Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1827: Almost collapsed!

This middle-aged in purple robe shows that he has been in a high position for a long time. He is arrogant and arrogant. He points to Chen Feng and shouts with awe-inspiring expression.

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sarcasm smile, and coldly spit out two words: "I'm looking for death!"

With that, a punch came out.

The middle-aged Zipao was killed by Chen Feng before he could say the second sentence.

Seeing this scene, there was even more silence on the high platform. Everyone stopped talking. The four people including Xun Zheng showed great pain on their faces. They didn't know what to do at this time.

Should you be an enemy of Chen Feng?

What's more important now is that even if they are enemies with Chen Feng, they find that they can't do it, there is no such group!

Because they can't even represent their own family's power, their strength is too weak compared to Chen Feng! The emperor of Chu let out a furious roar: "Who dares to leave the high platform today, I want to punish his nine clans!"

Chen Feng said indifferently: "Your Majesty, today's matter, if you say it, don't count it, I say it."

The Emperor of Chu State looked at Chen Feng and said coldly: "Chen Feng, do you think you will be sure of winning today? Do you think my Chu State is no one?"

"As the Emperor of Chu, I also have the strength of a five-star martial king. How can I be so humiliated by you?"

He and the two confidants next to each other looked at each other and understood, and then suddenly yelled, and the two slew towards Chen Feng.

Both of them have the strength of the Five-Star Wuwang, and they are already the strongest people on this high platform.

When Chen Feng watched them attack, the corner of his mouth was slightly clicked, showing a mocking smile.

It is just two small shrimps from the early stage of the five-star Wuwang, in his opinion, they are not enough!

Chen Feng let out a cold snort, ignoring the Chu Emperor's attack, letting his power blast on his body, blasting three punches one after another, directly killing the trusted expert.

At this time, the Emperor of Chu poured all his strongest moves on Chen Feng, but he was shocked to find that Chen Feng stood there and let himself fight, but he couldn't move, but he was shocked with blood in his fists. , Broken arm!

He yelled in disbelief: "How is it possible?"

at this time. Chen Feng had already taken care of the trusted expert, and when he turned around, he suddenly smiled, "Why is it impossible?"

With that, a punch came out.

With just one punch, the Emperor of Chu was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the people of Chu State on the high platform were even more upset.

Many family heads and officials gathered together to whisper. Chen Feng looked at them, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and slowly said, "Give you five breaths, and make a decision within five breaths!"

"After five breaths, I want to leave the high platform, but I can't do it!"

As he said, he slowly raised a finger: "Five!"

As soon as Chen Feng set the time limit, these people couldn't sit still. Suddenly, the head of a big family shouted: "Master Chen Feng, thank you for giving us this way of life!"

After speaking, he turned and stepped down with his own people, without stopping for a moment.

When the Emperor of Chu saw this scene, he was very frightened and shouted: "The surnamed king, how dare you betray me? I want to punish your nine races!"

The Patriarch of the Wang clan turned his head and looked at the Emperor of Chu with a mocking look, and said, "Your Majesty, this is no wonder it is done. The minister is not betraying you. The minister does not want to lose hundreds of people in his family. Life is only!"

"As for the punishment of the Nine Clan, hahahaha, your Majesty, let's wait for you to survive!"

He laughed mockingly, turned and left without stopping!

The emperor of Chu was anxious, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

And under his leadership, suddenly, on the high platform, it was as if a pot had been blown up, and the people from the major families of Chu Kingdom, civil and military officials, left one after another.

Even the concubines in the harem quickly left here, rushing to the harem to collect the pearls and precious stones, precious and delicate, ready to escape here!

When Chen Feng had counted five numbers, there were tens of thousands of people on the high platform.

There was only one aristocratic family, only seven or eight lieutenant generals, and only a dozen Chinese officials. In the harem, there was only one left.

She was dressed in white, and the long twig stood alone.

Chen Feng glanced away, sighed in his heart, and suddenly a violent heartache came.

A voice in his heart yelled: "Why? Why are you? Why don't you leave?"

"As you know, the reason I let them go is to give you a reason to leave!"

The Emperor of Chu swayed to his feet, looked around, a sorrowful smile appeared on his face, and his voice was erratic: "I thought that everyone would accompany me to death, but I didn't expect it to come. Only a few of you can stay with me!"

He let out a sorrowful laugh: "I am not injustice to the death of Chu State today, my emperor turned out to be so rebellious!"

Suddenly, Xun Zheng strode in and said: "Your Majesty, today the minister is willing to die with you!"

"Okay, okay!" There was a gratifying smile on the Emperor Chu's face: "After all, you are still there. With you loyal ministers, I feel a little comfort in my heart!"

Cheng Yangxia and Chu Ci both walked out slowly. They looked at Chen Feng with extremely complicated expressions. They wanted to speak, but they didn't dare to speak.

They seem to be afraid that when they speak, their friendship will be shattered and nothing will be left.

While Chen Feng looked at them with a deep pain in his eyes, he suddenly shouted: "You four, why don't you go? Why don't you go?"

"Do you know that I just let them go just to let you go! Why do you have to stay here and die?"

Chen Feng roared violently.

His emotions seemed to be vented all at once, and he shouted: "What do you want me to do? Who do you want me to kill? Are you staying here, is it forcing me to kill no one?"

"But no one can kill, how can I destroy Chu Kingdom?"

Chen Feng almost broke down, staring at them, yelling out of control.

Chen Feng rarely has such a time, but today is for them.

When they heard Chen Feng shouting like this, all four of them suddenly showed gratifying smiles. At least they knew Chen Feng's heart and Chen Feng's feelings for them at this time!

The seventh princess suddenly walked out and stood in front of the Emperor Chu. She looked at Chen Feng with a pleading expression on her face and said, "Chen Feng, I have never asked you anything. This time I beg you, please. Don't kill the father, okay?"

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