Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1769: We are friends!

These four figures have been hiding in the crowd, not showing the mountains or dew, but at this time they suddenly attacked Chang Haitao.

What made everyone exclaimed was that the strength of these four people was good, the lowest of them all had the strength of the two-star Wuwang realm, and the highest one had almost reached the four-star Wuwang realm!

This person in the realm of the four-star Martial King is a rough man, looks very silent and simple, and his face is full of firmness.

He held a long spear and stab Chang Haitao's waist.

Chang Haitao's right fist was the one who bombarded him.

At the same time, a young man in his twenties, an eccentric young man, holding a long sword, stabbed Chang Haitao's heart.

Another young man who was equally silent had a pair of short swords in his hands, which looked extremely dangerous, stabbing Chang Haitao's temple like a poisonous snake.

The last one is a teenage girl. She is beautiful and cute, but the weapon is a team of sledgehammers larger than hers. They are fierce and violent, sweeping towards Chang Haitao’s pair from below. leg.

This killing occurred almost instantaneously.

The four of them suddenly attacked, and the people around did not recover at all. Suddenly they saw them killing Chang Haitao.

At this time, Chang Haitao showed his great strength as the commander of the royal guards, the five-star martial king.

He blasted a punch and shook the silent young man's spear directly, backing seven or eight steps, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he lowered his head slightly and swept his left arm towards the two daggers. It actually swept away two short swords directly.

But he kicked out with his left leg and kicked on the two sledgehammers. The girl suddenly kicked away tens of meters, blood spurted from her mouth, and fell heavily to the ground.

However, his strength has also been exhausted.

As a result, he was severely stabbed in the heart by that long sword.

He snorted, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he was already slightly injured!

Only then did everyone come to their senses, and suddenly let out a huge exclamation:

"What is the origin of these four people? Suddenly attacked Chang Haitao?"

"Their strength is really strong, the strongest is the four-star Wuwang, and the weakest is the two-star Wuwang!"

"It's incredible that Chang Haitao was injured by them!"

When the four of them landed, everyone could see their looks clearly. Chen Feng had already seen them clearly. He suddenly exclaimed, "Xun Zheng, it is you?"

It turned out that the four people who came were the four who made the sword Honglu.

Chen Feng was surprised at first, and then moved in his heart. His nose was sour and he could hardly control his tears. He whispered: "What are you doing here? Why are you doing this?"

Xun Zheng is very silent on weekdays, but at this time, his face is full of firmness, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying, "You are our friend!"

"You are our friend!"

This sentence is simple, but powerful and full of strong persistence!

The other three also laughed loudly: "Look at Chen Feng, we are friends, how can we die?"

"Yes, friends, we are friends!" Chen Feng whispered these two words softly, his face suddenly glowing.

At this moment, there was a sudden arrogance in his heart, and a voice echoed crazily in his heart: "Chen Feng, others are so desperate to make you immortal, they even want to use their own lives to block the offensive for you, and you What? How can you despair?"

"Who are you worthy of like this? Can you be worthy of these people who work hard for you?"

The faces of the people around were envious, and one of them sighed softly: "These four are really proud and righteous people. They know that they are not Chang Haitao's opponents. If they make a move, they can only take their own lives in, but they still I didn't hesitate to shoot!"

Everyone looked at them with admiration.

A young man was full of envy, and said softly: "If you have Chen Feng, you have the best strength in the world, you have a confidante who is willing to die for yourself, and you have three or five close friends who are willing to stand up when you are most in danger. And to die with you, what regrets do you have in this life?"

Everyone nodded, admired and agreed. This young man speaks what is in their hearts!

Chen Feng's passion and lofty ambition poured out, he shook, but finally stood up straight, he looked at Xun Zheng and others, haha ​​smiled: "Yes, we are friends! Before, I was too petty, and I was accompanied by you. What regret do I have if Chen Feng died?"

"Today, let you and I die together!"

As he said, did he suddenly stretch out his hand, hooked his finger at the commander Chang Haitao, smiled and said, "Come on!"

The laughter is full of contempt and disdain!

Chang Haitao let out an angry roar: "Since you are all looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

With that said, he leaped into the air again and killed the five people!

The five of Chen Feng stood shoulder to shoulder, living and dying together.

The strength of Xun Zheng and others is also far inferior to Chang Haitao. He was soon defeated one after another by him, seriously injured, and even not much lighter than Chen Feng!

Five people lay on the ground, you look at me, I look at you, and they find that each other is very miserable. Suddenly a few people laugh at each other, and then the laughter turns into a big laugh.

Chen Feng supported the four of them with difficulty, and then the five of them held hands, shoulder to shoulder, and their faces were full of heroism!

Xun Zheng suddenly laughed, his emotions have always been introverted and deep, and he rarely had such intense exuberance.

He laughed and said, "Let's be brothers in the next life!"

"Yes, I will be brothers in my next life!" Several people shouted one after another. In this scene, many people in the crowd were in tears.

"How affectionate is this?"

By the side, Han Yu'er even stopped crying, her face was strong, she gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Feng, only one voice echoed in her heart: "Chen Feng, if you die today, I will avenge you!"

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the crowd, and everyone looked out.

Then, many people knelt down one after another, kneeling down a lot.

A magnificent voice kept echoing: "Your Majesty the Emperor is here! Your Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Hearing this, everyone fell on their knees to show respect to His Majesty the Emperor.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here? Why?"

"Why do you say? The five princes have all been killed, and the emperor is not coming?"

"That's what you said, hey, this one is completely over. A big commander, Chen Feng is not an opponent at all. If the emperor comes, Chen Feng will undoubtedly die, how can he still survive?"

"Yes, Chen Feng is really dead now!" Many people talked, and their faces were full of regret.

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