Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1865: Chen Feng's worries!

A huge voice in Chen Feng's heart was exclaiming: "Heaven and man are one, this is the real one! He is the way of heaven at this time! The way of heaven is him!"

Looking at the figure in the clear sky, Chen Feng's eyes were full of shock.

This silhouette, this huge aura, gave him a huge shock.

Chen Feng felt deeply that in front of this figure, he was no different from the dust on the ground, and he was extremely humble.

A look from the other person can even make oneself die!

There is no resistance.

Chen Feng couldn't help but let out a groan-like exclamation: "What kind of master is this?"

This kind of strength, let alone Chen Feng, can't even imagine it now!

The person's speed seemed unpleasant, but in fact it was almost at the extreme, like a flash of electric light and flint, he had crossed an unknown distance and appeared directly on the high platform!

This person is an old man. He can't tell how old he is. His hair and beard are all gray, but his skin is ruddy. Only the spirit can't see the slightest oldness!

This person is one of several Chongxiao elders in Wudong Academy, Liu Chengyi!

Kneeled down on the stage, even Chu Yuanzhong also knelt down, but Chen Feng looked a little reluctant.

The old man smiled slightly and said: "Get up all the time."

He has a gentle expression and a gentle voice, which makes him very approachable.

Several people stood up, Li Sifeng and Zhou Changtao, who were in charge of this matter, were a little at a loss at this time, and they didn't know what to do.

After all, there is such a powerful elder Chongxiao here, they are afraid of doing anything wrong!

Liu Chengyi smiled and said, "Well, you don't have to be cautious. This time I come here just to take a look."

"Okay!" A few people responded, and Chu Yuanzhong stood on the stage and shouted in a deep voice: "Now follow my name, step forward in turn!"

The selection begins.

"Teng Mingjie."

His voice fell, and a 27-year-old blue-robed young man among the crowd strode out. He was burly in shape, magnificent, handsome in appearance, and even more impressive.

Obviously, the background is quite extraordinary!

He came to the stage and said with a smile, "My lord!"

Seeing his momentum, Chu Yuanzhong was quite happy, nodded, and said: "Now, show your martial soul and bloodline martial soul in turn!"

It turned out that this selection turned out to show Martial Soul and Bloodline Martial Soul.

Chen Feng's heart sank immediately.

"My martial soul is just like a dead martial soul, but my bloodline martial soul has never been awakened. What should I do?"

There was a burst of anxiety in his heart.

"Yes." On the other side, Teng Mingjie nodded.

After that, he was calm, silent, and even breathing.

Soon, he entered a kind of profound realm, and then his aura suddenly rose, sending out strong waves, and a beast roar suddenly sounded in his body.

Then, behind him, a huge beast phantom appeared.

The phantom became more and more solid, and in the end, it turned into a huge snow jade lion.

This snow jade lion is a kilometer in size, extremely huge, and has two huge wings on its body, constantly spreading, fanning out strong winds.

The strong wind blows, almost making some people with low cultivation bases stand unstable.

When the giant snow jade lion appeared, eight brown rays of light suddenly flashed in the sky.

Everyone exclaimed: "Earth Grade Eighth Grade Martial Spirit!"

"It's really amazing. The Earth-level eighth-rank martial arts spirit is not the highest among all the disciples, but it can definitely be considered upstream."

"Yes, generally speaking, the lowest one should also be an earth-level fifth-grade and sixth-grade soul, and an earth-level eighth-grade is considered mid-to-high. If it is an earth-level ninth-grade or even a heavenly martial spirit, it is definitely the peak!"

Everyone talked a lot.

Chu Yuanzhong on the stage also slowly nodded, and said, "Earth-grade eighth-grade martial arts soul, not bad."

"Furthermore, your martial soul, the third and fourth wings will also be born. If they are born, they will immediately become the ninth grade of the earth level, and if the fifth and sixth wings are also born. If so, then the level can be promoted to the first rank of the heaven!"

After hearing the words, everyone quickly looked around.

Only then discovered that there was a huge protrusion behind the first and second wings of this giant snow jade lion.

In that bulge, there seemed to be something eager to move, wanting to break through the skin.

Think about it, it's the third and fourth wings.

Everyone was even more amazed!

There was a smug look on Teng Mingjie's face.

Then, he showed his blood and martial soul.

I saw that the red light on the surface of his body flickered, and there was a faint beating inside his body, and the blood was flowing rapidly, like a clear spring in the mountains.

Of course, the movement is far inferior to Chen Feng. When Chen Feng's blood was flowing, it was like a big river rushing, but this was enough to cause everyone to exclaim!

Then, his bloodline martial soul appeared, and his bloodline martial soul was also an eighth rank, with eight brown lights flashing.

This bloodline martial soul turned out to be a huge spear, this spear, which is a thousand meters long, seems to traverse the sky and the earth, and is powerful, and it also attracted people's exclamation.

Chu Yuanzhong summed it up loudly: "Teng Mingjie, Wuhun Earth Grade Eighth Rank, is expected to reach Heaven Grade Grade One in the future.

"Bloodline Martial Soul, Earth-level eighth rank, is expected to reach heaven-level first rank in the future."

"Instant combat power, medium and high. Future potential, high and low. Available for hire!"

When he uttered the three words that could be hired, Teng Mingjie immediately showed a touch of joy, took a long breath in relief, and walked to the side of the high platform to stand.

It turned out that the selection and evaluation were divided into nine categories, which were bottom-bottom, bottom-middle, bottom-up; middle-bottom, middle-middle, middle-up; top-bottom, top-middle, top-up; nine levels in total!

Then, everyone stepped forward one after another, showing their martial souls and bloodline.

Their ratings are also different, but Chen Feng found that as long as they are not rated as lower or lower, they can be hired.

And about two out of ten people will be rated as next or next clock!

From this point of view, the possibility of being selected is actually very large, reaching 80%.

However, Chen Feng wasn't sure whether his five-clawed golden dragon spirit could be used.

At this time, Elder Xu asked, "Master, the disciple is surprised, why are you here to see this selection!"

"You are at a critical moment of retreat. You had been in retreat for thirty years before. This time you suddenly came out. The thirty years of retreat before you were halfway through."

A smile appeared at the corner of Liu Chengyi's mouth, and he slowly said, "There is a reason to come out as a teacher."

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