Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1869: Ask for benefits

Chen Feng suddenly pointed at him and said faintly: "I slapped you in the face once, and I tell you, I will slap you again soon!"

Soon, Chen Feng left here and brought Han Yu'er back below.

In the Wudong Academy, there will be no accommodation for the families brought by disciples like Han Yuer.

Therefore, Chen Feng must find a place to live for Han Yuer in the city.

Fortunately, there are many such inns near Wudong Academy.

The currency of the Tianyuan Dynasty was not Yuanshi or Lingshi, but a kind of precious metal called cloud pattern purple gold.

This kind of precious metal, the whole body shows a kind of purple, and there are layers of moiré patterns on it, which looks extremely precious and gorgeous.

It is only produced on the banks of the Tongtian River and is very rare, so it can be used as currency.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't have it, but Lu Anran had already considered this and prepared some for him.

Chen Feng spent five taels of purple gold with cloud patterns, settled in the inn, and spent three days with her here.

Three days later, Chen Feng bid farewell to the reluctant Han Yuer, came to the bottom of the floating mountain, took out the waist card, and took the golden giant eagle to the bottom of the floating mountain and above the square.

At this time, hundreds of people had gathered in the square.

Soon, all those who were selected and hired were all there.

Then, the people sent by the elders began to bring those who were selected by the elders as disciples to the elders.

The rest were taken away together.

The one who came to pick up Chen Feng was a young man in his twenties. The young man was not tall and had a slick face. He looked thief.

He glanced at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "You are Chen Feng, right? You want to worship Elder Yu as a teacher?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "That's right."

He immediately slapped Chen Feng on the shoulder very grandiosely: "Then we will be a family from now on!"

He laughed and said, "Chen Feng, my name is Wen Yongning. It was sent to Elder Yu as a disciple three years ago. It sounds like your brother!"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Brother."

He didn't want to offend anyone, so even though he didn't like this man with a slick face and wandering eyes with some smirk in his heart, he didn't show it, and called a senior.

Seeing Chen Feng's respectful attitude towards him, Wen Yongning became more and more proud. He smiled and glanced around. When no one noticed, he suddenly rubbed his hands and looked at Chen Feng and said, "Brother, I see you today. Good day, brother."

"Could it be that you have nothing to respect and respect brother?"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was immediately stunned: "What does this mean? Do you want benefits from yourself?"

Seeing Chen Feng stunned, Wen Yongning's expression immediately became very impatient, and urged: "Little Junior Brother, don't you understand what I mean?"

"Are there moire purple gold? Just give three to five hundred catties. I'm not greedy, don't make too much."

A look of disgust flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he shook his head and said, "I don't have moire purple gold."

Chen Feng really didn't have it. The clouded purple gold was extremely valuable, and Lu Anran didn't have much, but only gave him ten catties.

This Wen Yongning needs three to five hundred catties to speak. Where can Chen Feng get it?

"What? No?" Wen Yongning heard that, the grinning expression on his face immediately disappeared.

He immediately turned his face, turning his face full of disdain and indifferent, stared at Chen Feng fiercely, and said with a sneer: "No, don't you want to give it?"

He sneered, with a mocking expression on his face, and said: "Yes, it's possible that you really don't have one, and you know you are from a pariah! It's a shame that a poor ghost came to Wudong Academy?"

Chen Feng looked at him, his eyes gradually becoming cold and severe.

This person is so rude, and his strength does not match his tone. He is just a four-star martial king, and Chen Feng can easily pinch him to death!

But at this moment, suddenly, the sound of the beast's call came from a distance.

Then, a spirit bird that was about three feet long and completely white like a crane flew down.

This spirit bird is not too big, only three feet long, and even many first-grade monster beasts are bigger than him, but the momentum that appears on this white crane is extremely shocking.

Chen Feng raised his brows: "This turned out to be a three-star demon king, equivalent to a human four-star martial king."

The white crane landed slowly, and from above the white crane, a figure in white clothes floated down.

This person is tall and thin, and looks handsome, but the eyebrows and eyes are extremely narrow, revealing a cold and harsh color.

He walked up to Chen Feng, stared at him coldly and said, "Are you Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "Yes, it's me."

A stern smile appeared at the corner of the tall thin young man's mouth: "My name is Wang Chen, and I am Wang Yan's brother."

As soon as he heard him declare his family, Chen Feng immediately knew his purpose.

Wang Chen took a deep look at Chen Feng and suddenly smiled and said, "Chen Feng, you are now listed on the door wall in a positive number. Although Wudong Academy is competitive and motivated, I cannot kill you without a valid reason."

"So, now I can't move you."

"However, don't think that you can escape!"

He raised his chin, pointed at Chen Feng, and said in a verdict-like tone: "I will kill you soon! No, I should run you to death."

He stretched out **** and rubbed it, and said, "You stick you to death like a bug!"

As he said, stepping on the white crane, the white crane uttered a crisp cry, and in a blink of an eye, it rushed to the sky and disappeared!

Wen Yongning looked at Chen Feng jokingly with a pity on his face, gloating and said: "Haha, Chen Feng, you dare to offend Wang Chen, then you are miserable."

"Do you know what Wang Chen comes from?" he asked triumphantly.

Chen Feng glanced at him silently, without making a sound.

Wen Yongning saw Chen Feng’s attitude and thought Chen Feng was cowardly, and he didn’t even dare to ask. He even more disdainfully curled his lips and said: "Today I will show you compassion to save you from being killed. I don’t know the details of others."

"Tell you, Wang Chen is the prince of Haisha Country. He entered the Wudong Academy five years ago. He is brilliant and talented. Now he has the strength of the six-star Wuwang peak."

"Moreover, he is less than thirty years old! He is already similar to the general Zihuo Elder, and there are even rumors that he will be selected as a core disciple and brought into the inner courtyard to practice!"

There was a deep envy in his eyes: "This is a core disciple!"

"Once at the core, step up to heaven!"

"The core disciple is the real foundation of Wudong Academy. Wang Chen's ability to be selected as the reserve for the core disciple is evident."

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