Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1838: No one wants to run!

This trick was to kill hundreds of royal guards, and the three deputy commanders of the royal guards such as Yan Yuxun were so powerful that they naturally couldn't be killed easily.

But even so, the red light waves caused huge wounds on their bodies.

Yan Yupu's left arm was cut directly, and a huge red wound appeared on his chest. It almost penetrated his chest and back.

The other two deputy commanders of the Royal Guard were also seriously injured, and the three were severely injured at the same time.

The power of one move is as good as Si!

After Long Shen Hou made this move, his face was pale, he vomited and worked hard, and even his body was shaky. Difficult to maintain.

Obviously, not only has he exhausted all his strength, but he also left a hidden wound that is difficult to heal!

However, he chuckled, his face was full of cruel expressions: "Since you want to destroy my Dragon God Mansion, let's destroy it together!"

Yan Yu was severely injured, but before he died, there was a furious look on his face.

I thought it was a task to secure the victory, but I didn't expect to lose an arm here.

He stared at Long Shenhou with a cold face and hated it to the extreme: "Okay, okay, okay, you are fine, later, I will definitely make you regret it! I make you regret coming to this world!"

Although he was seriously injured, he still had some strength, at least it would be no problem to kill the current Dragon God Hou.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "I made you regret coming to this world!"

Simultaneously with these words, there was an extremely majestic momentum, which was constantly approaching here.

The momentum was huge, far away, before they arrived, they were already overwhelmed by them.

Everyone looked back in amazement, and at the moment they looked back, that momentum had already arrived.

Then, there was a look of horror on their faces, and they shouted out: "Chen Feng? Chen Feng turned out to be here?"

"How is it possible? Isn't Chen Feng already killed? How could he suddenly appear here?"

Their faces were full of horror, and after the horror, they were desperate: "Chen Feng is here, we must die!"

They dared to come to the Dragon God Mansion to kill when they knew that Chen Feng was dead. If they knew that Chen Feng was fine, they would definitely not dare to come over if they knew that Chen Feng was okay!

Yan Yuxun's face also changed suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply, his mouth opened wide, his face was full of disbelief, and he stared blankly at the slender figure in the sky.

"How is it possible? Chen Feng didn't die? Is it true that His Royal Highness the Third Princess is lying to me?"

He felt that his spirit was about to collapse.

However, Chen Feng didn't even look at them, but rushed down frantically, came to Long Shenhou and helped him up.

When Long Shenhou saw Chen Feng, a smile appeared on his face: "Chen Feng, I believe you will not die. How can you die in the hands of these crumbs?"

"I know, you must come back!"

Chen Feng shook his head: "Master, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Dragon God Hou smiled slightly: "It's not too late."

Chen Feng glanced around, then a deep sadness appeared in his eyes.

There were corpses all around, and most of those who died were from the Dragon God Mansion. Many Dragon God Guards had already died in battle, and Chen Feng even saw many familiar people from inside.

Those people used to talk and laugh with him, and had a deep friendship with him, and even one of them was the one who took him from Qingzhou to Wuyang City and to Dragon God Mansion.

Chen Feng slowly walked to the side of his body, his eyes widened, his eyes were still full of fighting and killing intent, as if he was still shouting to fight the enemy.

He still held the weapon firmly in his hand.

Chen Feng squatted down beside him and said softly: "Don't worry, I will avenge you, none of them can escape!"

As he said, stroked his eyes and made him stare.

Chen Feng saw Zhou Yang again, and Zhou Yang was also severely injured. There was a huge wound between his chest and abdomen, which was extremely tragic!

Chen Feng nodded slightly to him, and then he stood up, the expression on his face became increasingly cold, full of fierce killing intent!

He looked at Yan Yu's punishment and said lightly: "Today, you choppy, don't even want to run."

At this time, Yan Yuxun's expression changed.

Suddenly, he turned around and ran away frantically, extremely fast.

He did not have the courage to fight Chen Feng at all, because he knew very well that he would definitely die if he fought Chen Feng!

A sneer was outlined at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I want to escape now?"

As he said, the blast purple lightning step was activated, and a flash, appeared behind him, and shot out with a punch.

Yan Yu turned his head back, just in time to see the fist that was constantly growing in his pupils.

With a look of despair on his face, he shouted for mercy: "Don't kill me, Chen Feng, please, don't kill me!"

But Chen Feng's fist did not stop in the slightest. The next moment, Yan Yuxun let out a scream, and then the scream stopped abruptly.

He was directly beaten by Chen Feng with no bones!

At this time, the other two deputy commanders of the royal guards, as well as those royal guards, had all fled.

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "I said, none of you can run today!"

When he said the three words'can't run', an incomparably majestic aura gushed out of his body, and that huge power spread out with the sound waves, and many royal guards were directly shocked and sprayed with blood. He fell heavily to the ground, shaking to death!

Then, Chen Feng's figure flashed wildly, and every time he passed by, every time he flashed, it brought a blade of blood and shadow.

In a blink of an eye, all of these criminals were beheaded by him, and none of them survived.

Chen Feng looked at the corpse all over the floor, took a breath, and said softly: "I said, you are all going to die today!"

After that, Chen Feng didn't stop and caught up with the other two teams.

One of the teams killed people close to Chen Feng everywhere, and they were directly beheaded by Chen Feng.

And the other team has been out of the city for hundreds of miles, and their direction is the invincible army stationed to fight Dragon City.

This army was marching on the road. Suddenly, they felt a huge momentum approaching here, and a sound like a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Then, a figure fell in front of them.

This figure, holding a huge sword, turned his back to them.

There was an ominous premonition in these people's hearts, and they exclaimed.

Then, the figure slowly turned around, revealing his face, and when he saw his face clearly, the royal guards made a cry of horror that could not be believed.

Then they collapsed.

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