Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1782: Supreme glory!

Such a record can be said to be tyrannical, and entering the top ten ranking list is not a problem!

"It's not over yet!"

Master Zhao laughed and said: "This Chen Feng doesn't know what's wrong. He has forged a feud with Xiong Chengjing. Xiong Chengjing vowed to kill him and pursue him all the way!"

Hearing the three words Xiong Chengjing, everyone was suddenly refreshed, showing interest.

Master Zhao continued: "Just a month ago, Xiong Chengjing was beheaded by Chen Feng with two swords outside the east gate of Wuyang City, the capital of the Qin Kingdom!"

"What? Xiong Chengjing was beheaded by Chen Feng with two swords?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the people below have changed from shock to shock and disbelief!

"How is it possible? Xiong Chengjing is strong, and the top ten is ranked third. How could he be beheaded?"

"Yeah, I don't believe it at all! Xiong Chengjing is not only ranked third, but he also has a bloodline and martial soul on his body. He has a mysterious purple flame bloodline, which is more powerful than the displayed strength. How could he be killed by Chen Feng? ?"

"If he was defeated by Chen Feng, I still believe, how could he be killed, and it was killed with two swords! This means that Xiong Chengjing has no power to fight back? How could it be possible?"

They roared in disbelief!

Master Zhao smiled and said, "But this is the truth."

"Xiong Chengjing went forward aggressively to provoke. He thought he could easily kill Chen Feng, but he didn't expect to be killed by Chen Feng with two swords.

"But do you think this is over?"

When everyone heard it, they were all refreshed: "This Chen Feng is too legendary!"

Master Zhao continued: "Not long after killing Xiong Chengjing, Chen Feng broke out with another great family of Lie family in Qin!"

"He killed the chain family, first beheaded a three-star martial king, and then a four-star martial king, and finally even the fifth prince of Qin, a four-star martial king, and a strong man, were beheaded by Chen Feng!"

"Also, even the knife is useless, it's just a fist, and it only takes five strokes to kill him!"

"What? Chen Feng is too strong!"

"God, is he still a human? Can easily kill the four-star Wuwang powerhouse, doesn't this mean that his strength is almost comparable to the five-star Wuwang?"

"Five-star Wuwang, that is already the strength of the emperors of the major empires!"

"Yes, and you have to pay attention, he didn't use a knife, he used a fist! Doesn't this mean that besides the sword technique, his fist technique is also extremely powerful? Physical strength is also extremely powerful?"

"You seem to ignore the most important thing." A faint voice sounded: "He actually dared to kill the five princes of the Great Qin Kingdom! May I ask Master Zhao, is he dead now?"

"Not dead." Master Zhao said with a smile.

"What? Didn't even die? The five princes who killed Da Qin were not dead yet? The emperor of Da Qin would let him go?" Everyone shouted in awe.

Master Zhao smiled and said, "Of course the Emperor Qin will not let him go, but when the Emperor Qin wanted to kill him, a mysterious person came."

"That mysterious man possesses an incomparably powerful strength and an incomparably powerful identity background, supporting Chen Feng, so Chen Feng is not dead, he is still alive."

Everyone took a deep breath, and this time, they were completely suppressed.

Everyone has a strong sense of fear and respect for this master sword master Chen Feng who has risen like a meteor.

"This Chen Feng has a fierce temperament, indomitable and invincible in doing things, and most importantly, he has such a strong strength and such a strong background! It is normal for such a person to reach the top ten!"

"Yes, and I think with his current strength, he can even be among the six great monarchs in the next step!"

Lord Zhao turned around and entered the Yamen, and when he was about to enter, he suddenly turned around, looked at the crowd, smiled and said: "Forgot to tell you, Chen Feng is less than twenty this year!"

"What?" This sentence made everyone completely blow up, all of them were scared to pee, shocked that they didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere of the scene reached its climax!

The appearance of Chen Feng completely subverted everything. The original ten princes were not over twenty-five years old, and Chen Feng was less than twenty years old and had already reached the top of the ten princes list!

"This Chen Feng is bound to become a rising star in the Thirty-Seven Kingdoms of the Dragon Slayer, even sweeping the Thirty-Seven Kingdoms!"

At this time, such a thought flashed in countless people's hearts.

At this time, in the Kingdom of Yan, in the State of Zhao, in the State of Qi... in all the countries of the Thirty-seventh Kingdom, Wudong Academy posted such a ranking list.

Everyone saw Chen Feng, and the master swordsman Chen Feng appeared at the top of the top ten list.

Everyone also knew about Chen Feng's deeds. In an instant, Chen Feng's fame became famous throughout the Thirty-seven Kingdoms, and was admired and admired by thousands of people.

At this moment, Chen Feng's glory was at its extreme.

On this day, Chen Feng's name spread throughout the 37 Kingdoms!

He rises like a meteor, with dazzling brilliance, and has become the most brilliant star among the 37 Kingdoms!

At almost the same time, suddenly everyone heard a loud explosion from a distance.

Then, a pillar of fire rose to the sky.

This pillar of fire is purple, with a diameter of more than tens of meters and a height of thousands of miles. It directly broke through the clouds in the sky, like a giant pillar connecting the sky to the ground, half of the sky was transpired into a purple.

Although they were hundreds of miles away, they still felt an extreme heat rushing toward their faces.

In an instant, everyone felt sweat soaked through their clothes.

Everyone looked at each other: "What's the situation? Why is it so suddenly?"

They don't understand.

After about a cup of tea, the yamen from the Wudong Academy who hurriedly entered the Yamen just now turned around and came to the bottom of the gold list, and then placed the top six rankings on the top of the list. The ranking was raised one place.

From the original fourth to the third.

"Why is this?" everyone asked in astonishment.

Master Zhao smiled and said: "Just now there was news that Ziyan Fengjun was in retreat for three years, and he broke through today, raging for a thousand meters, and the flames are shining hundreds of miles!"

"This means that he has practiced their Xiong family's supreme martial arts, the purple flame covering the sky! Naturally, he can raise the rank by one."

At this moment, in Xiong's house, a purple-robed young man walked slowly into the hall.

Inside, an old servant waited respectfully, and when he saw him, he immediately bowed to salute.

The old servant said loudly: "Congratulations to the eldest son! Congratulations to the eldest son for practicing the supreme secret of the Xiong Family. I only hope that the eldest son can go one step further this time and beat those on the list of the six masters."

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