Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1800: Comprehend! The fourth stage of the Eight Desolation Silence Slash!

"Now, my physical strength is strong enough, and my defense is strong enough. The only thing missing is offense."

Chen Feng suddenly turned around, looked at Han Yu'er, and said softly, "Sister, I'm sorry, this period of time has scared you."

Han Yuer smiled gently, walked to Chen Feng's side, and suddenly kissed him **** the face, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, I love you, no matter what you are, I love you."

"Even if you fall into a demon, I still love you. I love you, and I don't want to see you ruining yourself, so I am worried."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, it's okay, everything is over."

"This time, after this incident, my heart will only become stronger, and if I encounter such incidents in the future, it will not be like this time!"

Han Yu'er nodded, with a smile of relief on her face.

Then, Chen Feng sighed softly: "It's been a long time since I left Wuyang City, and now it's time to go back."

"It's just that, before I go back, there is still a long-cherished wish to end. There is a big enemy to kill! After killing him, I completely fulfilled my wish and completely wiped out all the cause and effect of this grievance!"

Han Yu'er was shocked, and shouted in surprise: "Are you going to kill?"

"Yes, I'm going to kill him, Chang Yongjia, the General Marshal of Chu! This time the highest commander of the seven million Chu army!"

Chen Feng was so bold that he dared to kill the General Marshal of Chu State. He was a dignified five-star martial king, and he was protected by a million troops!

Chen Feng's tone was an understatement, just like killing a pig and slaughtering a sheep. He didn't take it to heart, his face showed great confidence!

Two days later, in a mountain range.

This mountain range is also the remaining vein of the Tulong Mountain Range. It is located at the junction of the Qin State and Chu State, less than a thousand miles away from Kangcheng.

The mountains are neither high nor big, but the scenery is very beautiful.

Chen Feng had a great enlightenment, and after the blood, murderous, and hideous aura from his body had disappeared, he suddenly relaxed a lot.

He seemed to realize that cherishing the talents in front of him is the most important thing, so he took Han Yuer to travel along the way.

This mountain has the best scenery, and the two will naturally not let it go. They have stayed here for several days.

It is late autumn and the chill is pressing.

The two of them were walking on a small small mountain road. The mountain road was extremely narrow, with verdant bamboo forests on both sides. On the rocks, the flowers and vines were full, and the flowers bloomed for the last time before the winter.

At this time, there was rain in the sky and drizzle, and the two of them held an oiled paper umbrella as if they were walking in a painting!

Chen Feng was walking in this picture, and suddenly there was a movement in his heart, and Han Yu'er was also keenly aware, and looked at him with a smile, with a look of expectation on his face.

Chen Feng said softly: "I am probably going to break through."

Then he suddenly jumped up into the air and came to a cliff.

This cliff can't shelter the wind and rain. The cold autumn wind entrains the rain and falls on the body, but it only brings some coolness to Chen Feng.

He sat cross-legged in the wind and rain, listening to the rustle of the bamboo forest, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, calm and gentle, yet all over the country!

Han Yu'er said nothing, just ascended another mountain, thousands of meters away from Chen Feng, looking at him from a distance.

Chen Feng's moves are extremely powerful, standing too close can easily be accidentally injured.

Time passed bit by bit, and he didn't have any impatience.

Finally, an hour later, the rain became heavy, and finally turned into a pouring rain, and the entire mountain range was shrouded in this heavy rain.

It was at this moment that Chen Feng stood up suddenly.

He stood proudly in the rain, and the next moment, the huge dragon-slaying knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he walked back and forth on the cliff with mysterious steps under his feet.

It's just a few points, but it has its own world, mystery and mystery, which can bring extremely powerful effects that are extremely unimaginable.

This is the real powerful technique, unpretentious and simple!

The Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand was also constantly waving, as if he was practicing something.

After two more hours, Chen Feng's movements became more proficient.

Suddenly, his eyes that had been closed before were opened at this time, the light in his eyes flashed violently, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And this smile also became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a burst of laughter: "I understand it!"

As he said, he leaped up into the air, reaching a height of a thousand meters, and then slashed fiercely.

This knife cut through the rain curtain, cut through the autumn wind, and seemed to cut the entire sky.

The next moment, the powerful sword fell bitterly, and there was no response on the ground, not even a piece of stone was broken, not even a bug was killed. This was the same as his previous moves. Very different.

The previous moves were extremely tyrannical.

But the next moment, the world seemed to cease to be quiet, and then, with a light pop, it was as if the last straw had crushed the camel, as if it was the last bargaining chip that made the balance tilt.

Therefore, the whole world is different.

A strong wind swept past, unlike the autumn wind, it was a blade!

The next moment, there was a series of pops, and this bamboo forest with a radius of thousands of acres, all the bamboos were blown to pieces at the same time.

They just collapsed, broken into countless powders, because their joints were broken, because their bones were crushed into powder by Chen Feng in an instant!

In the next moment, all the bamboos were dumped, the bamboo forest disappeared completely, and there were only countless turquoise pieces left on the ground!

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth was full of smiles: "The fourth stage of the Eight Desolation Silence Slash, broken bones! I understand!"

"The biggest feature of the Five-Star Martial King Realm is that it attracts thunder to quench the bones, making the bones extremely powerful, and the fourth stage of my Eight Desolation Silence Slash is to smash the bones! How strong bones you are, how high you are The bones tempered by the level of the sky thunder will be completely shattered under my knife!"

Chen Feng's knife was enough to kill the five-star Wuwang powerhouse.

This knife shattered the bones, and its power was not obvious, as if the breeze was blowing, it looked no sign on the outside, but in fact all the bones inside and inside were already broken!

Chen Feng looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Now, not only my defense has reached the level of the Five-Star Martial King, but my offensive of the Eight Desolation and Silence Slash has also reached the level of the Five-Star Martial King!"

"Junior brother, congratulations!" Han Yuer said with a smile.

Chen Feng laughed loudly, and suddenly hugged Han Yuer over, took a hard bit, and kissed Han Yuer's mouth.

Han Yuer was stunned for a moment, and then responded enthusiastically.

After a long time, the lips parted, and the two of them faced each other, and their eyes were full of affection.

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