Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1814: They are my brothers!

And seeing Chen Feng's appearance, Xun Zheng's four faces were full of ecstasy: "Chen Feng, are you here?"

But after the ecstasy, Xun Zheng suddenly changed his face and said loudly: "Chen Feng, hurry up, this is our business, don't get involved!"

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, a little confused about what was going on.

But at this time, the eldest prince was full of pride, haha ​​smiled and said: "Sure enough, Chen Feng, I guessed right, you actually colluded with these Chu spies, if it weren't for your backer, I will order someone to take you down now!"

"Now, while I'm in a good mood, you quickly get out! Don't show up here again, or I will just give up!"

He stared at Chen Feng and said proudly.

His tone, like an order, did not put Chen Feng in his eyes at all!

When Chen Feng heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed: "What? Chu State spy?"

He stared at the four of Xun Zheng, and asked in a loud voice with a face full of disbelief: "You four, are you spies of Chu?"

Chen Feng was really shocked and angry to the extreme at this time!

His good friend, the man he referred to as a brotherly land, turned out to be an agent of Chu?

Under Chen Feng's gaze, the four of Xun Zheng showed a daze on their faces and bowed their heads.

Especially for Lao Qi, she stared at her toes and kept hiding behind Xun Zheng, as if she did not dare to let Chen Feng see herself.

Obviously, the attitude of the four of them is acquiescence.

At this time, Chen Feng was extremely sad, his face flushed instantly, and his eye circles were a little red.

He hated Chu State to the extreme. He had just killed the General Marshal of Chu State and killed so many Chu army, but now he knew that his brother was a spy of Chu State.

This incident made Chen Feng totally unbearable in his heart, and felt a kind of psychological breakdown!

The commander smiled proudly: "Chen Feng, I didn't lie to you, did I? They are the spies of Chu!"

But the eldest prince showed a vicious look in his eyes: "Chen Feng, they are agents of Chu, and you have such a deep relationship with them, I suspect you are also agents of Chu!"

At this time, he slandered Chen Feng heartily!

Chen Feng didn't even bother him, because Chen Feng was in a state of confusion and didn't know what to do.

When the eldest prince saw this scene, he was even more proud. He thought that Chen Feng didn't dare to offend him, so he mocked and humiliated Chen Feng next to him!

Just when Chen Feng was in a state of confusion, the commander coldly shouted: "Kill, kill all these four spies, without leaving a living!"

"Yes!" The royal guards rushed forward and began the siege again.

And because of Chen Feng's appearance, Xun Zheng's four felt very sorry for him, and their counterattack strength was also much worse than before, which added a bit of injury in an instant.

Even the old Qi couldn't hold it anymore, she was directly crushed by a royal guard's knee and knelt on the ground heavily.

And she gritted her teeth, she didn't make a scream, her face was full of fortitude and unyielding.

The royal guard said with a grim face: "You little bitch, dare to pretend to be here, then let you taste the man's methods later!"

As he said, there was a burst of lewd laughter.

The faces of the royal guards also showed lewdness, and their eyes were wandering around her body!

Old Qi was hit with two punches again and fell to the ground, no longer able to fight back.

A royal guard stretched out his hand and grabbed her in his arms. He stretched out his hand to touch her cheek, and said with a lewd smile: "Little lady, let you taste our greatness today!"

"Just now I dared to kill so many of our brothers. Today, we will punish you alive and avenge them!"

A bunch of people, dozens of pairs of claws, all grabbed at her.

At this time, Old Qi looked at Chen Feng, his eyes full of nostalgia.

However, she was extremely disappointed because Chen Feng stood motionless.

The nostalgia in Old Qi's eyes instantly turned into extreme despair. She closed her eyes and waited for the humiliation and death.

However, just when the paws of these people were about to touch her body, suddenly, a loud roar came: "Stop it all!"

These people immediately trembled in their hearts, feeling a great majesty coming from them, and never dared to stretch their hands forward anymore, they stopped, their eyes turned to the direction of the sound.

The person who spoke was Chen Feng!

And hearing this, why Xun Zheng and the three royal guards stopped their hands and looked at Chen Feng.

Old Qi's eyes burst into a burst of energy.

"What do you mean?" The prince looked at Chen Feng and said impatiently.

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "You can't take the lives of the four of them!"

"What? What did you say?" The prince had an expression of disbelief.

Suddenly, there was a furious look on his face. He strode to Chen Feng and pointed his finger at him. Spit Xingzi almost touched Chen Feng's face, with a look of disdain, and said coldly, "Is there still to be done?"

"Don't think you have a backer behind you, you can be unscrupulous, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"The winner has been away for so long, I don't believe that he will come back because of you. If you dare to say one more thing today, I will immediately kill you here!"

He waved his hand impatiently, as if driving away a fly: "Get out, get out!"

Chen Feng said coldly, "If I don't get out, then what?"

"If you don't get out?" The prince said with a cold smile on his face: "Do you really want to be nosy? You really want to force me to kill you?"

"Whether it is the leader or me, both are five-star martial arts masters, both of us can kill you like an ant!"

The chief also walked to the side of the prince, clenched his fists, and said coldly: "Chen Feng, don't seek your own death!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, his smile filled with endless pride: "I have decided on this matter today!"

The chief and the prince were full of anger.

Old Qi looked at Chen Feng, smiled sadly, and suddenly said softly, "Chen Feng, with your words, I am enough in this life, our friend is not in vain!"

Xun Zheng also laughed loudly: "Chen Feng, we will be content if we know your intentions. What we fear most is not death, but that you won't forgive us!"

"If you are willing to work hard for us, if you are willing to stand up for us, we will be satisfied!"

"Chen Feng, don't say any more, let them kill us, don't swept you into it again, you are not their opponent!"

Several other people were talking about it. Obviously, they all thought that Chen Feng was not the opponent of the leader and the prince.

Chen Feng looked at them and said word by word: "I don't know if you are spies from Chu, I only know that you are my brothers to Chen Feng!"

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