Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1810: Wudong Academy

The disciples of Wudong Academy wear different colors, but they are all pure colors, either all white, or all black, or all purple. They admire pure colors very much.

From time to time, there are disciples walking hurriedly in the academy, but they are holding their toes and trying not to make any noise.

The only movement in this is the sound of reading from time to time in certain halls!

On the east side of Wudong Academy is a high cliff, on which three characters are written: Jiang Wudian!

Below the cliff, is a huge courtyard that stretches for tens of thousands of meters. This courtyard is the Hall of Lectures in Wudong Academy.

Jiang Wudian is the core of Wudong Academy.

As the name suggests, no martial arts, no martial arts, no martial arts, only martial arts!

The Thirty-seven National Talents List of Tu Long came from the Hall of Martial Arts.

So to some extent, Jiang Wudian is almost equivalent to Wudong Academy to outsiders!

At the core of Jiangwu Temple, there are nine high towers, each of which is ten stories high. They are made of beautiful jade and are extremely gorgeous.

There are cupronickel wind chimes hung on the corners of each eaves. When the wind comes slowly, the wind chimes are ringing, crisp and melodious, and ding-dong sound.

At this time, the sun was shining bright outside, and there was no wind, which was extremely dull.

On the ninth floor of a certain tower, the second highest floor, windows on all sides were open, and inside was a quiet room.

In the quiet room, a man dressed as a middle-aged Confucian scholar sits awkwardly behind the book table.

On this floor, except for the small place where he is, other places are full of bookshelves, and on the bookshelves are all kinds of scrolls of classics, and the ink is overflowing.

At this moment, suddenly a wind chime rang outside, a wind came slowly, and then a wing vibration sounded, and a blue bird about the size of a palm flew in from the window.

Although this cyan bird is small in size, it has a very good horse. There are golden lines in the cyan, and the beaks are shining with golden light, which seems to be able to peck the metal alive.

When the middle-aged scribe saw him, a smile of joy appeared on his face: "Xiao Qing, you are actually back!"

The green-and-gold bird seemed to be very happy, and screamed in excitement.

The middle-aged scholar hurriedly said: "Qing'er, Qing'er, don't bark, if you quarrel with the master, you will be scolded."

When I heard the word "Master", it seemed that the green-and-gold bird was very afraid, so he stopped quickly.

He stopped on the shoulder of the middle-aged scholar and rubbed him very affectionately.

The middle-aged Confucian student smiled and said, "Let me see, what good news do you bring."

Then he took out a small bamboo tube from under his stomach, half black and half blue and black.

The middle-aged Confucian suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "Black represents the State of Qin, and blue represents the State of Chu. What does this mean? Is it possible that something happened at the border between the two countries?"

It turned out that the Wudong Academy has eyeliners all over the Thirty-Seven Kingdoms. If there is any news, the eyes will immediately spread the letter, let Wudong Academy know the first time, so that they can respond in time.

He crushed the bamboo tube with great interest and took out a small paper roll from it!

When he opened it, he still had a casual look on his face, but when he saw the content on the scroll, his face was immediately shocked: "What? How is it possible?"

He felt that he had read it wrong, and then hurriedly read the words on the scroll again without falling off.

After watching it three times, he was finally convinced that he had read it correctly.

And he would not doubt the authenticity of this scroll, his face was full of huge shocks that could not be concealed, and even his hands were shaking. This is an extremely rare situation!

He murmured: "Unbelievable, it's unbelievable. A young man who is under twenty years old has killed two five-star martial arts masters one after another? God, what kind of genius is this?"

He immediately realized the great value of this letter, without any hesitation, he directly climbed to the tenth floor, which is the highest floor!

He breathed quickly and his face was full of excitement. It was only when he was about to step on the last few steps of the tenth floor that he took a deep breath, calmed the violent gasp, and then slowly knocked on the person in front of him. Wooden door.

"Master, there is a very important news that you still need to look at."

After a while, there was a gentle and clear voice: "Come in."

The middle-aged Confucian student slowly pushed the door in. The tenth level was actively expanding, but it was extremely empty, with only a futon in the middle, and nothing else.

On the futon, an old man was sitting cross-legged, looking at him indifferently.

The old man's complexion was extremely ugly, his face was wrinkled like dry tree bark, and his face was half brown and half platinum.

Constantly steaming on his face, constantly wandering, even constantly fighting, and even looking down, his left half of the body is burnt yellow, and the right half of his body is platinum.

Recharged respectively with extremely strong earth spirit air and golden spirit air.

And these two forces are obviously fighting frantically, and his left side exudes an extremely powerful and earthy meaning, which makes people feel like breathing in the wind and sand in the sky.

On the right is extremely sharp, making people feel that the body has to be cut by countless sharp blades.

Just standing in front of him for a moment, the middle-aged Confucian student was tortured by the suddenly hot and suddenly cold feeling to the point of vomiting blood. At this time, he couldn't help but admire the old man very much: "Master Lu is really perseverance and firm. It’s incredibly difficult to sustain it after being tortured by these two weird forces for thirty years."

"If it were me, I'm afraid it would have been crazy long ago!"

The old man asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged Confucian student hurriedly said: "Back to Master Lu, there is news from the border of Qin and Chu."

"Oh, there is news coming?" Master Lu stared, and suddenly asked in a deep voice, "But it has something to do with Chen Feng?"

A sense of admiration surged in the heart of the middle-aged Confucian, and said: "The master is really a magical calculation, and it is indeed related to Chen Feng."

"Quickly talk about it!" Master Lu showed an eager look on his face.

Middle-aged Confucian scholars were surprised when they saw it. Master Lu was always calm and rarely showed this look.

But think about it, no matter how much a genius like Chen Feng pays attention to, it cannot be overstated.

He hurriedly said: "Just yesterday, Chen Feng beheaded Chang Yongjia, General Marshal of Chu State, and then chased and killed millions of Chu troops all the way to Tiesha Pass, shattering Tiesha Pass."

"At the same time, Ziyan Fengjun Xiong Chenghou, who was ranked third among the six great monarchs, went to avenge his brother and intercepted Chen Feng at Tiesha Pass. As a result, after a great battle between the two, Chen Feng also beheaded him. "

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