Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1823: Isn't it great to hit me?

But even so, Chen Feng was seriously injured. His internal organs had even been shaken to blood, and some internal organs had been shattered.

Chen Feng fell heavily and fell to the ground, covered in blood.

At this time, Chen Feng was already in a state of being seriously injured and near death.

The price they paid was that Chen Feng killed the seriously injured person.

But obviously, in the eyes of the burly man and the Shang elders, it is worthwhile to exchange a life for Chen Feng's life.

The two of them surrounded Chen Feng, with smug smiles on their faces.

In their opinion, this time Chen Feng is bound to die.

Seeing the contempt in the eyes of the two, Chen Feng's mouth suddenly twitched, and suddenly he showed great pride. He slowly got up from the ground and shouted: "Come, come again!"

His face was full of arrogance and unyielding, and he killed the two again!

Old Shang sneered, and made an extremely light stab with the big sword in his hand, a sword stab in his chest.

He thought that Chen Feng would definitely retreat, but if Chen Feng retreated, the burly man next to him would send Chengfeng into **** with successive powerful punches.

This was a trap set by the two of them, but what made both of them dumbfounded was that Chen Feng did not evade, instead he rushed up directly, sending his body directly above the sword!

With a flutter, this big sword pierced Chen Feng's body directly!

The old man was stunned, his face was full of disbelief, but he was also a very quick response, and immediately wanted to turn the big sword to turn Chen Feng's internal organs into powder.

However, at this time, he was surprised to find out. His great sword is like being cast into a huge piece of metal, and he can't move it!

Chen Feng's powerful bloodline power was activated, and his body was so hard that he directly clamped his great sword!

Then, Chen Feng yelled: "I was so cool to cut it just now? Isn't it me now?"

With that, the Dragon Slaying Knife split his head and covered his face, and chopped off frantically, all falling on the old man.

Four knives fell, and then another four knives fell.

After eight swords, the old man let out a screaming scream, his flesh was broken, his meridians were broken, his bones burst, and he was directly bombarded by Chen Feng!

The price Chen Feng paid has also changed from a serious injury to a serious injury near death, and the injury is much more serious than before!

At the same time, the burly man who had recovered his senses roared in anger and came directly in front of Chen Feng, and his fists crashed down towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng let out an unyielding roar. If it was someone else, he would have closed his eyes and waited to die, but how could Chen Feng be that kind of person?

He exhausted his last strength, and also blasted out his fists, hitting the burly man!

Four fists hit together.

The burly man remained in place, and Chen Feng was beaten for a kilometer in the air. He was really injured and weakened too much. He was not the opponent of the burly man at all.

The burly man let out a crazy laugh: "Chen Feng, die!"

At this time, suddenly, behind him, a cold and old voice came: "It is not him who died, it is you!"

Then, a figure flashed by.

Suddenly, the burly man felt that his front was dark and he could see nothing.

Then the next moment, he felt the tremendous pressure hitting him fiercely.

The burly man was filled with despair, and he could feel that he was definitely not the opponent of this trick.

He screamed screamingly, crazy low, but it was useless at all. With a boom, his figure was directly pinched.

Not far from the side, an old man slowly retracted his palm.

Next to him, the middle-aged Confucian man was full of awe. Just now the old man stretched out his right hand and squeezed it lightly, and then the powerful Marshal of Chu in the middle of the Five-Star Martial King was squeezed alive.

This old man, half of his face was browned and half of platinum, he was Master Lu!

At this time, Chen Feng was already in a coma. He only saw two human figures walking slowly towards this side, and then fainted directly.

The middle-aged Confucian looked at Master Lu, and said with some worry: "Master, will he participate in the fight between the lower nations so hastily..."

"No big deal?" Master Lu said lightly: "For Chen Feng, everything is worth doing!"

Chen Feng felt that he was plunged into the boundless darkness, and his body was filled with fiery pain.

Suddenly, he was like an ice cellar, the feeling of being in the abyss was extremely desperate, and he felt that the vitality was getting further and further away from him, it seemed that the vitality was about to disappear in the next moment, and he would fall into darkness forever.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that when he fell to the bottom, that is, when he died.

But Chen Feng had no fear in his heart at this time.

Suddenly, he felt a warm stream of heat around his body used to dispel despair, dispel darkness, and dispel pain.

He felt that his injury was recovering and the pain was diminishing.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng finally slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, his vision was still blurred, and the stone roof and stone walls came into view.

In the next moment, Chen Feng felt that the warm current was not an illusion. At this time, he was really soaked in a current of heat.

Chen Feng looked down and saw that he was in a large jade tank at this time, which was full of liquid.

This liquid is a green color with a fragrance of herbs.

Chen Feng could feel the endless flow of heat coming from inside and entering his body. Chen Feng observed his body and found that his injuries had miraculously recovered, even the injuries on the body surface had already been recovered. disappear.

I saw the skin like white jade!

Chen Feng was extremely surprised. At his level and with such a serious injury, I was afraid that even the eight-pin pill might not be able to be cured, but was healed by these liquid medicines?

At this time, an old and hoarse voice suddenly came out: "Shoun Lang, are you awake?"

The voice was strange, but Chen Feng felt a sense of familiarity.

Because, just before he fell into a coma, he vaguely heard this voice.

Chen Feng immediately understood, with a touch of gratitude on his face, and said, "Excuse me, did you save me?"

He also saw that this should be a certain level of a tower, inside it was simple, except for his big tank, there was only a small one left.

At this time, an old man was sitting there cross-legged.

After seeing his appearance clearly, Chen Feng could immediately determine that his body should be filled with two powerful forces of earth and metal properties, so he was suffering!

The old man smiled and said: "I rescued you, how do you feel your injury now?"

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