then, a smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. At this time, the profound meaning of Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan suddenly came to his heart.

First cut, break the skin!

Second knife, minced meat!

The third cut, broken tendons!

Fourth knife, broken bones!

Chen Feng doesn't have a knife in his hand, but he has a knife in his heart!

Chen Feng stepped on the mysterious pace, moving in succession in his hands, and then the next moment, everyone was shocked to see that Chen Feng seemed to have a giant long knife in his hand, generally dancing in the air.

In the sky, with Chen Feng's sword, there was a strong wind, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be broken.

The first to fourth swords of Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan were used by Chen Feng one after another, incomparably coherent.

But the next moment, when Chen Feng used the fourth knife to break the bone, he didn't even stop, but took it again.

Cut with both hands, making a very mysterious knife.

This knife is mysterious and inexplicable, it seems to have the best of heaven and earth!

After Chen Feng's sword fell, in the sky, the wind stopped and the clouds cleared, and everyone felt that even time seemed to be stagnant.

There was a feeling of emptiness in everyone's hearts.

It seemed that their thinking, everything, and internal organs were all sucked by Chen Feng with this knife, making them feel so uncomfortable that they almost want to vomit blood.

And before they had time to understand the knife, Chen Feng had already received it and stood up.

He stood in place with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I understand it!"

"Fifth knife, destroy the dirty! It is enough to kill the early masters of the Six-Star Martial King! Now, facing the Six-Star Martial King, I am no longer powerless to fight back!"

"Even, I can kill it instead!"

When he turned his gaze to Yan Gaofei next to him, the smile on his face suddenly became cold and severe.

He looked at Yan Gaofei, and said coldly: "Yan Gaofei, now it's time for you to pay your life!"

"I want you to see. Who killed whom, like a bug!"

Yan Gaofei was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a disdainful laugh: "Haha, Chen Feng, I know that your strength is breaking through now and you are much stronger than before, but what about that?"

"No matter how strong you are, you are nothing but a three-star martial king!"

"As for me, I am the Six-Star Martial King! I am three realms higher than you, no matter how you are, you can't be my opponent!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Oh? Really? Then I want to see!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Yan Gaofei felt offended.

With a violent roar, he shot out his palms one after another, using his strongest trick.

Nine huge paw prints appeared in the sky.

At the same time, ninety-nine and eighty-one air currents swords shot at Chen Feng fiercely.

Every sword of air current has the power to destroy Chen Feng.

But at this time, Chen Feng entered the realm of the three-star martial king, and realized that the fifth sword of the Eight Desolation Nimie Slash, which destroyed the dirt with the fifth sword, can already kill the six-star Wu Wang strong!

Chen Feng's first knife was exhibited in the air, destroying all these eighty-one air currents! Then, fall instantly!

Yan Gaofei's skin suddenly cracked on the surface of his body, and blood burst out.

Yan Gaofei snorted, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Then, the second knife fell!

Yan Gaofei's muscles exploded, revealing the bones inside. He let out a scream, staggering back three or four steps.

With two knives, Yan Gaofei's skin will be broken!

The third knife fell, and immediately, the sound of bang bang bang was endless, and Yan Gaofei's body was severely cut off.

He uttered an extremely screaming scream and flew out heavily and fell to the ground.

The fourth knife fell, and all Yan Gaofei's bones were chopped off!

Then, the fifth cut!

Fifth knife, ruin the dirty!

When this crashed, everyone felt that everything seemed to be still.

Then the next moment, Yan Gaofei let out a terrible cry.

Everyone saw that in his body, the sound of explosions continued to sound.

His lungs burst, liver bursts, spleen burst... His internal organs were all tragic!

In the end, his heart burst open with a thud!

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