Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1872: Palm!

He begged for mercy loudly: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, please..."

A bloodthirsty sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Please don't kill you, am I? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

Speaking, his fist dropped and snorted, directly smashing Yang Dong into pieces.

When those other people saw this scene, their faces were also full of horror!

They were full of contempt and disdain for Chen Feng, and they were very arrogant. At this time, they were full of horror and shock.

"It turns out that Chen Feng is so powerful that even the five-star Wu Wang mid-term powerhouse, Yang Dong, the strongest among us, was smashed by his punch!"

"We are really ridiculous. It turns out that Chen Feng was really unwilling to be familiar with us just now, and we thought Chen Feng was cowardly!"

They feel they are extremely ridiculous.

At this time, Chen Feng slowly stood up straight and walked towards them with cold eyes.

Then, he walked towards Wen Yongning.

Wen Yongning saw Chen Feng coming towards him, his eyes immediately showed extreme despair and fear.

He twitched back, and while shrinking back, he murmured in his mouth: "Chen Feng, I didn't mean to. You don't want to kill me, don't kill me, please..."

At this moment, where did he still look half arrogant just now, with a pleading and desperate face.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I beg for mercy now, it's too late!"

With that, he punched out and killed him.

As for the other people, Chen Feng sneered: "You guys, the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin is hard to forgive!"

As he said, he blasted out several punches in succession, smashing all of their dantians.

These people have already been abolished by him.

They screamed sternly, but didn't dare to complain, and left in a hurry.

At this time, what happened in this yard had already shocked others.

Although this courtyard is remote, there are many branches around it, and there are many disciples from Wudong Academy.

In a moment, there were hundreds of onlookers outside the courtyard, and everyone was talking about it.

"This new disciple named Chen Feng is really ruthless!"

"Yes, just after coming, he killed or abolished all his senior brothers and dozens!"

When they looked at Chen Feng, their faces were full of horror.

Chen Feng's strength shocked them.

At this time, in the crowd, another tall and tall young man said with a righteous expression: "This son is too murderous!"

"Slaying brothers just after getting started, what a shameful deed! This kind of person must not be kept, and it will ruin the reputation of my Wudong Academy!"

What he said was righteous, but in fact he didn't know what was going on, he didn't know that Chen Feng was forced to fight back, he didn't know the truth at all!

Chen Feng heard the words and looked at him slowly.

He didn't say a word, but when the Xuan Ang young man came into contact with Chen Feng's gaze, he felt that there seemed to be endless killing intent in it, like the sea water, flooding down the sky.

In an instant, it made him cold from head to toe, as if being thrown into ice water, the bone marrow was frozen and his whole body was shaking.

He stepped back several steps in succession, sat down on the ground, and exclaimed: "Don't kill me!"

He was actually surprised by Chen Feng's eyes, and he almost collapsed!

A joking smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he said softly, "This brother, don't you say that people like me should be killed?"

"Why, I was so scared by the look of my eyes? How can you ward off demons? How can you clean up the door?"

The people around all laughed slyly, looking at the magnificent young man with foolish eyes.

This Xuanang young man's face flushed red, and he had no face to stay here anymore. He turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly said coldly: "Did I let you go?"

The young man Xuan Ang turned his head and exclaimed, "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Anyone must pay for their words!"

Chen Feng's expression suddenly became cold and severe:

"Nonsense, palm!"

With that said, Chen Feng slapped the Xuan Ang young man's face fiercely with a slap, and directly screamed at him, his head crooked heavily, and his teeth flew out mixed with blood.

"Right or wrong, palm!"

It was another big ear scraper, this time he directly hit half of his face like a pig's head.

"Black and white is unknown, palm!"

"Usual words, palms!"


Chen Feng directly beat him with a dozen big ear scrapers, lying on the ground, wailing and screaming, and couldn't stand up.

Chen Feng shook his sleeves and sneered: "Now, get out of here!"

The young man wailed in gratitude and ran away.

But not long after he left, suddenly, an extremely huge momentum came quickly from a distance.

At the same time, a grand voice suddenly sounded: "Who is it that dare to kill here!"

Word by word, with an extremely powerful aura.

When the voice fell, an electric light flashed over.

Amidst the lightning, a figure suddenly appeared and fell on the ground.

With a bang, the earth seemed to be crushed by him!

This is a burly middle-aged man in his forties. He is extremely tall and wide. Like a door panel, he is extremely fierce.

His face was full of beard and face savage, his eyes immediately locked on Chen Feng!

Then, his gaze swept across the ground, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, staring at Chen Feng, his voice Binghan said: "Boy, you made all the killings here, right?"

Chen Feng looked at him with a slightly awe-inspiring look: "This person has the cultivation base of the Six-Star Martial King, which is not something I can handle now."

And this person has a long sword on top of that white dress.

The people around immediately murmured and looked at the burly middle-aged man with horror: "This is the law enforcement elder?"

"Ah, yes, the long sword on their clothes is the hallmark of the law enforcement hall. There is only a long sword on the clothes, just a first-level law enforcement elder."

"The first-level law enforcement elder should not be underestimated. This person has the powerful strength of the Six-Star King Wu."

"This Chen Feng, this time is over, no matter how strong he is, he cannot be the opponent of the law enforcement elder!"

Everyone looked at Chen Feng's gaze, and there was a little more inexplicable taste, some pity, some sympathy, and they all thought that he would die this time!

The law enforcement elder said coldly: "I am Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall, law enforcement elder, Yan Gaofei!"

He coldly reprimanded: "Today, when you just entered the sect, you made such a murder!"

"It can be seen that your nature is extremely bad. For people like you, leaving behind is also a curse!"

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