Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1831: Who put the seal?

Chen Feng followed Yanyu's punishment, walked all the way forward, and soon returned to the imperial city, but he did not take Chen Feng back to the imperial city, but entered the next to it. Yard.

After entering the yard, he entered the wood house, he removed the pile of firewood, and the ground below looked nothing unusual.

Yan Yuxun smiled slightly and took a few shots on the wall next to him. The ground suddenly turned up to reveal a big hole. It turned out that this place was actually an extremely delicate mechanism.

The two went down, seven and eight turns all the way, and walked for a full hour or two. At the speed of the two, such a long time was enough to get out of the city.

Sure enough, the end of the tunnel slowly turned into a natural cave. It was only slightly excavated manually, and the terrain was rising more and more, with light coming out from the front.

When Chen Feng pushed aside the dense vines in front of him, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes immediately.

It turned out that there was a huge valley in front of it, and in this valley, the forest was dense and flowers bloomed.

It’s already winter. It stands to reason that this situation should not be possible, but there should be hot springs below the valley. There are a large number of small rivers, small lakes, springs in the valley, all with warm water gurgling out. Make this valley warm like spring and the scenery is extremely beautiful! Yan Yuxun took Chen Feng around, and then took Chen Feng to an exquisite pavilion.

He smiled slightly: "Please."

Chen Feng pushed the door in.

A figure stood with his hands upright, hearing the voice, and looking back, it was the third princess.

She looked at Chen Feng with a smile, with a sincere smile on her face: "Chen Feng, long time no see."

At this time, her attitude was very low, she didn't look down at the slightest, and she didn't have the slightest resentment, as if she was so respectful to Chen Feng for granted.

Chen Feng sighed secretly: "These three princesses are really deep enough. At this time, I don't know how much I hate me in my heart! But their faces are pretending to be nonchalant."

Without any nonsense, Chen Feng said straightforwardly: "Where is your Aunt Xianyu? Where is it? Then where is the way to let me know the secret in my heart?"

The third princess smiled and said: "I know you are in a hurry, so I won't be too nonsense."

He raised his voice and said, "Aunt Xianyu."

There were footsteps coming from behind, and then a figure walked out slowly.

This person is a woman in her fifties with wrinkles and looks very old, but she can see some traces of the beauty of the past on her face. It is obvious that she was also a beauty when she was young.

She was wearing a blue robe, but her eyes were hollow and there was nothing.

Chen Feng raised his brows. Aunt Xianyu was actually blind?

Aunt Xianyu seemed to know what Chen Feng was thinking about now, and smiled and said, "Although I am blind in my eyes, my heart is not blind. It is more reliable to see many things with my heart than with my eyes."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Soon, a few people came to a quiet room, the third princess and Yan Yuxun were very witty farewells, and only Chen Feng and Aunt Xianyu were left inside.

In fact, even if the two of them stayed here or wanted to attack by the side, Chen Feng was not afraid.

His current strength is not something these people can shake.

Moreover, today is to explore the spiritual world. If these people dared to attack him, they would die even worse if they were attacked by Chen Feng with transparent divine light.

The two sat cross-legged, and Aunt Xianyu slowly said, "There are some secrets. In fact, you should have known it, and they exist in your heart. In the final analysis, they are in the spiritual world, but they are sealed for some reason. "

"What I want to do for you today is to unlock the seal and let you know these secrets clearly."

Chen Feng nodded and took a deep breath, feeling a little unbearable excitement in his heart.

Aunt Xianyu smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to be nervous, just follow my instructions."

"The first step is to let go of your heart and take me into your spiritual world."

Chen Feng nodded, he was not afraid, he was not worried that the other party would take the opportunity to attack his spiritual world.

Many soul masters have done this before, and they all ended up miserably.

Chen Feng closed his eyes, breathed steady and calm, and instantly sank into his spiritual world.

At the same time, he sensed a very large aura drifting outside of his spiritual world and seemed to want to enter it. This aura was very strong and huge, but very peaceful, without any malicious intent.

Chen Feng immediately let go of his spiritual world quietly.

Then, there was a flash of light in front of him, and the breath immediately entered before Chen Feng's eyes, turning into a woman.

This woman is only in her twenties and looks quite beautiful. She looks a bit like Aunt Xianyu. I think she should look like Aunt Xianyu when she was young.

Aunt Xian Yu glanced around Chen Feng’s spiritual world, with a deep shock on her face, and sighed, “Chen Feng, you are really a genius of heaven. The talent on the top is definitely extremely high, so young, you have such a vast spiritual world!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Aunt Xianyu has won the award."

The two walked together to the center of Chen Feng's spiritual world. Chen Feng tried to build a hall of soul-calling here, but never succeeded. He failed many times and finally gave up.

After walking here, Aunt Xianyu suddenly raised her brows and said, "Chen Feng, the atmosphere here is a bit weird."

"Oh? What's weird?" Chen Feng asked.

"Have you ever built a hall of soul-calling here, but found that there is no way to do it?"

Chen Feng was surprised: "How did you know?"

Aunt Xianyu smiled and said: "This is easy to understand, because this area of ​​your spiritual world has been sealed by someone. This seal is quite vicious, so you can't detect below, and you can't dig out spiritual power from below. Build a hall of souls!"

"And the Hall of Soul Convocation can only be built at this core. Therefore, as long as this seal exists, then you will not be able to build the Hall of Soul Convocation.

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "That's how it is."

The transparent sacred light hovered around Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng's heart moved, and the transparent sacred light slashed towards the ground.

The transparent divine light has always been extremely sharp and unfavorable, but this time, as if it had hit an iron plate, it made a loud noise and bounced directly back from the original path.

And this ground is undamaged.

Aunt Xianyu smiled beside him and said, "Chen Feng, you can't do this. Look at me."

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