Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1760: Five Princes!

They all know that today, when the Lie family is over, the Lie family will be erased from this world!

At this time, Mrs. Lie still looked confident. She stared at the wind, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said coldly, "Chen Feng, you will definitely not destroy our Lie family today!"

Chen Feng frowned and stared at her coldly.

At this moment, Mrs. Lie suddenly shouted: "His Royal Highness, are you really going to sit and watch our Lie's house be destroyed?"

As the voice fell, the sound of hoofs burst in the distance.

Dozens of royal guards rushed on riding monsters.

Among the dozens of royal guards, surrounded by an exceptionally huge monster beast, on top of the monster beast, a young man in a black robe with four-claw golden golden sitting python embroidered on his clothes came slowly.

This black-robed youth, his face was full of pride, he didn't seem to put anyone in his eyes, his eyes were above the top!

Seeing him coming, both Mrs. Lie and Lie Bowen showed excitement on their faces.

Mrs. Lie looked at Chen Feng and said with a smug face: "Chen Feng, now the five princes are here, don't say you have killed us, today even if you can retreat all over, even if you are capable!"

Chen Feng's eyes were cold, staring at the fifth prince.

The fifth prince, he has not seen him for the first time, and Chen Feng has never forgotten the last time the fifth prince humiliated him.

In his heart, murderous feelings!

At the beginning, Chen Feng swore an oath to kill the fifth prince!

After the arrival of the fifth prince, a figure swept up in the crowd, and beside him was whispering something, which was obviously what happened to Chen Feng just now.

After listening, the fifth prince looked at Chen Feng with indifferent eyes, looking down, but his expression was a bit hesitant and didn't say anything.

Seeing what the Fifth Prince looked like, the Lie family was immediately anxious, and Mrs. Lie screamed: "His Royal Highness, what do you mean? Don't you care about our Lie family?"

The fifth prince looked at him with an indifferent voice, with a hint of mockery in it: "Your Lie family mentioned to me that as long as I resolve your crisis, you will fall to me."

"Your Lie family fell to me, it means that a considerable part of the hidden family also fell to me, but this price is not enough to turn me and Chen Feng, and such a thousand cups of future genius!"

"The price," he said slowly with a smile on his mouth, "Not enough!"

Hearing these words, both Mrs. Lie and Lie Bowen's faces turned pale. They did not expect him to be so ruthless.

"What about my daughter?" Madame Lie suddenly exclaimed as if she had caught a straw for life, "My daughter was betrothed to you as a concubine!"

Lie Muyan also looked at the fifth prince pleadingly.

There was a disdainful ridicule among the crowd: "This Lie's family, it's really a job, and even this trick is used to deal with Chen Feng."

"Yes, not only does it mean that part of the hermit family submits to the fifth princes, but also promises all their daughters to be concubines!"

"Which one of us eldest ladies from aristocratic families does not marry someone else to be the wife of the house? How can there be any reason to be a concubine? What a shame!"

"Bah!" An old man murmured unremittingly, spitting on the ground!

"As for your daughter," the fifth prince showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Lie Muyan, and said lightly: "Isn't he just a woman? What's the deal?"

"Such a woman? What I have is, it is not rare at all!"

Lie Muyan's figure was shaky, his face was pale, and his face showed extreme pain and humiliation.

She was severely humiliated in front of tens of thousands of people, and she was still humiliated by her fiance.

Suddenly, she looked at Han Yu'er, and her heart was full of envy and jealousy: "Why? Why does she have such a strong, handsome and talented junior, love her, love her, cherish her, and cherish her!"

"And me, my man, actually treats me like a torn piece of clothing, throw it away if you want!"

The members of the Lie family were completely desperate, and the fifth prince obviously did not want to turn his face with Chen Feng for them.

At this moment, the four masters of the Four Hou Mansion suddenly looked at each other.

The corners of Tongtianhou's mouth moved slightly, and a very thin voice came into their three ears: "Everyone, now may be the last chance for our four great mansions."

"If we still can't grasp it this time, we won't have any power to fight back in front of Chen Feng in the future. When Chen Feng is free, we will all die!"

The other three Hou Ye also nodded together.

A smile appeared at the corner of Tongtianhou's mouth, and he suddenly roared: "His Royal Highness, as long as you kill Chen Feng, our four great mansions are willing to submit to you!"

"What?" Hearing this, the onlookers were shocked.

In the next moment, they let out a sneer of disdain: "These four great mansions are really good enough to make them, they have all fallen into this situation!"

"No way, who told them to offend Chen Feng before, they offended it too harshly. If they haven't done anything yet, they can only close their eyes and wait for death!"

At this time, upon hearing this condition, His Highness the Five Princes was moved!

The four Hou Mansions, each with a million soldiers, are stationed on the frontier, and they are extremely powerful outside the capital!

If he wants to win the throne, if he gets their help, he will surely be even more powerful!

The fifth prince took a deep breath, nodded slowly, smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take care of today's affairs!"

As he said, he turned his head, stared at Chen Feng, and said lightly: "Chen Feng, you heard, now there is nothing wrong with you here, get out!"

Chen Feng stood still, staring at him, motionless.

The fifth prince frowned. In his opinion, he did not kill Chen Feng, but only let Chen Feng get out, which already gave him a lot of face.

He reprimanded impatiently: "Chen Feng, I said, I'll take care of this! Get out of here! Don't entangle here anymore!"

As he said, he waved his hand impatiently, like driving away a fly, with extreme contempt.

Chen Feng stared at him, his eyes cold.

The fifth prince turned around and talked and laughed loudly with others, without paying attention to Chen Feng at all.

It seemed that he felt that when he said that, Chen Feng should immediately abide by the order and get rid of it quickly.

He said a few words, turned around, and saw Chen Feng still standing there, his face was suddenly gloomy: "Chen Feng, are you going to get off? Did you not hear what I said? Do you dare to disobey my orders? "

Chen Feng sneered: "Why don't I dare to defy your orders?"

"I am a prince, you are a minister!" The fifth prince was furious and shouted loudly: "You are a rebellion!"

Chen Feng looked at him, then his gaze swept across the faces of the tens of thousands of people who were watching, with his head held up and his face upright, he shouted:

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