Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1786: Chu Jun is invaded! The war begins!

Their lips were even chapped, and anxious light appeared in their eyes.

And their battle armors were already damaged, and their bodies were covered with blood stains, and they were obviously hunted down on the road.

The first messenger raised his last strength and shouted: "Chu's seven million troops entered Daqin, and even Qingzhou, Yongzhou, Xuzhou, every city will be slaughtered!"

"Now there are dozens of counties in the three states, blood has flowed into rivers, and the army of the three states was caught off guard, surrounded by divisions, and unable to fight back. We broke out of the siege and sent a letter to ask your majesty to send reinforcements!"

After this person said this, he turned over from the monster beast, fell heavily to the ground, let out a roar, his eyes widened, and he was breathless.

It turned out that he was rushing along the road wildly, and he was seriously injured before, and he was already exhausted, and he couldn't hold on after desperately carrying the news.

All the people stood there blankly, unable to believe what was happening in front of them!

"Chu country actually attacked Qin country? And with such a large number of troops?"

"It's impossible!" Everyone didn't want to believe it, but they couldn't help but believe it. This is the news brought out by these soldiers who broke through the siege and desperately!

The relationship between Qin and Chu was extremely poor. They had always attacked and defended each other and killed each other. There was a lot of friction between the two, but they have never attacked as much as they are today.

This means a full-scale war!

The news spread quickly in Wuyang City, and after the news spread, people's grievances boiled over. From the common people to the princes and nobles, the Qin State was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to fight the Chu State to the death.

Qin Guo was already brave and brave, so this kind of reaction was naturally normal!

The Emperor Qin was furious, and immediately ordered to use up three thousand royal guards, five hundred thousand imperial guards, and three million elite soldiers, to go and conquer the Chu army!

And almost after less than a cup of tea, Chen Feng got the news!

Ten days ago, the Kingdom of Chu invaded the Kingdom of Qin in a big way, consuming all the elites in the country, a total of 7 million troops, including 2 million of the Imperial Guard, which is the most elite force in Chu.

The Qin State was unprepared, and the seven million army drove straight in, and that day came to the first great city on the border of the Qin State.

The army of the Kingdom of Chu made Kangcheng strict, and the water leaked, and persuaded the Qin army of Kangcheng to surrender.

However, none of the Qin army in Kangcheng surrendered, and cut off the head of the persuading messenger and threw it outside the city.

The Chu army was furious, and the army attacked the city. After a quarter of an hour, they contributed to Cannes. However, none of the 500,000 Qin troops in Cannes surrendered. They occupied the streets and alleys and started street battles in the country of Chu based on the terrain.

Chu Jun thought that it would not take long to take Kang Cheng, but Qin Jun’s tenacity was far beyond their imagination. It took them a full day and night to kill all Qin Jun, and Chu Jun paid for it. The price is that 300,000 elites have disappeared, and they have been tortured to death in this street fight.

The Chu army commander was furious and ordered the massacre.

The five million people in Cannes have been killed without a lifetime, and blood is flowing!

Kangcheng Massacre also opened the prelude to the Chu army massacre.

Since then, the brutal Chu army will kill all the local gentry and common people, and slaughter all the local creatures, but not the chickens and dogs!

When the news reached Wuyang City, the Chu army had already conquered the twenty-three counties of Qingzhou, Yongzhou, and Xuzhou.

All the people in the twenty-three counties of the three states were shrouded by the sword of the Chu army!

But this did not frighten the soldiers of the Qin State. The Qin State's defenders still resisted stubbornly, and so far there has been no surrender!

When he heard this news, Chen Feng was a little dazed, and he was dumbfounded in disbelief!

"How is it possible? How could Chu State suddenly invade Qin State? How could Qingzhou and Yongzhou be conquered so easily?"

In the next moment, the shock in Chen Feng's heart dissipated and he quickly recovered. At this time, what occupied his heart was fear and anxiety.

Because many of Chen Feng's relatives and friends are all in Qingzhou!

Qingzhou was conquered at this time, and the Chu army was slaughtering the city everywhere, not knowing whether they were alive or dead now!

Han Yuer on the side was also very anxious, looking at Chen Feng and asking: "Chen Feng, what should we do now?"

At this time, she had completely regarded Chen Feng as her backbone.

Chen Feng was still stable at this time. He took a deep breath and said softly: "Sister, don’t worry, Chu has already occupied Qingzhou, and it’s not a day or two. It’s awkward, if something happens. Otherwise, something should have happened long ago."

"It's useless for us to panic now, and it's useless to worry, we should rush to Qingzhou to check it out as soon as possible."

Han Yuer nodded heavily, and she said softly: "I don't worry about Qian Yuanzong or anything. Qian Yuanzong has been destroyed, and the Ziyang sword field where you went later did not have anyone I knew. She had nothing to do with them. Feelings at all."

"What I am worried about is Yuechun and Ruyan."

Upon hearing these two names, Chen Feng trembled heavily.

Yes, he is most worried about these two?

One is his little apprentice, and the other is a little maid who sees himself as a master who is obedient to him in order to save himself and even spares his life knowing that after he died, he jumped off a cliff and died for his love.

How could Chen Feng not worry about them?

However, she worries much more than Han Yuer. Apart from Jiang Yuechun and Hua Ruyan, Chen Feng also worries about a group of friends from Qingzhou City Battle Dragon Academy. He also worries about rushing from Ziyang Sword Field to Spirit Medicine Town. That group of brothers and sisters in the town.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng said farewell to the Dragon God Hou, who naturally understood it very well.

After a while, Chen Feng took Han Yu'er and left, and the two of them hurried to Lingyao Town, working day and night!

Under the gust of wind and purple electric step, Chen Feng's speed reached the extreme, and two days later, he arrived at Spirit Medicine Town.

When there was still a hundred miles away from Ling Yao Town, Chen Feng's mood became extremely anxious. He even didn't dare to go there. He was afraid that what he saw was a terrible scene of blood flowing in a river. He simply cannot bear it!

But when Chen Feng came to a place ten miles away from Ling Yao Town, he saw a military camp on the roadside, a small military camp, which could only accommodate about a hundred people.

Outside the barracks, there are more than a dozen soldiers in armor set up checkpoints on the side of the road.

These soldiers wore the same black armor, but this armor was different from Qin's iron black armor. It was that black with a hint of blue.

Chen Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, because this was Chu Jun's armor.

The Chu army is scattered in lakes and rivers, so Chu also respects water morality, but their water morality is different from that of Qin. It is black with a blue color, which distinguishes it from Qin.

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